5 Songs essential to learn the piano

You want a new song on the piano, but it is locked to learn. You can not think of a song that you want to learn. I have a list of 5 essential songs on the piano, all players should learn and share at some point. So if you're short of something to learn, why not consider one of these.

I chose three songs for beginners and two for the more experienced players, so players of all levels can find something.

Hey Jew

Most of us have heard this classic BeatlesSong. Opening with piano chords straight is one of the best pop songs ever written is on the device. While the song sounds complex it really is not that difficult for beginners to learn some songs already. Once you know, to understand the agreements, the reason is not that difficult.

Do not Stop Believing

Some people see this song as a cheese, I personally like. These pop-rock stage band was probably the biggest hit of the trip. E 'covered by manyBands, including the hit TV show, Glee, and also used as an outro to the last episode of the HBO television series, the soprano. The intro is very fun to play and if you bring a song as you play the piano is a fun you're singing too.

November Rain

Probably not an easy song to learn for beginners, but Guns N Roses November Rain was and is a great success for the band and the most important pianists of Axl Rose. This is a beautiful piano during the verses andcontinues through the song. Here you can find versions of this song to play online in a slimmed down version piano solo.


Another great tune by The Beatles, Let It Be is a staple food for all beginners. Hey Jew like this song sounds more difficult then play it actually is. The arrangements are quite simple and there are too many difficult parts as well. If the basic piano chords online and then you hear the song a few timesprogression to pick up one by ear.

Bohemian Rhapsody

If you think this song can not remember, like a melody of piano, as always, a live performance of this song and you'll see Eddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, playing the piano with a good part of the song. There are online versions can find partners to create some simple piano song, while the guitar parts of the complex.

This is another song and great singingTo play if you do it in the position.

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