Biography: Horn Elliott Blass

The name of Horn Elliott Blass might be very common in London, he's the CEO of Millennium Capital Partners LLP is the. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in architecture. He currently holds the position of a portfolio manager focusing on credit-related strategies and the heads of all trades in London. Meanwhile, he is clutching the Board of several numbers of the Millennium Society, one of themKCPS.

Before him was a link with Millennium was founded in 2005, in Cross Asset Management. Within this period, the job Mr. Horn founded and directed the project Blass Cross Credit Fund, the European fund of long and short of $ 200mm. He has more experience of groups based in London, New York and Hong Kong for seven years at Salomon Brothers in various fixed income securities.

Horn Elliott Blass was a man of great courage. He left his job in SchroderSalomon Smith Barney, known as SSSB team building the European Higher Education to open his career as a fund management. He put her up as the leader of the European Union high-performance, even if it has up to six years, the relationship with the company. He adjourned the establishment of the fund venture with a former colleague, Joe Manheim. This man was also a manager of distressed debt portfolios at Salomon Smith Barney, but left the company as a consultant for the capital areMarket risk.

Both men are impressive, a European bond market with the U.S. asset manager built Swarthmore Group. How to Philadelphia, Swarthmore is the name of Europe. This fund by Mr. Blass and his trumpet two finds wider Credit Fund and others, the European high-yield bonds. He said he saw a pool of incredible opportunities in the European high yield and had some investors in the United States of Americaanticipate, to get involved. So basically his new venture is supported by the United States. His journey to the team SSSB has been a great two years and that has to create something of high gradually as one of the best insurers for a slow increase in his work. His left hand for the replacement of his position as Paul Young, co-leader out of U.S. high-grade syndicate at SSSB.


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