Review of the ink film

This is a strange surreal science fiction film that follows is the rest of the world do not see, but for our dreams and sometimes nightmares.

First, flashbacks of a very busy businessman Chris Kelly John, who was recently divorced from his wife, played, and spending time with his daughter Emma Quinn played at Hunch reluctant to play their games, says the mother is much better suited to him, but notFinally, she joins in the fight against the "invisible monsters" who came, it was to kidnap.

Later you will realize the game was a preview of what will happen, because it is a monster that have come and kidnap.

In the evening some interesting creatures materialize on the street and go all the people at home, first ask yourself what is happening on the ground. Shortly after, if all goes to sleep, and Emma has to calm her grandmother sleeping somewhereSnoring, as soon as you see the hand on the forehead of the people whose homes are in, and the smile did not go unnoticed there for a quiet and relaxing holiday dreams, the person responsible for peaceful dreams Emma played by the batter beautiful Jennifer allele was observed amused while Emma did, as if the snoring.

materialize after a short period, some other beings (nightmares), and the ominous mood that surrounds them, it is clear that theyare responsible for nightmares.

Soon to be a materialized, and goes into the bedroom of the girl in the beginning, and puts a hand on his forehead, he wakes up now, or wakes up in her unconscious dream state (she is still sleeping in the real world), some of the good to be materialized and it is a struggle for everyone, where everyone is trying to stop the monster from the girls, apparently destroyed during the battle of plant and equipment, allreturns to its original shape and place in the real world, which to some extent, how this is going on makes the dream world.

The monster gets the girl and as clueless as we all are the reasons in the end it turns out it was a "Drifter" is the ink, someone who is dead and moves in this surreal world without end, and with a hood to cover his scars to form, hoping that the girl, the leader of the nightmares to take in other to be one of them.

Meanwhile, the essenceresponsible for the good dreams (storyteller), the aid of a blind "Pathfinder" Jacob asked to make plays Jeremy, to help them locate the girl, in which the ink is, he hits it out in the real world and his father that his father is the key to saving his life, because apparently in the real world is now in a coma, and when the ink below it, the leader of the nightmare of being able to die in the real world, allele, Gabe played by Eme Ikuakor, and will be played by ShelbyMalone ventures in the real world, but no one can see, can not influence physical thing in the real world. Another Liev Storyteller study done by the lovely Jessica Duffy ink, and after a brief battle Ink catch and she is the girl who, together with the leader of the planning nightmares.

It 's a fascinating story of science fiction with an updated version of the genre, with an equally emotional tension throughout.

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