Walking holidays in Port Macquarie - Where, where travel

To say that Port Macquarie has access to some good opportunities for hiking, perhaps something of an understatement. Port Macquarie holidays make the most of a beautiful location. Look at all these great national parks and nature reserves.

Werrikimbe National Park

With a lot of different animals and plant species, this World Heritage wilderness is perfect for hikers Hardy. Serious hikers may want to refer to Werrikimbe Trail, which runs through the canyon,River Falls and Hastings. Resident wildlife, including koalas, brush, and Turkey can be flowed It can be found if you are lucky. Other walks can also be considered. Shorter walks are also available, from which a number of picnic areas and campgrounds that dot the park. is an old Aboriginal initiation site is also available in the parks. Werrikimbe National Park is located inland, is located in a west-northwest of Port Macquarie.

Willi Willi NationalPark

Close Werrikimbe National Park, this mountain rain forest of the park. Water of beauty can be appreciated, with the attractive park on Wilson River. A waterfall that flows can be found after a stroll along one of three rainforest walk his way into the park. Included in the park are the 1,100 meters and Mount Kemps Pinnacle Banda Banda.

Dooragan National Park

This downtown park on North Brother Mountain, the last resting place of Dooragan,one of three brothers, people die in an Aboriginal legend. The rainforests and eucalyptus greet visitors, and is simply walking 30 minutes to several hours of hiking with some steep challenging, there is something for everyone. If you can enjoy on the summit of North Brother Mountain, beautiful views of the coast. Koalas, gliders and bats also enjoy the parks.

Boorganna Nature Reserve

This is one of the oldest in New South Wales "Nature reserves, established in 1904. A pleasant walk through different types of rainforest leads to the falls viewpoint Rawson. Magnificent views of the falls and the surrounding bush is out of this place had. Details of the rain forest is signposted on the road. While this is an easy 1 km walk, you leave a picnic and barbecue area visitors, a day of it.

Boorganna is located 60 miles southwest of Port Macquarie.

Swans Crossing

Located inKerewong National Park, Swan's Crossing the starting point for walks in the forest and regenerating native hardwood plantations on what a herd of cattle until 1964. It is worth adding to the route runs near Longworth's Heritage Tramway Walk the original 1913 recording tramway, where timber was delivered to Camden Haven River, on which they sat their driving to a nearby mill.


There are many great National Parks for avid hikers in Port MacquarieRegion. Because some are in different directions, stay in the town of Port Macquarie correct is a good starting point for Fanning every day in different places. This is also the added benefit of the combination of trekking to appreciate what the city Port Macquarie has to offer - local attractions, restaurants and a beautiful beach. A hotel with spa treatments and massages are just the thing to relax and rejuvenate tired limbs moved. Mercure Hotel Centre offers this kind ofservices of comfort.

Port Macquarie Accommodation puts you right in the city. You can then explore these trails nearby.

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