Joseph and the economy was Joseph, a servant of God, or a pawn of the Pharaoh?

Joseph, grandson of Abraham is one of the heroes of the Old Testament. He resisted the temptation to interpret dreams and showed extreme loyalty to his family and God regardless of circumstances. He saved Egypt and the Israelite people from hunger, and is recognized as part of the "Faith Hall of Fame" in Hebrews eleven chapters. Has the freedom of Israel, and he was truly a servant of God Let's take a look at the enormous possibilities, Joseph was used and a closeExamination of its economic policy.

Joseph's Early Years

grandson of Abraham, Jacob had a pretty interesting life. One of his most popular activity was when he "fought with God." He remained quiet fight and not let go of his opponent until he received the blessing (Genesis 32:22-30). Jacob had twelve children. His eleventh son, Joseph was the first of his wife Rachel. Rachel was Jacob's special woman, when she worked 14 years with her husband to be (Gen 27-29).So Joseph had a special place in the heart of Jacob.

In his later years, Jacob and his descendants seventies, not counting the children of married women who have left their homes in Egypt (Genesis 46). Years later, left Egypt as a nation of perhaps three million. The large crowd that Joseph had gone to do with the formation of the nation of Israel largely neglected.

Take the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter thirty-seven. When Joseph was about seventeen, his father Jacob made himadorned with a beautiful dress. When his brothers saw that they were jealous and could not say a good word for him "(Genesis 37:4). And Joseph dreamed a dream in which he saw) and his brothers were sheaves of wheat, when suddenly his sheaf arose and went, while his brothers sheaves gathered around him and leaned on it (Genesis 37:5-8. Then he had another dream. This time he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bow to him (verse 9). As a young andmissing "label family," she went and told his family to these dreams. To put it mildly, his brothers did not appreciate. His jealousy and anger grew louder and louder.

Some time later, during his ten older brothers) were made of willow flocks of her father, Jacob (whose name God of Israel said to Joseph to go check to see how his brothers were doing and report back to him . When his brothers saw their "favorite of his fatherSon is in the distance they planned to kill him. " Here comes the dreamer ... Now come let us kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a wild animal has devoured. Then we'll see what his dreams he shouted: "E '(Genesis 37:17-20). Their anger reached a boiling point and took most of his life. Except for the intervention of the firstborn of Israel , Ruben, Joseph was just as dead

First day in Egypt

Reuben plan, though short ofKill Joseph was bad enough. The brothers stripped him of his tunic and threw him into the tank, probably to die of hunger. Around this time going through some Midianite merchants. Joseph's brother Judah had the bright idea to sell, rather than let it die. So his brothers pulled him up and he was now sold for twenty pieces of silver, an average price for one-year-old boy at 17. Joseph's life was spared. If these Midianites arrived in Egypt, was aboutand sold him to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard. The Lord was with Joseph and prospered a lot. Potiphar, who was probably a very rich person, because Joseph was blessed and that all its activities were prosperous. Potiphar made Joseph his companion and care at all that he had entrusted to Joseph.

One day, the wife of Potiphar, Joseph's love, has tried to lure him into a relationship with her (Genesis 39:7). This bold actionJoseph traumatized. After the convictions of loyalty, honor, and do what was right, he refused. He would not give up though and continues to pressure. How to keep Joseph out of his grip broke and fled, they managed to hold his coat. This was enough to write for them, and invented a fictitious charge of attempted rape. Potiphar was furious when he heard the story, and Joseph was in prison (Genesis 39:8-10). If you think about it, but this seems ratherlight punishment for a crime against a spouse senior Egyptian official. O Potiphar trusted Joseph more than his wife or we have another example of God's intervention.

In prison, Joseph was again the light of the Lord. With the help of God, interpreted dreams and was for all those stuck in prison.

Joseph and the Pharaoh

Throughout history, we know that the Pharaoh had two dreams remarkable. These abnormal dreaminghim very much. Not able to understand it called for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. No one could interpret dreams. Then the chief butler, someone whose dream Joseph is understood and explained, in prison, said Joseph and the Pharaoh suggested as a possible interpretation. Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the known world at the time, Joseph was soon joined him. He told Joseph that was heard saying that he is able to interpret dreams. Josephreplied that he had, but that God to Pharaoh the meaning of dreams, so full credit where it belongs.

Pharaoh then proceeded to describe his vision to Joseph. He said that in his dream he was standing on the banks of the Nile, when he saw seven cows out of the water, fat and be healthy. After them come saw seven other cows. These have been very different. In fact, they were thin, thin and ugly. Pharaoh said that he had never seenugly cows in all Egypt (Genesis 41:19). And to finish it all, the lean people ate healthy and beautiful. But even after having eaten the cows look good, it looked as skinny and ugly as ever!

The king of Egypt, the second dream he saw seven ears full of wheat growing on one stem. Here are seven other heads. These tips were dry and thin. Shortly before his ears full of grain as thin heads swallowed.

Joseph told the Pharaohtwo dreams were the same thing. He said that God had revealed to Pharaoh that the seven good cows and seven ears seven years to produce good, representing seven years of plenty, while the seven ugly cows and seven ears were useless for seven years of famine. Seven years of plenty came good in all of Egypt, followed by seven years of famine. Joseph went to Pharaoh to say that the years of famine would be so strong that the yearsof great wealth would be long forgotten. He also told Pharaoh that God does not hesitate to jump to that conclusion.

Joseph and Pharaoh's Response Action Plan

The first thing Joseph said Pharaoh, but to make a wise leader of the country and take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven good years. This person was to see that these twenty per cent of production in the reserve has been saved for the bad years. The grain was stored inTown of food. You may wonder why one fifth will be a seventh. As we then see the additional amount Giuseppe to other countries and used for food. The company seemed very good to Pharaoh, and he appointed Giuseppe risk managers of this great and bold. Pharaoh knew a good plan, when he heard!

Remember to buy the position of Joseph. He had given the enormous power in Egypt, second in command who was regarded as "God" on earth. Pharaohsaid that "only in relation to the throne I more than you" (Genesis 41:40) and "I hereby put you in charge of all the land of Egypt" (verse 41). He put his ring on his finger to Joseph, dressed in linen clothes (a reminder of his coat of many colors?), A gold chain around his neck and left him in a chariot as his second in command (42 drive verses -43). Joseph, who was only 30 years when he could easily get a big event of an inflated ego too, butthat does not seem to be what happened.

As God foretold by the sight of Pharaoh's had seven years of plenty came and went, followed by seven years of famine. There was a shortage of grain in all countries, but had also received as a result of the vision of God, Joseph, there was food in Egypt saved. Like the Egyptians, the agony of hunger cried to Pharaoh, who began to feel addressed to Joseph. Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians. In fact, manyCountries came to Egypt to buy food.

The plan as it begins to unfold

When it came years of famine throughout the world, the people of Egypt had food, thanks to careful planning and execution of Joseph. "When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened the warehouse and grain sold to the Egyptians ... All the countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph ..." (Genesis 41:56-57).

Let us pause here for a moment and realize that some of the immediate measuresElements that Joseph took.

He has taken up the production saved in cities
He introduced a system of taxation of the Egyptians
If people need food, which was sold back to them

The first three are kept for at least the Egyptians from starvation or severe suffering. save other countries who came to Egypt for food. In other nations, the Israelites, Jacob's family. The story of how Jacob made starts in Genesis chapterforty-two. "When Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, said to his sons:" Why simply deepen each other? "He continued:" I heard there was grain in Egypt. Go there and buy for us because we can live and not die "(Gen 42:1-2). I really do not think that Jacob wanted to send his children to Egypt, but had little choice.

Ten of Joseph's brothers went to buy cereals. Jacob did not send Benjamin, the youngest son, for fear of what might happenhim. When he arrived in Egypt and was the presence of Joseph, ten folded down, probably for fear of an attack with his brothers. Joseph recognizes them as his brothers, even though the brothers do not recognize Joseph. One might ask why they are not able to say that it was his brother. We must assume that more than twenty years had passed. They also had absolutely no expectations of Joseph decorated with the right hand of Pharaoh, and adorned with rich like they neverseen before. That does not notice how his younger brother is certainly reasonable.

Joseph accuses them of being spies come in an area not protected. The brothers insisted that was not the case. They said: "Your servants are twelve brothers, sons of a man who lives in Canaan, not anymore. The youngest is now with our father, and is one "(Genesis 42:13). Joseph responded by showing them that they are not spies, they need to get back with her youngerBrothers. At this time the brothers began to feel guilty, believing that it would be first punished by God for the way they treated Joseph. Joseph did the dozens of free one of the brothers with him, leaving the rest behind. Simeon was the one who was related to Joseph and needed to stay. Simeon was scared as well, I do not think he was bad, while the rest of the clan was treated at home.

As the brothers were about to returnwithout the knowledge of them, he ordered Joseph to fill their sacks of grain and silver again in their sacks. It contained provisions for the return journey too. When they returned to Canaan, and told the story of Jacob, was crushed. The risks of Benjamin were again involved with the other scary. After incessant prayers of the brothers, and after eating all the grain, if that was her father sent her to regain some food '. He realizedthat it can run options and reluctantly sold to Benjamin, to go with them.

When they reached Egypt, and as they approached the steward Joseph admitted that he took the silver for the first time, somehow was put back in their bags. They offered him again with the silver Add more food. Surprisingly, the manager gave them a warm response. He told them that their God, the God of their father was the treasure will be provided in their bags and their silverfirst started was received. Then he brought Simeon out to them, to their great surprise, was treated well.

Joseph had gone, when the brothers was the second time. When he came back and met with the eleven bowed before him in honor. This may be related to the memory of Joseph had a dream he had as a teenager when the eleven stars bowed before him. His brothers told him that his servant Jacob, their father was still alive. Then he saw his youngBrother Benjamin. Memories of dreams, his childhood, his father and his younger brother, probably came to him in an emotional avalanche. He apologized in a private room and wept.

Joseph said the operator of the center, once again men fill sacks with as much food as they could carry and put every man's silver back. He also said putting his assistant Giuseppe private life silver cup in his sack's mouth Benjamin. On the morning of the eleven were turned away. Not long after his own wayJoseph said to his manager to go to them and the silver cup. Of course, if the Egyptians caught her and took the cup, were the children of Israel, dazed and frightened. Again, were brought back to Egypt and one in front of Joseph.

The second in command in a position to control any longer. He left all his companions. He cried so loud that the Egyptians could hear in the distance. Joseph finally revealed to his brothers who he was. ChildrenIsrael were really afraid and asked me what kind of treatment could be for them in Serbia. Joseph responded differently than expected.

It was not who sent me here, but God made me father [an honorific] Pharaoh, all his household and ruler of all Egypt Lord. Now back to my father in a hurry and tell you that this is what your son Joseph says: God made me lord of all Egypt. Come down to me not delay. E 'living in the area of Goshen and is closeme - you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds and everything you have. I will be there for you, because five years of famine to come. Otherwise, you and your family and all belonging to you will become destitute. "(Genesis 45:8-11).

Joseph told his brothers to Egypt to bring all the families of Jacob. He offered the best feature (Genesis 45:18), the region of Goshen, and assured them that eat the fat of the land. L 'Tribes of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, were now destined to live in Egypt.

Continue famine and Joseph's Next Actions

When the Israelites left Egypt, things were a little 'intimidating at first. The famine was still very heavy. Joseph collected the money that was in Egypt and Canaan in payment for grain. Note that the grain harvest has not been returned to the people was, was sold to them. Now, of course, there is some justification in thisas it took time and effort to save and protect products, as we need money to run a government. If people's money away, came back because Joseph mercy. Joseph then told them to bring their cattle, their property, in exchange for food. They had no choice.

If the people of Egypt and Canaan, the money ran out, all the Egyptians came to Joseph. "Our money is gone!" they cried. "But they give us food or we will die before your eyes!" Joseph says:"Because your money is gone, bring me your cattle. I give you food in exchange for your cattle." So they brought their livestock to Joseph in exchange for food. In exchange for their horses, sheep, goats, cattle and donkeys, provided Joseph with them food for another year. (Genesis 47:15-17 NLT)

We need to understand is how valuable livestock. It 'was the equivalent of today's plants and factories. Livestock produced the products that have been requested, such as milk,Eggs, meat, hides and skins. And do not forget transportation! Like the people of their precious livestock, they were less able to take care of themselves and more dependent on central government. And all the time of Pharaoh was more powerful and richer.

What was that?

Now the Egyptian government controls all the money, whether gold or silver, and also controls, factories and transport properties.

But this year, was completed and the nextYear came back and said .. "We can not hide the truth from you, my Lord, our money is gone, and all our animals and livestock are with you, we have nothing, but to give our bodies and our land. Why should we die? Before your eyes buy us and our land in exchange for food, we offer our country and ourselves slaves to Pharaoh to put our grain, so that we can live and not die, and so the country is not too boring and empty.. Then Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh. AllEgyptians sold their fields to him, because the famine was so severe, and soon all the land belonged to Pharaoh. (Genesis 47:18-20 NLT)

People were desperate now. They were with their precious land, the last of their possessions and themselves. They had to know what is at stake. They realized that the offer would have taken me as their slaves. This was their last song of freedom, but they had no choice. It was their last resort for life. Joseph boughtall the land of Egypt for Pharaoh. "The Egyptians, a sale and all their fields, because hunger was too strong for them" (v. 20 NIV).

We read of Joseph's next step in verse 21: "And for the people, they removed to the city from one end of which the border with Egypt on the other end" (KJV). Clarke's comment provides a good explanation, pointing out that it was very likely that Joseph was influenced by a political motive in removing the people in the city,but only by a matter of humanity and care. Because the corn was in the city has found it convenient to put them to the place where they could easily be fed, each within reach of a simple distribution. Then the country could afford no food was given for the time that the people in which the provision could be deposited fed.

After the famine was over, Joseph reminded the people who bought them and theirLand Pharaoh (Genesis 47:23-24). Now it was them and had to sow the land with him. When harvest time came, twenty percent of the pharaoh to give as a tax. Giuseppe putting people to work with the expectation of a return to the country. Although they were now working for the government of the territory to the government.

So what's the verdict on Joseph economic plan?

treated in reading this last section on the way Josephthe economy of Egypt and their subsequent impact on people could be left with mixed feelings. Joseph was a hero or a goat? He was a friend, or a figure of Pharaoh? It had to be gods or not? They earn good questions, further exploration.

In summary, what did Joseph

1. He has taken up the food stored in the cities, not necessarily where people lived.

2. If people need food sold to them.

3. When they ran out of hardJoseph currency traded food for livestock - their property - their lives.

4. If all their animals to Pharaoh, he was traded food for their property value. Every owner knows how difficult it would give up your property.

5. He moves people in central locations, reducing them to slavery.

6. He introduced a regular system of taxation.

In itself, this sounds rather harsh assessments. But this has to do Joseph?

1. HeEgypt to save the nation from starvation or severe suffering.

2. He did the same for the tribes of Israel and other nations.

3. It took Jacob and his family the best part of Egypt.

4. Storage of foods in central locations and moved the people in the city may seem a difficult thing to do, but we must recognize that hunger was at stake. The consolidation of the food and the population is much more effective means of distribution was possible. E 'was much easier forpeople to get food on the spot if you travel, what would have been in some cases, long distances.

5. He saved the people from the wrath of Pharaoh. What do you think Pharaoh would have done in times of famine, if he has a plan in place, like Joseph? I can imagine that someone who had food may have been murdered or tortured to give to Pharaoh and his officials.

6. These twenty percent tax rate was not likely to be proportionate. During the sevenYears of plenty "the earth produces bumper crops" (Genesis 41:47 NLT). This made enough provisions for Egypt over its neighbors.

Start a system of taxation can not I be a nice thing, but we need to consider the circumstances. At least three benefits from this product:

A control kept Pharaoh and his soldiers to decimate families and communities in their desire for food, money or property.
A flat tax rate will be a fair system of pay forpublic spending. Everyone pays the same amount.
This was announced by the Government of the Pharaoh is a good way to estimate the income from year to year. If the tax rate has been the forces that tend not to go wild orgies spending and demand what they want from the people to keep.

7. Joseph kept the family from whom the Messiah would be born.

8. He moved the people of Israel to the place where God would, many years later, his power in a way that could not demonstratedenied, a large crowd of people and offer lessons for all ages.

9. It is probably too much support to his boss, the pharaoh. At the same time, it was too offensive to the public. We see no record of slaughter or other serious abuse of power, which certainly could have used.

10. regulations of the State in this regard and in that time does not seem to be taken as a bad thing. It seems that the people he was grateful for the treatment and care that Josephprovided.

11. With the limited means of communication and transport available if it appears that the plan of Joseph was the best alternative under the time and circumstances.

And the long term?

This was a good long-term solution? I think it's made all pages of the Bible that slavery is not God's plan for humanity well. She did everything for the nation of Israel from slavery, was passed, free at the time of the Exodus.The message of Jesus throughout the New Testament belongs to freedom. He loved, such as those that were less than normal people and thought they treated with kindness and compassion. 8.2 to 3 in Matthew it says: "Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him." Lord, "the man said," if you want you can heal and cleanse me. "Jesus reached out and touched him." I'm ready, "he said." Be the Cure! 'And immediately the leprosy. "Jesus reached out his hand with this manLeprosy has struck a terrible scar in the first century, and healed him. He went throughout Galilee, teaching and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Jesus did not want people to be slaves of others, the system or the government. But once again, that the actions of Joseph? Joseph seems to have been connected to the control of slavery and the people and yet he was hailed as a hero in Hebrews 11. Joseph did what he was doing to save the citizensEgyptians and Israelites. This may be the only way for the nation from starvation, rampant disease, suffering and the power of Pharaoh and his henchmen could have been saved had. After the famine was over, Joseph began to return to the people. Genesis 47:23-26 Joseph said to the people of seeds Sun, which had their crop and could start again.

Conditions after Joseph

Joseph lived 110 years. This would have after 66 yearsfamine in September It reads that "In time, Joseph and all his brothers, died at the end of the whole generation. But their descendants, the Israelites had many children and grandchildren. In fact, they multiplied so much that they become more powerful and extremely satisfied with the land "(Ex 1.6 to 7 LUT).

If we find the story of the Israelites in Exodus 01:08, after the death of Joseph, we keep a completely different scenario. There have been about 200 years between the date ofFamine is over and the exodus and a new king "which knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8) came to power. The verb "to know" (blah - in Hebrew) is often used to mean "confirm" "economic" o. This king apparently rejected the state structure that Joseph had built. He feared that the Israelites had become a great nation (Exo. 1:10).

The new king put the slave of Israel, oppression of forced labor. We see no record of Joseph to do so. ThisPharaoh said to his people "the Israelites have come to us too, we have to deal wisely with them or are more numerous, and if war breaks out, our enemies will come together." (Ex 01:09 - 10 NIV). The Jewish people had to work terribly hard. The Interpreters Bible Commentary explains the term "deal wisely" to say that "deal wisely", as the library, instead of wisdom and exploitation appear to the Jews, who would break their spirits and reducethe number of hardness. There can be no doubt that Egypt has been at the time of the Exodus from Egypt, very different in the time of Joseph. One of the last acts by Giuseppe was recorded after the famine had stopped to give the seeds back to the people so they can collect their life and start all over again. Of course, I do not think that slavery is the preference of God The Pharaoh of Joseph could not keep things the way in which Joseph had to return the freedom to run thePeople. Of course, chose not to. The king had to make a choice whether to give more back to take the country's citizens or more. They chose to take more. Not so. We can not give conditions for the Israelites at the time of the Exodus to Joseph were.

The behavior of Joseph was criticized by some and praised by others. Most (including myself) believe that Joseph actions were God's divine appointments and all he could doPromote equity and justice in time and circumstances. He was awarded a servant of confidence in his actions, just and right. He saved the nation from total disaster, has kept the line of his family and the lineage of Christ. Adam Clarke said a comment from Joseph concluded that his conduct would have been prime minister of Pharaoh points to a profound and powerful politician consumed, the concepts of high-power which had brought him to each regular appropriationsdo to glorify his Lord, and at the same time, which he judged best overall for the people who rule. In my opinion, there can be no doubt that Joseph was a servant of God Almighty and performed his duties faithfully.

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