E-Gold charged with money laundering

Doug Jackson, Reid A. Jackson and Barry K. Downey by the U.S. government for the operation of the offending e-gold, digital gold currency http://www.e-gold.com private, illegal. Have operated in Melbourne have been indicted by a grand jury in federal court in Washington, DC She can be running an unregulated financial network offered criminals laundering illegal money.

Jeffrey Taylor, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and other Ministry of Justice. Employeessaid they expect the result, three in Washington DC at a later date.

A four-count indictment was handed to the collection of e-gold Ltd., Gold & Silver Reserve Inc. and owners Dr. Douglas L. Jackson, of Satellite Beach, Reid A. Jackson, Melbourne, and Barry K. Downey, of Woodbine, Maryland. A business without a license for conspiracy to transfer money to use, and each was charged with conspiracy to monetary policy instruments Lauder operating an unlicensed money transmitting business data andTransmitting money without a license in Washington, DC

The task force federal, state and local SU 2 1/2-years led by Secret Service in Orlando is operated in cooperation with the IRS, the FBI and other state and local police authorities. The attorney general obtained a court ordered search warrant and seized millions of dollars would. This has led to at least 58 account holders to view and the thought of many criminals and illegal money laundering operations even if the e-goldOperations.

"Douglas Jackson and his staff sophisticated and widespread international money remitting business unsupervised and unregulated by any entity in the world who have done allowed for anonymous transfers of value at the click of a mouse," said Taylor. "Not surprisingly, criminals of all stripes attracted to E-Gold as a place to move their money with impunity. As in the indictment, the defendants knowingly in this case, they could do so and profited fromtheir crimes. "

The indictment charged that "Egold" digital currency functioned as an alternative payment method and would be backed by stored physical gold. It is estimated that the customer is required only to an e-mail to open an account and that no other customer information has been verified. The indictment charged some customers to use fictitious names like "Mickey Mouse", "Donald Duck" and "No Name" and could lead to international transactions without governmentRegulation.

For this reason, it is a "grace payment" of investment fraud, credit card fraud and identity theft and sellers of child pornography on the Internet, authorities said.

A call to E-Gold and Gold & Silver Reserve offices of the founder denies allegations. Dr. Douglas Jackson, president and founder of E-Gold, on behalf of his fellow Directors and both companies vigorously denies the allegations, with a special exception to the allegations thattwo companies closed his one eye each, pay for child pornography or the sale of stolen identities and credit card information.

Dr. Jackson said: "In relation to child pornography, the government knows very well that their accusations are false, but this label statements are irresponsible and purposely damaging to demonize E-Gold in the public eye during the Inquisition, accusations . of witchcraft and heresy were used to sanctify torture and seizures ofProperties. In post 9-11 America, child pornography and terrorism serve as the denunciations of choice. E-gold, but as a matter of indisputable fact is the most effective of all online payment systems to detect and stop the abuse of its system for payments related to child pornography. E-Gold Ltd. is a founding member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Financial Coalition to eradicate child pornography.

E-Gold is the only institution of the Statedemonstrate with hard, verifiable data, a drastic reduction of such payments to virtually zero, while billions of dollars of child pornography continues to flow through other (heavily regulated) payment systems. [Most of the members, that is, all banks and credit card companies are also completely unable to estimate the quantity of such payments will be processed by their systems. eBay's PayPal subsidiary may have the ability to make such a decision, has refused to do so and has indicated theirdestroy payment records after two years.] Worse, the rush in August of 2005, as brave as NCMEC with law enforcement in the United States and began directly notifying e-gold of criminal sites via the CyberTipline, agencies discrete component of the SU Department of Justice its intention to knowledge of abuse of child pornography by e-gold investigators, subordinating actual crime fighting to a strategy, dirty e-Gold. "

Read more Dr. JacksonThe notification of refusal.

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