Simple steps to improve reading speed

How many times have you wanted to read faster? Back from a relaxing vacation, find your mailbox flooded with emails you do not have wished you could read faster and clear the confusion of information? Speed Reading is fast, due to the strong desire in order to enhance the reading speed of people.

Here are some simple steps to improve your reading speed:

Sight-when is the last time you visited the eye doctor and had my eyes checked? MostPeople who read slowly, probably have a vision problem. Get your eyes checked and correct vision problems before starting to improve your reading speed. Current reading speed - you have a reading speed test done? Before you try to improve your reading speed, set the limits fixed by the calendar zero current reading speed. This also helps to measure your progress as you learn to read the speed. If you do not like to do a test, read every line speed, you can nowwith a stopwatch. Read aloud a book in a fixed time and see how many words have been covered in the fixed time. This will tell you your number of words per minute. Distraction - how often you will be able to fully concentrate on reading without being distracted? The reading speed greatly improved since eliminating distractions. Find a quiet place lost in the first reading. Some people like to be in the crowd. In this case, we recommend using headphonesConnector, so that the noise around you are not disturbed. Reading material - to determine the speed of reading according to what you read? Sometimes reading is a compromise between clarity and speed. Suppose you're reading a column in a Sunday newspaper, it is likely that you want only the main idea. In this case, you can skip reading some blocks have not lost the essence of this article. This may not be true if you are reading fiction. Skim and scan - which isPre-reading? Let it be clear what information in the material you are trying to read. No matter what you read, there are a lot of this information, you can do it on, and yet understand the whole issue should be. Know what you want before you start reading helps you separate the useful information from the rest. Re-reading - you realize that many times we tend to read the same sentence again, to grasp the meaning? You can stop the train to re-read.Read this - not a small voice inside you read the text aloud to you? If your answer is yes, you are not dependent on the average reader of sub-vocalization. Just be aware of this habit of moving away from her. Word Blocks - What are your words blocks? We have all read words from clubbing in blocks. The larger the block of Word, the faster you can read.

These are just tips on how to master reading speed. At the end of practice and self-discipline alone will bring newHeights.

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