Because I love Bakugan Battle Brawlers

I have fond Bakugan ... I do not know what it is about trading card games. I have a soft spot for them. Each time a new once that catches your eye, I hear the roar of possession tingling hair on his neck.

My first love was the Star Wars trading card game, the man that I have some really good cards. I spent too much money at stake. I tried to kick the habit ... but it is not over. Furthermore, it was * cough * * cough * Pokemon is not the time of my proudestLife. Hero Clix was a blast, Yu-Gi-Oh card game that I had a little ', and I'm pretty sure I avoided the mania Digimon. Then I was finished. No more for me thank you very much. I just heard from my system. And then I met the new Bakugan Battle Brawlers game. This game combines the best of both worlds action figures and toys. My inner child screams of joy at the thought. What is Bakugan, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers originallya cartoon anime series that came in 2007. This is a rather banal cartoon says it all. Run of the mill boiler plate story, cliché characters and predictable end. In principle, special cards randomly rain from heaven, one day invent a couple of friends playing a game called Bakugan, it turns out, there is an alternate universe called Bakugan Bakugan where these are real. Their universe is out of balance and merging with our universe, and Dan Kuso (the protagonist) and his friends must battlesave evil Bakugan Naga universes. You win the Bakugan to go home, land safely. Nothing new or exciting here. Digimon basically repackaged and without the cute animal monster.

What to inspire, though, the game, the Cartoon accompanied. It is played in real life, more or less as you can see, the character played on TV. Less massive battles with monsters. The game consists of magnetic transformation Bakugan monsters that start out as balls, but ifMeeting of the magnetic card door, unfolding to reveal the creature inside. If you learn how to play Bakugan, you can look at the official site. There are all kinds of special shots and develop strategies in depth than is possible when you play this game. It was so popular, Toys R Us has hosted tournaments around the United States.

Another thing that makes it so enjoyable Bakugan is that the game is constantly evolving. Updates and new ideas come from all the time, and those responsible are veryinteractive with their community. What is the Bakugan game like? You will receive toys transformed marbles, cards and magnets!

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