Lesson # 2 on the Living and Dying: From my Canine Brothers

Dear Mr. Beezer,

Remember in those early days? We spend all our time together, even if I worked. After breakfast I had to go down the stairs to my office to start my day. It was not long before they were the stairs to negotiate their own technology and report to me at the office. It 'been here I've noticed a sharp contrast between your personality and Boomer. You and I together certainly a special relationship. Boomer has become a very busy dog. UPS wouldto monitor the trucks, the neighborhood kids and a variety of activities, from the front door. Squirrel, leaf blowing and regular patrols of the perimeter yard to his administrative duties. It 'was the dog on-duty DOD.

You, Beezer, on the other side of the store were classic dog. We used to laugh when we were this scenario to see on TV ... in a small town gas station always had a dog unleashed around lazily control of the operation. They are interested in a puppy as has beenwhite collar to my dog shop.

It 'was a surprise. I had not counted on your presence everyday in my office. Heck, I had not even considered a true office colleagues. The spontaneity of this gift, and its development over the years, the time spent in the office all the more important.

I was about to find a way to make my firm only more profitable, and my work days have been stressful at times. Prior to joining the two, I had been used by someoneanother for ten years, dealing with the pressures and challenges of a young lawyer in a big company. Dissatisfied with the experience and law firm lawyers who work for others, one day I called quits. This new business idea was happened to your arrival.

As my boss allowed me an enormous sense of freedom. E 'was scary, but I enjoyed it, 100 percent responsible for my own success or failure. I had to solve my problems and had none, but rely on me.

IYou will find daily commitment to 'Office of fermentation strange, contrary to my creditors fast specialized application of the practice. While I represent the banks and auto finance companies where accounts were in default, have always been by my side. I would be able to reach a major conference aimed perhaps even with someone, and then after the call down the race and the sleek black coat for a few minutes. There was a positive, solar energy on you. Even then, Iunderstood what a powerful resource that was in office, even if it did not know how you did.

At my office, guys had to maneuver the stairs to the basement and go through the room, where my colleague, Dave, also a lawyer, and Rhonda, my assistant paralegal, had their desks. Both quickly learned that this area was also home to the goodies. But you, Beezer usually head right for my office in the back and throw down on the carpet beneath myFeet.

Every day was a way to understand how to have fun and silly at work. Sometimes we had some really good jokes. I remember when I answered the phone one day with a cold call ...

"Can I speak with the decisions for your health?" the woman asked.

In my work best deadpan voice, said, "That would be Mr. Beezer, but he is busy taking a nap."

It seemed an eternity, when I heard a response from the woman andsomehow kept laughing. I look at you and you looked at me, smiled, and I could swear that blinked.

You, Beezer, also had an uncanny knack of timing, which would be the most talented comedian proud. Boomer loved his menagerie of stuffed animals and wherever possible we would like. We called his friends. He had never given much for this type of toy. Sometimes, however, you withdraw it and go around with that. The funny thing is how they wear it. Your teethwould handle the smaller, outer tip of the friend-usually one ear or tail. Your poor would keep the animal walked back and forth sway of your mouth like you. It seemed that the most stressful day of work, you may choose to go slowly built in the basement with a teddy bear dangling from his mouth, a glint in his eyes. Have you been a real ham. Their comic antics reminded me of an old man with an unfiltered cigarette in his mouth to speak, drink, chewing gum at allat the same time.

I will never forget those days, Mr Beez.

Next week: Lesson # 3 That Day at the Vet's office


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