Learn to play guitar online - Easy and cool songs to play on guitar

Today, anyone can learn to play guitar, and virtually any other instrument. It is not so simple, but on a professional or at least good, just play guitar on assimilating all the information you find on the web. However, learn some cool songs to impress your girlfriend or a specific target is not exactly rocket science. Therefore, I will emphasize at this point to learn some simple, catchy songs on the guitar, which will surelySatisfaction.

Lay Lady Lay Bob Dylan

This song can easily be played using a head, plus a very simple model collection. Structurally, "Lay Lady Lay" is composed of three stanzas. Each line has built a section "A" (the "Lay Lady Lay" part) in a chord progression repeated without the lyrics. The "A" is then repeated in the second line of the verse and is followed by a section "B", which lasts two lines before the verse with a degreelast repetition of the "A". "Lay Lady Lay" is certainly a catchy love song that you can use can also click on "special occasions".

Wild Thing by The Troggs

If you learn to play guitar as a hobby online, without a tutor, as another song that could be in a traffic jam is that "Wild Thing" by Troggs. This song is written in A major, and is about the chord progression (I - IV - V - IV), which is the basis for the main riff. When you hear the song in the originalVersion, you will notice that the guitars do not vote strictly middle C, and the development of slightly spicy strings make the song halfway between A and B. If you know the song, it is easy to sing as you play the guitar and this song is definitely a good impression.

Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple

This is one of the most famous rock songs of all time. It 's a great song to practice on guitar. The central theme, a four-note "blues scale"The melody is harmonized in parallel quarter. The song is all about the patterns of power and shape of the agreements. The opening riff is like a rope of food is the root. The easiest way is closed to play beginning with the first finger on the two notes as shown, but also to keep your fingers on these two tickets if you find it more comfortable.

As I have chosen another to learn to play guitar online, without teachers, like many, these are the songs that I started.But after a while, 3-4 songs simply were not enough, I have my private practice, working with a well made ​​guitar online tutor of the course in the absence of this, and my course has exceeded my expectations.

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