Free Jewelry is a Real Thing - Jewelry Home Show Hostess Success Tips

Sellers jewelry will sound easy to do, and has a jewelry show at home can be easy, but if you want to maximize revenue, and therefore the amount of free jewelry, you can earn from the show, then click on the following list useful check.

Select the date and time

can help date and time of your party jewelry sales increase. A month or two months before Christmas or Christmas gift for your guests can begin as early inThe purchase of humor. Book a good show for the time-out winter holidays can be difficult, however. I attended a jewelry show in early October and all-time booking available for holiday delivery have already been taken, we plan early if you want the extra boost of Christmas and holiday bonuses sale of jewelry. If you are lucky to be at a pool party in July, do not hesitate to book your show in November or December then!

The day of the week and the weather must be considered. During football season, Sundayafternoon party can be very good timing, with many women who escape from their armchair athlete men-folk for a few hours. Super Bowl Sunday could be an exception to this example. Saturday is often "day job" for women who work so late in the afternoon for drinks may be timely. A 3:00 or 4:00 start the clock, the last stop before going home to prepare for the evening. Saturday night can be a great time to host a party, depending on the mix ofInvite guests you are planning. If the invitees are available during the week may show the morning for the jewelry house is a nice change of routine.

In general, the duration of a party is two hours. Your friends may want to stay hours late, but it will involve the sale to pack up and go home after a few hours, and in general, is two hours, the time necessary to search for all samples in jewels, and orders.

Define the role ofHOSTESS

Once the party jewelry home shows booked, a few minutes to yourself and to define its role. Some field staff will provide you with invitations, postcards and a guide as you prepare for your show. be delivered at the opening, the hostess is expected that the e-mail their invitations. In a recent Silpada jewelry party, said the officials who needed only the guest list and addresses, and they would e-mailInvitations. This is less work and more convenient for the hostess, and the representative may their mailing list, at the same time to build.
You will be asked to promote his party to come. Do What You Do easily. Not everyone is PT Barnum.


The guest list must be carefully considered, especially with something such as jewelry, which is for most people, a luxury, not a necessity. Although there is no obligation to buy as soon as a guestcomes in and starts looking to increase the expectation of an order, and not all offer jewelry display items token for everyone.

If yes, who is looking for a source of income, knowledge, and who are eligible for sale, then you might want to visit to learn more joined the company as a sales associate. This can benefit the host, because many companies the hostess with products or extra credit if someone signs up to reward as a result of their show.

DrawThe names of many social networking sites, including employees, friends of the church, colleagues, teaches a group of employees, neighbors, family, friends, quilting circle, PTA parents or day care, and the like. A mix of people that adds interest to all. Expect about 30 percent of the guest list to your party, I encourage your guests to bring a friend. It 's also a good idea, catalogs for external contracts. Revenues would combine the many jewelry supplyCatalogs and order forms you need.

Home preparation for the show and nutrition tips

In general, the RSVP date at a jewelry show at home, 2-3 days before the event. This gives the host some time at home, the store clean and prepare foods and beverages. When you plan to serve it, the following guidelines may help. Keep the food easy to eat in a day or two bites. Do not serve food that requires a fork and plate. If both hands are busy, not the guests on jewelry, tryand active
Watching the display. Let your guests with a Bitesize pop brownie, cookie or carrot sticks with dip and keep shopping!

Not sticky foods, people are also the management of the jewels, and do not want them there with rubber buffalo sauce or sticky glaze.

Try a new recipe - if it's a shot then you get to hear the praise, and they will help with the conversation. If the recipe is a flop, it remains to feed the dog.

If it is right for youThis wine is tender, spiked punch and cocktails such as Mimosas, cosmopolitan or Peach Bellini. Hot cider with rum would be a welcome drink on a winter evening. These as well as coffee, tea and soft drinks will help your guests can relax a stressful situation. In addition, a festival atmosphere. It 's a good idea to limit the availability of alcoholic beverages.

Display Location

When you decide where the jewels found inHome, believes that food, as usual, will draw your guests. If you have an open area of ​​the kitchen and have food in the vicinity of the jewelry display is easy. If you live is best suited for the presentation of jewelry, then put the food in this space, with tables and a table for meals and drinks, and set up a folding table for jewelry. It could work, then in the opposite direction, and the centralization of food, while the spread of the jewels could across the room, but theshoplifting and is a logistical challenge for the sales associate. The main thing is to keep moving the flow of traffic and food and jewelry to keep your guests up and active, and less prone to the corner of a long search for catch-up chat.


Adequate lighting is very important for sales of jewelry. Make sure there is plenty of light to show the colors, details and precious stones and jewelry on display allowing guests to see clearly, even if they tryon the samples of jewelry. The next time you're shopping in a department store, boutique, gallery, museum or business, consider the lighting as it can provide a good model for your party.


Mirrors are a welcome to a gem show. Chances are the sales associate and he knows that will have a booth on the display table levels have, but it is advisable to have another one in the vicinity or be sure to welcome your guests can use in your bathroom or hallway mirror. Mirrors help sell jewelry,so be sure to let the buyer see how to wear a beautiful necklace or a pair of earrings.


If it is to associate the giving of instructions, your guests and the sale of privacy is necessary, so that a place in a separate room or in a distant corner, where he set up a table or work surface and a few chairs. This will allow for a discreet transaction.


Work as a hostess is a bit 'to open your home and cheer good offer. TestPeople to stay focused on jewelry, even if held side conversations. They live near the jewelry and keep the conversation in the area to help people stay in the area. You do not need to actively sell the product, but do what you set to prevent the sale specialists afloat on an iceberg office. Some music is not too high can help with cheerful mood, just as with any party.


Often during the stand-up presentation of the company andThe jewels are the sales associate to offer a door prize as an icebreaker. As a good hostess, with a small non-perishable items on hand in case of failure will be appreciated by the sales staff, and assessment. I attended a party where he had dissolved the door prize of a day of unusually hot chocolate. The sales staff have quickly with a cloth, instead of giving, but the owner wanted to consider a backup unit on hand as a small piece ofTea or coffee, or a small bottle of hand cream.

All in all, gain some 'planning and logistical considerations premium champagne jewelry sales strong.

Sales Associate TIPS

Trust - to ensure that the line does not guarantee that there are no problems.

Show time. Do not cover your visit.

They have more of a mirror.

Do you have a plan for flexible display, in which many different scenarios in the form that you encounter. Keep it simple so that itAssembly and disassembly in a short period of time.

Finely bear some of the gems from your inventory.

Dress neatly. Do not wear perfumes, many people suffer from allergies and perfumes can aggravate.

Keep your presentation short and to the point.

Try a few basis points to offer Cash & Carry, who do not want to wait to get an order. This may mean that a small amount of broth, but if they are moderately priced items soldthen you will not believe the long term.

Bring a folding table, right, it is necessary to ensure an adequate exhibition space.

Bring a lamp so you can be sure you have enough light in exactly the right place. Maybe use a lampshade for hanging jewelry, and add the light in the room.

With ideas for matching sets can increase sales. Not everyone has a talent for mixing complementary jewelry. If you can only do the revenues likely to you.

ProvidePromoting the exhibition of books, while the party. Be sure to place the host for bookings at the just reward.

Confirmation before the party a day to ensure the availability of your home.

You are limited to events at home, or corporate / workplace premises of something that you are willing to consider? Employees appreciate the opportunity to shop during their lunch break. This is especially true for those who are not in a position to leave their building during breaks. The medical community and schoolstwo examples.


Build your jewelry well enough so that you are sure to provide security at no cost.

If your jewelry is not unique, consider offering some limited edition pieces. Your customers want to buy something special, even if it costs a dollar or two more.

Make sure the token offering easily accessible piece of jewelry. The ideal would be to make the design of a piece in any category.

Buy your reliable components producer.You want to use as many of your most popular items can sell like you. A reliable source for parts when you need it.

Know your sales person. They want to be sure that the representative of your company, and appreciate knowing transmit their principal.

Keep your packing simple and attractive. Stock boxes with a logo printed or hot label of the name is enough.

If you have a catalog that shows images of the actual size and easy to see.

MakePrices formula ensures that flight attendants are well compensated for their time.

Consider using the program's options to raise funds. The non-profit organizations must increase all the way to save time for raising capital for their programs.

Be sure to thank the hostess to show their home. By creating a guest, you assign sales were at their house.

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