Protect your privacy online - online safe surfing

I assume that protecting your online privacy should not really be necessary, but unfortunately when you have more websites in the Community Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC), which states that ISPs should find all records visited all e-mail for two years, I fear, is necessary. I mean, what is the justification for the retention of such data, the need for governments to spy on 'all citizens are allowed to move under the guise of evil to stop a few online.

The United KingdomThe government wants to go much further and save all this information into a central database on the Internet for specific agencies. So I trust in my government to store and check this information - no chance! Do not worry about countries around the world actively its residents every step of online spying and European nations are in some respects, at least in the period up to find where.

So why do not I feel I must protect my privacy online?

To begin with Iwant to monitor on-line or being chased by my government for the most incompetent. I certainly do not buy this' Well, if you have nothing to hide "argument - that old lame excuse violated international contacts so that a few bad people can be arrested because ordinary people to be tracked and monitored the small chance that the file . odd criminals are caught? thought it would be nice to have a couple of pedophiles arrested, but it's worth the erosion of privacy and freedom of all peopleis not it?

The second point is that, who else is trying to access this information - and I tell you a lot of people, so hackers, identity theft, online scams, and more. Most of your activities on the Internet are completely clear and visible to interception - switching to plain text and most ISP protocols of each site you visit. Do you know who has access to your internet protocols your ISP?

The fact is that if we allow our privacy to be underminedLike all our information is less secure all our personal data. This is a worrying trend in this invasion of our online and offline and we should welcome this. Do you want our privacy, we are somehow trying to hide something to protect. Want to protect your privacy does not mean you are a criminal - should Mr Jones at number 37, happily married for 30 years has anyone to say they like pictures of women (or men) are studied inLingerie, 's business which is that Mrs. Smith last Tuesday blew the budget a week in online poker game?

Our freedom and privacy is important, but is quickly eroded when pursuing illegal websites and online communities by all means, but are not monitored all the people, customs, if we happen to be one of them. Identity thieves target this information already, and is maintained and controlled by a 17 year old student at the local ISP does notexactly fill me with joy, but can still be safer to let our governments to look at him. If you want to protect your privacy online, then you have a look at my page below - you do not know where I surf and what I do online, except me.

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