Golf travel companions

For the lucky golfers out there, and yes there is a distinct bitterness of my words, the time for you, come to dust off the clubs, pack your bags and head to warmer climes for a well-deserved break from winter. In your uncontrollable excitement and pleasure, all taken care to ensure your stay, there are some things you might want to consider before packing and leaving behind the rest of us.

Check the balls: agreement not as a lesson in anatomy, butInventory of your white brothers was a good idea at this time. Your first instinct might be to load your golf bag with all the Pro Vs put their hands. But be careful. Most airlines pay if the bag is over the allowed weight and can be more expensive than simply buying a few dozen at the destination. The rule is: do enough to get your started, a dozen or so, and if you have room to slide your hand luggage or suitcase, a fewSleeveless there. They do not want to end up shelling out $ 75 for golf balls with your logo on the course (which is the lack of planning on counting) game. Go online and see what they sell the pro shops for golf balls in the area you live. It can also be useful and risk than a dozen in a few.

Go Fancy: In most high-end resort and golf travel, dress code is more than one account. It 's a must! Do not beenter the location where you fall in the end, $ 200 on pants and a golf shirt because they were not prepared for the dress code. Unpack save a nice pair of pants and a couple of golf shirts collar is the embarrassment and most importantly, the resources necessary to solve Nassau's debt can go. Golf is one of the few sports you can play and never really elegant. Another good idea is to make the Web sites of courses you can play and visits to Packtheir clothing requirements.

Flea: your ivory skin has not seen any solar radiation in a bit 'so sunscreen is a must. Purchase "hands-free lotion for about $ 7 a bottle in most stores, golf pro. Wait until you get may cost twice as much. There is also a good idea, a few bags of tea (I once paid $ 10 for a guaranteed purse must end not enough of them in the round), a pitch fork or two (one for each, we forget) access, and a pair of golf gloves.Small trivial things can cost more or less in the long run the money well spent on a lap or two after the Gulf could.

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