Online drum tracks - Tips for Success

Congratulations for the recognition of an opportunity: you are involved in research provider drum tracks from an online rock drum track much of the technology today to something that you need. If with get (the same money, savings and time) the makes much sense.

For those who are already hip to the benefits of getting your custom drum tracks online, I will help you better understand how to make a good choice in terms of provider to go with.

But first, bear with me whileI review the way in which money and get your drum tracks online, you save a lot of time.

There is always the traditional way of doing things, which includes paying a lot of people and basically is this:

Rent First, a study, to be able to price depends on many things, including the study area in the study in more expensive areas are naturally more likely to charge higher rents. For a well-equipped studio, Pricesaverage of about $ 150 per hour.

Secondly, with the traditional method, you must have one or more sound engineer. Sometimes the same person directly to the microphone and run Pro Tools, Logic or any recording platform. But often there will be two technicians, the course throws at your expense.

the owner of the studio, and possibly two engineers: So far we have three people you have to pay so far. Add the session drummer to the mix and that minimizesthree or four people may have to pay you for your drum tracks. If your budget is unlimited, all right, but if you look at it) in order to save money (without compromising quality, of course, there is a better alternative: you can transfer your own drum tracks via the Internet in an online Session Drummer.

What a great moment in which we live, learn their technology as quickly and all the exciting changes that are seen with him. The possibility of not having the recording sessionsThe Internet is one of the things that seems very unusual, but now within a year or two are quite common. But for now this is a relatively new development and is in its infancy.

Okay, let me point: what a great blessing for his own need for their music drum tracks! Rather than pay someone to engineer a room in a studio, and engineer or pay, and pay a session drummer you can now pay a session drummer person online.This will save much money, and will not be coming home.

Send files of your songs to those who make your online drum sessions, which cover their own drum tracks, then send the individual drum tracks after they have paid and approved it. This is much easier to coordinate the programs of several people with you, and that means a huge savings in travel budget for a recording.

And if you're in Europe orCanada may be even more money with an American, that your drum tracks online, as the dollar is now very weak, and the exchange rate is working hard in your favor.

Okay, now that each of the drummer up to speed on the benefits of getting your drum tracks from an online session can be the point of this article:

You need to understand the options of choosing a supplier in the drum track online, you can discuss what to look forgood decisions.

Or should I say, what to listen, because the priority is great sound.

No matter how perfect an online session drummer playing the songs on one, if the recording quality is not a professional, the master level of quality is not good (whether your music will benefit from an artistically lo-fi drum sound).

Then you can immediately determine which compares to websites and online study to find out which offer customers the drummerwith a truly professional in terms of sound quality. And how do you compare websites, you will notice that represent the different levels of sound quality!

There are two main reasons for the discrepancy high quality of sound between some of these sites to download: Depending on the recording and the gear used and the different levels of expertise in sound engineering.

The bottom line is this: your ears can tell online, the difference between aStudio drummer with little experience in dealing with mediocre gear sound recording and sound engineering skills at the highest levels, the state of equipment of last generation. Logically seen, the online session drummer you must either own a car or working professional.

Most of the drummer, even though they know that some things are not professional engineers. On some Internet websites drum session you can really feel thatDone.

It seems that most of them are drummers that play well managed, but do not include professional-quality microphones. It seems as if I do not know much about the placement of microphones. Also, do not sound as if they had a good place to record

Many providers of online drum track does not have similar devices, and many have only eight or fewer inputs are available to them.

In essence, you may feel that there are many weak links in the recordingChain on some of these sites online drum track.

And then there are some places, the sound quality, which is more than acceptable ... but definitely still present as a quality demo master 'at odds. "

As we have seen, there are very few online drum track websites out there that really offer quality training, "Major Label" sound! As for Web sites that track for under $ 150 each way, I literally found only four that I likein this category.

These pages are obviously run by chain online session drummer, both technical professionals or with the help of a machine and use most of the recording quality, with no weaknesses in the recording.

The rest of the sites that this high level of sound quality may have heard of you guys like to run JR Robinson, fees for many because of their name to reach the office.

So your first order of business processesbe "discarded" to the lemon, which are open most of them.

Caution: Do not be deceived in the eyes listening, because some of the worst-sounding Web sites I found actually looked very professional and had a great presentation. But a lot of Flash content and visual presentation in general, have nothing to do, the drummer for use with online study.

In terms of price, you can suspect the sound quality of any charge less than $ 100 for each song. Go aheadand do your own research, I'm just saying that you get what you pay for. I found a site offering very smooth, looking for tracks for only $ 35 per song ... Wow, that is cheap, and it sounded really like the drums in a garage (and not in a good way).

My strong recommendation for each would spend what is necessary to master custom drum tracks of quality. There is still more affordable than ever before to do, because the meetings online. And if it means that your budgetholds together a couple of months, it will be worth it in the end.

Now that you understand how important it is to achieve major quality drum tracks (with no weak points in the chain of recording), the next item on the agenda at the level of communication that would be involved with each side can compare. choose

I noticed that some pages had filled out forms, several questions must come from an artistic considerations such as hand drums of the type ofMood is desired, or whether the approach was similar to that of a particular song or a drummer.

This is a great starting point, but, while some sites end there, other sites offer a real-time communication via Skype or similar programs that may address the session drummer and clients to connect to each other during the session registration.

Obviously, this type of device includes a large amount of communications and increases the likelihood of a get what you musically in yourDrum tracks online.

This can easily save money and, like all the sites I looked for extra charge, is often referred to as "mods" (change) or "re-DOS." That's all right, but with an excessive number of takes per song to do can be avoided by better communication of some of the listed securities.

Your last item on the agenda when choosing what online session drummer to go with the fun part: deciding which drummer wouldserve your music best!

Remember, when you start the game, but the sound quality is not a master of quality is not good enough for music like it.

Give your decision on the websites of the reduced level of high quality audio, you need only to hear the drummer playing, your songs, the musical process.

Of course, you want to listen and feel for things like the groove, the sound energy (as some kids are easy to run "movements "), dynamics, musicality of the parties, the support of voice, etc.

Can join: the choice of a provider of online drum track, you find a sound that tracks major, is one of the online session drummer you really dig, play, and is able to be with, to communicate effectively with you I hope in real time. I hope this article has been of help to you, and you're ready to make good decisions. Enjoy your creativity!


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