The female characters of 'Glee' - Defining Moments in Music

The popularity of "Glee," which is part of a lineup of quirky, lovable characters, it also has the musical numbers were, for example in the show unique. As the result of each character and brilliant personality, he or she carries the show, musical performances and their personal, often emotional pull these benefits have come to appreciate with the public what they really help define the characters and to keep fans Glee return to 'weeks' after the week.

The female charactersof "Glee" is a dynamic group: a combination of, happy and strong-willed neurotic personality. Here are some of their greatest musical moments in the first season of "Glee," along with a brief analysis of why this song choices are important for the development of their personalities and personal histories.

1. Mercedes Jones: "Bust Your Windows" in "Acafellas. This figure is of vital importance for the Mercedes plant as a strong black woman and a powerful voice, but alsoserves as a metaphor for his relationship with Kurt. After a brief melee Mercedes "and the confrontation with Kurt develops an unlikely friendship between the two.

2. Emma Pillsbury: Will "danced today I Could 'Night" in Schuester,. "Mash-Up" It' s clear that Emma and have chemistry, and this song gives viewers a taste of all that clear when the two were always one step could take friendship.

3. Fabray Quinn: "Papa Do not Preach" by Noah Puckerman in "Hairography. ThisSong marks a turning point for Quinn. Once popular with his life for the teenager, now pregnant realized how much things will change. Puck and duet sounds amazing and makes fans wonder if he had so effectively for the good of their child.

4. Tina Cohen-Chang: "True Colors" in "Hairography. Tina's first solo is right: it is always, as an individual, and sing this song that practice what he preaches.

5. Mercedes Jones"And I tell you I'm Not Going" in "Sectionals". Mercedes shows that Rachel is not the only one who has the chops to fly alone in his extraordinary performance of this song. He wants to be seen and heard, and it is certainly dynamic in this piece.

6. Sue Sylvester: "Vogue" in "the power of Madonna." Leave it to Sue to turn every little moment of weakness in a device as they do with their version of the classic Madonna. Here we show how explicit is the one and important factor, as it presents itself.

7. Mercedes Jones: "Beautiful" in "Home." Once again, reality imitates the music in this show comes to an end of an episode, in which Mercedes is struggling with the personal aspect. It sets aside self-doubt, and claimed that the body supple, powerful personality with his brilliant interpretation of hits from Christina Aguilera.

8. Santana Lopez and Jones Mercedes. "Laryngitis" The Boy Is Mine "in the audience see that Mercedes is not the only '> "Glee member with the attitude of the trend in this duet between her and Santana. Why Santana is not much front and center pieces of singing in clubs, the viewer can see a strong active role of the Cheerio.

Of course, all the female characters Glee''unique and fun to play roles in the success of the event. Above all, the number of dynamic music to connect to the popular character and the public and support the show freshSuccess.

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