Transition is looking for Aircraft to be moved, when cars fly - it's faster than you think

If you log flight hours and are now ten thousand dollars for a down payment, you seem to fly among the first to own and lead the transition innovative ® Boom extension Aircraft. Terrafugia Inc., began a joint venture of five MIT aeronautical engineers / inventors can make a version of the 21 century by the ingenuity of the brothers Wright. The company and investors report that the "flying machine" will eventually be produced in 2011. Terrafugia in Woburn, MA,not far from Cambridge-based MIT, where he worked with inventors.

The transition can be ® was developed to provide a vehicle you can drive to the airport set up, the wings of an upright, folded position, and fly to another city. removed after arrival at the airport, you will be able to convert the Transition ® Aircraft moved back to the highway mode and just beyond the rows of cars for everyday life, business travel booked pedestrian. Transition ® ownershopefully will be able to save on airport charges by parking the vehicles at home. They should also avoid a number of other costs and inconvenience while traveling for business or pleasure.

$ --- Latin for "escape from the earth" --- Terrafugia recently simplified the process for an order for the first transition ® vehicles out of the line, held on the trust account, deposits of $ 10,000 at a price expected around retail 194 000.

The successTest flight and landing of the transition to ® March 18, 2009, drew the attention and curiosity of many in the media. If Terrifugia, the same innovation in the marketing display that has been in aviation technology, so the transition ® Aircraft could be moved on the track, the star of the biggest Super Bowl ad ever.

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