Dealing With Willful Children

There are all personality types in children, and no child has the same temperament as the next. Some mothers have children who are quiet, calm and collected, while others are smaller that have moved more and create more air turbulence of a hurricane by the explosions at home. Dealing with children is not always easy to volunteer. Find tips to deal with rebellious children can be challenging, but here are some tips to try for the more tranquil time:

Learn to say no - and sayit

This may be the most difficult learning curve, but not himself say to teach your children is important for peace of mind. Headstrong parents who have children can easily, and sometimes it can feel easier to just give up and give in when you hold the floor. But stand firm on his decision to help is a must for children intentional boundaries, to respect that. Be smart, though, and follow our next tip - pick your battles.

Saving energy for the big battles

SinceManaging a child who has great strength of character can be hard work, save your energy for important things and let go of minor problems. Not a big problem if the child does not want the clothes you wear is selected, you can choose him or her everyday clothes, even if it does not match. It 's a great thing, but if the child decides he or she wants to use a sharp scissors or will in the street, rather than reach out to the crossroads. In these cases, hold your ground: nomeans no.

Find places with large open spaces.

Most of the time, children are more stubborn than enough energy left. You are running into the ground as you try your days of controlling spending and outsmart them. In reality, most children are always with strong irritation to the temperaments of the parents to limit ties - they feel "no" a lot. Find locations, such as large parks where children run free and use some of this pent-up frustration can. While running, playing and writingJoy first, they are more compliant when it's time to listen and behave.

Enter two choices, but no more

From the controlled, ordered around and told what to do something, there are strong-willed children can not (and are often exposed to), so that they can choose the topics easier. You can choose which snack they want, what clothes you prefer, such as toys, and are happy to be admitted to the possibility of the decision. Never Endmore than two ways to prevent option paralysis, or even to decide too many choices. And 'this or that, and that's all.

Take the Money and Run

For some reason, the most common place for children behave badly, ask for words in tantrums or melt is stored. Many parents shopping with a willful child to go about their business use of a screaming, crying child. Finally, the mall has to do. A better idea is to get everything at the first sign of bad behavior dropsand leave the store. The children soon learn that businesses are places where good behavior is a duty, or who would never set foot in one. Do not worry about leaving behind half-filled baskets, both writers utensils. If you feel too bad about the situation, apologizing Schreiber shop on the way out and let them know where you leave the basket. No need to explain why a child has protested loudly cut short a trip to the store.

In the end, sometimes it is to do everythingwhat you and your family. There is no perfect solution, as all the comments and suggestions are made to help people and not for general or specific situations. Do your best to take a deep breath and smile when you need even if you want to scream. If anything, tell yourself (repeatedly) that your child will grow out of behavior - and will have some excellent leadership for the nursery, too!

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