10 Essential Tips for a backup dancer

A backup dancer is a field with lots of competition. The fact is that many people do not realize what it takes to be a backup dancer.

The following tips will show you what it means to be a backup dancer for artists and bands need. It shows the skills that will help in the initial phase of the hearings through really be reserved for the work. Follow these tips and be ahead of the pack.

1. Talent: It 's right talent is one of the most important things.Spend plenty of time to perfect your skills, go to dance classes and the best you can. It will help you!

2. Conviction: No dancers was a great success, with no faith in his talent. Believe in yourself, if ever praised or shot only 5 hearings in a row.

3. Survival: Many dancers left the competition for the backup dancer jobs because they are not strong enough to be rejected many times. It takes perseverance always looking for directorsfor different things in different places of work.

4. Photo: The image is not a skill, but the creation of a marketable image "for himself is. Your photo must look good, whatever it is, and something that people look at and say, "Yes, I could see the dancers in this video."

5. Dedication: Dedication is needed to keep pace with the times if you practical thick or thin.

6. Stamina: music videos long days. You can from early morning until late at night of the shooting. Days of 12 hours or moreare not uncommon. The positive side is that normally be paid well.

7. Patience can be a lot of waiting around any shot, whether it shows, television movies or music video has to be. It takes patience because of course you can dance as a dancer. Often wait for the device from the dance than they really are.

8. Professionalism: A Guide to the work at hand with little effort. Dancers who argue or complain a lot, are not fun for the crew or artistsinterested in doing so.

9. Personality: A friendly personality and natural charm can work wonders. Some people seem to just be with all good and they are always very fun to have around. Not surprisingly, they often run out.

10. Good Contact: Stay in touch with agents, call-back on jobs and samples that have just come into contact with. This makes it easier to get booked and much easier for the people with whom you work.


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