Lessons in leadership from the Social Network: the pleasure and I think

The film, the social network is a powerful demonstration of how the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and his team began with a dream and a $ 1,000 start-up, he became the youngest billionaire in the world. At the time of writing, Facebook is estimated to be worth at least $ 50,000,000,000 th They have so far resisted the call to go public, and the turn financed by venture capitalists, or to be financed by banks and wealthy individuals, corporations, made in so that the founderZuckerberg had total control of society.

There are also many of the lessons that this movie can teach us the leadership and management team, and I will start with the first part three. Now that some details of the film exaggerated the level of excitement have increased, so that I would take all of this information with a pinch of salt and most of the lessons are part of the film itself, and not from real life.

So, in thisThe article, which you want to share the faith.

The desire and conviction

Do not be the vengeance of the emotional thing that feeds your passion. Zuckerberg bad original site was a viral game to take stock of women, because of the social network, has been shown that breaking up with his girlfriend. But he was on academic probation as the punishment provided for the server has recorded so many houses and towards the end of the film, it seemed that the womannot yet assigned. In the movie, Sean Parker, founder of Napster, with reason Zuckerberg created Napster, which like the girl that he could not play lacrosse, it was cool to boast of in its own way has been divided. Never had the girl in the end.

There is also a quote from the movie that the Internet is written in pencil, ink, however, in what we write, say or do is published on the Internet and displayed. Remember that there areConsequences of what you do and how to react to events would be to determine the correct result.

If your desire is for a valid reason, you would be able to achieve this desire by vertical faith. However, if the desire is maintained by negative reasons, it is likely that the effort would be useless.

Laser sights are focused on your dreams, because they will be reality.When Zuckerberg has become bitten by the creative bug, Facebook has worked on the project with full commitment. He was determined toGet It Started and it was not anything in its path. When other programmers on the code written during the development of Facebook, were "wired-in" and not be distracted by bells, and people are also questioned. Simply put, they close all the other distractions in order to achieve their goal.

You can target your dreams with a laser focus, by closing all the other distractions? Once the team must be aligned to the target, your team can do the same and beconcentrated, too?

Feel free to distribute not only your project and continually improve. Zuckerberg has never seen his completed draft Facebook. He did not even know what would. He only knew that it would be nice. He compared the concept of Facebook, style and fashion, and just like fashion, there is no "finished product". You see, has never finished in the economy. Whether it's building a brick and mortar store or online site, innovations andImprovements must continue.

This is why some people use the term "Ready, Fire, Aim." In the second half, if it takes too long without burning or action, the muscles actually tire and lose concentration.

Ideas are only ideas until massive action. The social network also described as the twin brothers held Winklevoss insistence Club Zuckerberg them their idea of an exclusive Harvard.edu. But he never understood that talked and talkedto learn. While he left some of their former programmer team if they were really focused and believe in your idea, they would go first to do so by hook or by crook. They were a distraction, and that was rowing. Because the money was available to them, they thought they could use the money to buy the talent, and its goals, the company concentrated on participation in the Olympics. While there is nothing wrong with the objective of participating in the Olympic Games istheir contempt for the creativity and talent that could lose its case in this race.

You have the crazy idea to think what do you think? So what are you doing? The best time to act is now starting. When Sir Richard Branson would say, "Screw it Just do it .."

Then you defend your dreams with your life. As if everything depends on it. Zuckerberg has fought all causes and fought back strong, because he believed in his actions and goals. He knew thatThere was no one in space, the agency could come even close to developing his sanity and ability and with the Facebook. And he was right. The X-Factor is that he has put his heart and soul in creating this child, and he had to go, not the intention, without a fight.

Once you have committed to fund your dreams and goals to defend his ideals with his life. Your team can see what your dreams and goals, and the value of the model after you.

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