Seven tips for being heard

The hearing is your day here. Do you want to be sure. Want to look good and sound good. Follow these seven tips audition stage and present your best performance.

1. Confident Mindset

If you meditate, this would be a good time. Do what you can bring every one was calm and mind control. deep breathing exercises can definitely help. You have a list of positive statements - statements that we believe. Read and believe.Remember how talented you are and how you're smart. If you received any awards or compliments really wonderful on your hand, now is a good time to remember.

2. Wear your dress Lucky

Wear something that you feel comfortable. Something you can look good, and above all, comfortable. I call this your outfit lucky. Once you find one, set aside as your outfit hearing. Something that feels really, you seegood and there is, is a gem. You can go a long way to go for help with confidence.

3. View convinced

Pretend you have already done - you're a star. Pretend that what you think the judge is irrelevant, because you know they are good and no one can know, think again. Walk on stage with long strides, fat, good posture and head high. Keep focused on where you are and what you do.

4. Welcome to your partner if you haveA

Short stop and say hello to your partner if you have one. Use a so warm, friendly and very professional. Breathe before you speak slowly and with a natural tone of speech. He speaks with confidence, speak or sing as if - well supported.

5. Smile and confirm judges

The best way is to introduce you and your songs to speak slowly, loudly and clearly. At the slightest nod and smile to your court. Eye contact and recognizethem. Relax and catch. Say they are friends or fans. Send them to feel warm. You want them to enjoy your performance. not focus on them you are there to judge you. Be warm and cozy.

6. Do not Stop When you make a mistake

Stand straight and tall, with a view of the court. Concentrate on your music rather than feelings of nervousness. If you remember some of the positive affirmations recited before the hearings, encouraging words themselves. StandPerformance to an audience of devoted fans who love you, no matter. Go ahead. Do not make faces and gestures are not apologetic. Absolutely cease and never say "sorry about that!" Everyone makes mistakes. All!

7. Be professional and pleasant

At the end of your performance, or if the stop sign, very professional and polite. Even if they are not available for comment, keep professional.You can think what you want, just be careProfessional, what you say. Friendly and professional, I thank them for their time. Walk outside the stadium opened in the same way, whether you like it or not, remember that it is all a matter of taste. Just do not burn any bridges! You can before the court again the same, and their comments are different next time.

Practice these seven valuable tips and you have a better performance in the next step will affect the hearing.


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