Audition Tips for Actors - What to Wear to win the job! Wear Blue!

The key is blue.

Why blue? Why color? The colors are a form of energy. If you communicate is expressed through the power of ideas, your personality, your voice, your appearance and color to wear them! If you appear in front of the camera lens, the energy to get that color. Some colors have more energy and charm than others. bright red and orange tones can make a lot of energy, but many people these sounds are not very attractive. Red can be passion, but also fire,Fear, anger and blood. Dark dark colors are black, brown and green, as always usually depressing, cold, felt sorry for him. Dull shades of gray, navy and blueberries make a rule, the question of major businesses around the world. Vibrant and pastel colors are generally more popular. They are often used because they felt happy, relaxing and healing in kindergartens, schools and hospitals.

And guess what color is the most popular with most people? You guessed it. BLUE. Why? Blue is the colorThe sky and the water-lakes, seas, rivers. It 's the most common color in nature are used, at least on our planet. It is not green. And it is a positive energy, happiness. Think about it. Blue sky, blue moon, blue screen, JetBlue, TV Blue ... Each day you will see more of the blue color of any shade of the rainbow, is the most versatile, is the most convenient. It represents the people well. Sky blue, French blue, aquamarine, turquoise, blue and baby. These colors are everywhere. Now you areask like this, with action?

If you audition in front of the camera the first thing that everyone sees the color you wear. Apply a bit concerned 'depressing, annoying, threatening, and how brilliant your performance, which are being influenced by the color of the first and the second performance, especially if you're auditioning for commercials, roles days / Prime-time TV or film. It's subliminal impressions and, before all this.

If you portray a psychopath / murderess,a desperate housewife, an aggressive prosecutor or an FBI agent, OK, that chooses the colors more aggressive. But if you portray a professional doctor, lawyer, corporate spokesman, or even a happy mom / dad use blue in your ensemble and you're getting more jobs. Strange, but true. Try it!

Years ago, when I applied a lot of television commercials on the network, I had a blouse that I bought very reasonably at the boutique in the neighborhood. It was my favorite shirt. E 'was somewhere betweenBlue skies and French, a warm blue sea lake. I booked a spot on more than any other piece of wardrobe that I had. I have made the public more than a decade! In more than a few test shots for the role of lawyer, doctor, mother, I wore the shirt. I had a successful career, because I was wearing blue? Yes and no. My hearing had to be good, and I had to look the part can be, and the right type. But, in competition with dozens of other actresses, who were all talented, attractive, friendly,Professional with comparable credit, as I have an advantage? Ego said, it was my talent. But the ultimate factor intervention could be the blue blouse.

I have also been asked, I could do that to blue blouse as a dress for the final shots? A commercial casting director, who had been sitting in a casting end told me that the client had insisted on adding that the actress in the blue! So I booked that particular high-paying TV commercials on the network. a true story.

If you wish to book moreon-camera jobs, obtain the advice of a color or image consultants. What are your strong colors or better? What your hair color and skin color? There are many shades of blue. Get tips on what hairstyle and what you actually sold the best type your wardrobe. Find out what your type. Listening is an art, and every detail is important. The best thing is to find an experienced Career Coach, who was an actor and advise you in all the above.

Last Tip
For on-cameraAuditions take to avoid red, white and black.

White is a no-no for the camera, because it tends to create a green shadow around you and watch! Skin tones-not then it looks good!

RED can be exciting and beautiful person, a special dress for interview or audition for a number of gutsy singing-dancing, but the camera is a disaster! The color can be beet red, dark, dried blood red, orange or fuchsia purple ugly. No matter what your skin tone-Eeek!

Black GuardShadows and literally sucks all the energy you have in front of the camera. (Especially if you have dark skin one more reason to take something apart so vivid that you can.)

These colors are great to shoot a movie in real, commercial or TV series, because with a real hit as a lighting designer, to soften the thousands of ceiling lights with gel, add sound, the look can be perfect. Or take a whole day to create the atmosphere and fabulous lighting. That's why see the movie starsso well.

But in a trial study of a casting director, you usually have a camera and a tripod with a small umbrella reflects the strong beam. So these three colors are strangely makes you look, well, less than attractive. Are you brave only themselves in the foot to the law of light and color. I just do not want to win and win only very rarely.

Instead of assuming both the performance or blame the casting director of the lack of imagination, changeWardrobe and see if you get a different answer. I would be willing to bet on them. You've all heard the classic lines that are part of the dress? Now just remember the color of the clothes. First rule of marketing to make the product desirable. The way you dress is the packaging of the product, yes. Go Blue!

Marketing Success!


Copyright 2008.
Gwyn Gilliss
All rights reserved.

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