Glee - The New American Musical undermines Satellite TV

Although it may seem that the love of musical theater in a school setting on the Disney Channel reached, recently had a show has shown that there is much more that can be the premise of the Underdogs, sing and be brought to dance. With "Glee" difficult issues are addressed in song and dance, comedy and Jane Lynch and Super Star is one of his funniest performance yet. Even critics who hate musicals, but do not see themselves in a position to do somethingExcept as expressly a true love of "Glee."

The show revolves around a competition between a teacher in the school choir and gym teacher, ran the team cheerleader. Except in this Battle Royale is the athlete of a woman who has a sadistic pleasure in work, the high school as hard as they can, so most of the school budget that can be. His opponent is a young, quiet man, which is really unacceptable for a married woman.

While some might not sound over networkas one of the funniest things on TV or satellite edgy, "Glee" somehow manages to make it work where others fail. Does the fact that some of the humor is really dark, really fascinating items that have managed to put together, or the font that is on the right side of the cheese can be, the show attracts an increasingly from its beginning. Some people are so because of the traditional factors: Nerds against cheerleaders, impossiblecrushed, the difficult relationships with parents, while others, because it is one of the most innovative shows on TV.

But the one thing that everyone seems to be about, all enriched with a heavy heart or not, are the musical numbers. Instead they sing the last "American Idol" nonsense "Glee" brings the classic sounds of satellite television, whether it's a fast version of Journey "Do not Stop Believin '" or a serious violent song and dance number in Salt N Pepa "Push It"Designed to have more children to the Club of joy. And the group of short duration, all-male was advancing New Jack Swing, as it is not returned, "The OC", an episode dedicated to the love Boyz II Men brought.

This love of music selection, a satellite TV in some time, because the critics do not like his characters break into song faulting are striking a difficult time for "Glee." This is the kind of show has to a clock mayfunction of the family and had no complaints: you want to adopt-a-cool-school teenage cousin of the subtle hints towards edgy issues and actions by Jane Lynch, his sisters aspiring Broadway just want to sing along with dance numbers, and your parents find it fun and enjoyable, rather than offensive. The crossover appeal is the reason why "Glee" TV is one of the most popular on TV right now.

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