College degree is really the remedy for success?

While browsing through one of the most popular online forum, I came across a question that someone had asked to start a business as a young man. His question was to ask if people take it seriously in a meeting room or in any other way, because it is only the 17th

The writers took care of science against almost always something out there and based. He played his college days, less focused on the academic side of life and more to the 'externalStart a business. "A large part of his time spent on writing business plans, when he had to study or listening to lectures.

As soon as I read, my thoughts were immediately: "Why waste another day you put your life in a classroom?" if we could get to it innovative or at least something that is both stimulating, motivating and makes you really want to act immediately. His study does not seem to call this type of reaction, on the contrary,resulted in an almost opposite reaction.

Now I completely wrong, but something makes me think that this young man, and he was only 17, he studied in college, because the expectations were his parents, other adults that this is the natural and progressive way of life for success. So in the end it does for someone else and not for himself. Which is probably a waste of effort when his parents when he could finance his training with his entrepreneurial flairto do what you really want to do, and that is running a business.

Now the answers that were returned in a manner similar to the risk of his parents. They all warned that stayed in college and training, so that had not yet become clear that this is not always the best way for an entrepreneur. Another person suggested that people start with the networks who think in college and maybe go into business with a colleague of the university. This could be an option, and iffound the right person, and had the right opportunity, then this could be a possible opening.

If a young person is reading this article, and is considering college or university, then my advice would be to universities, programs with a strong entrepreneurial spirit in their department pick. I know of universities where students work in some form in an incubator for companies so they can field their venture business ideas at RealCapitalists and receive criticism. Within this type of program you have access to advice and expertise with other like-minded people, other successful entrepreneurs. Some even offer contests for the best business pitch and cash prizes with the best price every year at around $ 50K. How cool it would be useful if you are looking for business partners or people take to bring this up seriously?

Many people still believe that to be successfulCompany is required to achieve a degree and the only way is not true. I know that many successful companies in online and offline, is an incredible amount of money, but have no qualifications, no science is a prerequisite for success. What is a condition is a positive attitude, determination and absolute belief that everything is possible and the willingness to pursue that dream and make it possible.

If you read this, and we are already working on your studiesbut have this burning entrepreneurial talent to do something, then consider working part-time. I would add, however, if the entrepreneurial qualities you probably already do. This way you can create the capital to start their own business, even if it is a line one, the cost is much lower if there is a business offline. Why not combine both? Do your studies continue to look out for and networking with like-minded people, creative, and who knowswhere you?

You may have a talent there are people online and start a bit 'of money. Maybe you're a good writer, good at graphic design, good problem-solving IT technicians - there are good, we have customers waiting to take your services online in stock. Use search engines to find out where these sites are, you offer your skills and where your customers hang out - social networking sites at oncein the sense

Do not be like a responder other threads, notes on his dream at the age of 17 years, something like that. They went on to say, I am now 39 years and did nothing. It is considered a male person in writing and he said he feels the company has not wasted his time going for the glory of its owner, he helped his brothers he founded and managed two successful companies, but not do nothing about it for themselves.

There is no end to theOpportunities available for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially if you work and more money online over the Internet. You just need to know what you're doing, and there are people there to teach.

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