Film - The time of their lives

Abbott and Costello were known comics. Your film should not be a vehicle for their comedy routine. The plots were thin or nonexistent. It did not matter. They were funny enough that it is only to throw together a set of routines and call it a movie. But something very strange happens to the realization of "The Time of their lives" in 1946. The film was directed by Charles Barton and written by Val Burton and Walter DeLeon. L 'What about the film, which was so strange that it is not so funny. It 'was just a very good film. And for the moment is over, there was not a dry eye in the theater. What the hell happened?

What has happened is that Abbott and Costello did what was probably his best film of all time. It 'was a stroke of luck? What has happened? They search for better materials? Best material from the soil only around? No one will ever know the answer to these questions, but one thing iscertain. Abbott and Costello's best film you will never see.

The story is pretty simple. A Tinker (Costello) is a letter from General George Washington during the American Revolution, where he must deliver. But something goes wrong (thanks to Abbott) and the tinker and his partner, played by Marjorie Reynolds shot as a traitor. Then put a curse on them for Danbury acres be limited until the crack of doom, or could until their innocencetried.

Move ahead a few hundred years. The tinker, whose name was Horatio Prim and the poor girl, whose name was Melody Allen, still stuck on the Danbury hectares, still seeking evidence of their innocence. At that time, had just resigned. But then we heard from Abbott's ancestors, Dr. Ralph Greenway, discussing the legend of a traitor. Ultimately leads to the assumption that the evidence, the letter of George Washington, somewhere on the site.This leads to the search.

The position of the letter is finally a seance in which the spirit of a friend of Melody, Tom Danbury, gives them advice on where the letter was revealed hidden. Of course it is not as easy as it turns out, that is to write in a clock, a museum was founded. So begins the mad dash to retrieve the time and prove his innocence.

After the doctor steals his watch as it became known that his predecessor set up the tinker, a crazy chasebegins with the police. The police may chase them, but thanks to quick thinking Prim and the fact that he has a spirit and invisible was won, you can open them occupied long enough for the Greenway and the other all day and have the letter . Once that was read, his innocence was proved and their souls were free.

Yes, it is not your typical film Abbott and Costello.

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