The Voisin biplane

A look at the Voisin biplane shows exactly what you expect from a vintage aircraft, a design a bit 'awkward, with double fabric wings, propeller, an aerodynamic surface that protrudes from his cell, and a square tail kite-like. But in 1907 standards, as it had been "advanced."

Its designer, Gabriel Voisin, the son of an engineer in the province, was in Belleville, France, born 1880, first demonstrated aptitude for aerospace and mechanical engineeringwith his boat, car and kite-interest. An admirer of Clement Ader, who trained as an architect and artist at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and was later introduced to Ernest Archdeacon, a wealthy lawyer and aeronautical enthusiast who later commissioned him to design a glider.

With incorrect or incomplete drawings of the Wright brothers glider Aerophile The magazine published in 1902, the Aero Club, January Voisin built-in mobile phone in 1904bore only a superficial resemblance to its original. Sporting double wing with vertical walls, a split-level on the rise, and a tail of two-cell box kite, he was free from the wing-warping method invented Wright, and therefore had no means to the lateral control could be exercised. Two-thirds the size of the original, was 40 pounds lighter.

Supported by the float and a cable with a Panhard motor boat racing, the first combat aircraft from the Seine tried on June 81905, as described by Voisin same. "Slowly and carefully, (the pilot) took the limp in my car ..." he had written. "I had the checks ready. I waited a bit 'and then I applied for the elevator."

Almost heaven through the air suddenly the exercise impact on its wings, launched rose as high as the poplar trees lining the river, but the plane unstable, not around its transverse axis can be controlled, as if suddenly the nose towards the ' water after a 50-foot,trajectory bell curve, fell briefly below the surface and dip its pilots.

Despite the failed attempt, Louis Bleriot, witnessed the event, then approached a second Voisin cell built for him.

On the basis of the first, there is a small range, with a greater curvature and sloping walls and a vertical tail single-cell functionality, but it suffered a similar fate, about 100 feet to his eighteenth flight test in July, is slipped to the side immediately after takingthe air, once again plunges into river.

Despite their inherent lack of roll control, it is used as the basis for subsequent Voisin and other early European designs were based.

Bleriot and Voisin, in short form a partnership that produced the aircraft failed because, in large part to his radical ideas and constantly evolving. The Bleriot III, for example, had elliptical wings and was powered by a 24-hp Antoinette, but failedto obtain sufficient lift when using floats. Reconfigured as a country with a car chassis with wheels and a motor as he collided with a rock during his sprinting, jumping over a ditch, with the smell, and suddenly ends its long journey, with the collaboration Voisin -Blériot.

Gabriel Voisin, Bleriot interest in buying the company reformed in 1906 with his brother Charles, the creation of "Appareils d'Aviation Les Freres Voisin" or "Flying Brothers VoisinMachinery foundation ", as an extension of the joint Bleriot, the first European manufacturer of aircraft in Billancourt, with financial support Enest archdeacon and three other people. The aviation industry was started in fact.

The Charles and Gabriel Voisin ironically reflects their team Orville and Wilbur Wright Brothers colleagues across the Atlantic. Gabriel, for example, the older of the two chief engineer and provided most of the impetus and direction, whileCharles generally assumed a supporting role. As in the case of the two teams would both be dead to be halved in 1912, when one of the two aircraft did not succumb to the brothers in the year, although here the parallel between them was, 'the older of the two, the fever has died Wilbur from typhoid fever, while Charles, the youngest of two, killed in a car accident. However, Gabriel and Charles had planned to meet with the leaders of aviation in Europe are among the pioneers.

Their first aircraft, and largeperformed on Wright glider with a forward elevator and wings of equal length and a 20 hp Buchet, essentially, a box kite adjustable for Henry Kapferer was built in March 1907, but can not fly. The second, Leon Delagrange, sculptor and contemporary, on behalf of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts Voisin-duck made its first full-standard pusher biplane, which has several significant air time, including Octave Chanute (biplane wing) which includedWright Brothers (the elevator forward price), and Lawrence Hargrave (his kite-tail box).

Equipped with an ash frame, steel connected, square body, the elevator as a common point of attack for aircraft forward served his pilot's seat, its wings, its engine and its tail, it carried out two wings rectangular overlapping spanning 37.8 me their cotton and rubber padding, also known as "cotton continental ashes were stretched over the ribs. They had a 6.56 mDepth, 5.75-to-1 aspect ratio and a 496 square meters as a whole.

Like those of his predecessors glider, were robust and strong, but is not installed with the warping of the wings and ailerons method of lateral control, but contained four layers of vertical walls or at fixed intervals, being divided into individual cells. Although the intent was to offer Voisin, the necessary lateral stability with them, and Berget had praised this vertical configuration of the keel,Banks was a wide, lazy, rudder-induced turn bandit.

A single air lift of 41 feet square meters in front of the fuselage structure in a provision of duck, while a box-kite tail, divided into two cells, was mounted behind a characteristic that is so characteristic for Voisin would the project until 1910.

Invented in 1893 divided the Australian Lawrence Hargrave, the structure, a sidewall producing cells, the tandem wing concept introduced by Albert RecommendedSantos-Dumont with 14 two-story and is counting on Samuel Pierpont Langley. Although he did have a very strong, even his own box kite Hargrave hang glider experiments abandoned if he experiences a series of hard landings. The construction method used by European air space, with ailerons, tractors (as opposed to Pusher) biplane configurations and pitch control on the move from the front to the back of the airplane as one of the four primary designImprovements in the first half of 1900.

A wheel of 25 square meters, the center of the posterior cells, where the vertical control.

Power was from a 50-hp engine designed Levavasseur Leon Antoinette on the back of the center console behind the main building of the double-decker bus, the configuration of the thrust and direction of a double sheet of 7.6 meters in diameter ' metal propeller on a 4.6 set to be installed grid provided foot.

Rest in a nose high angle to the ground, the plan was supported by twolarge tires and wheels with spring shock absorbers, while the other two, although lower, tail wheel served as a unit. Another, attached below the level of anterior elevation and protects the nose during landing.

The cockpit, single seat mounted in a basket between the leading edges of the main wings' and the engine was wearing a round steering wheel, front and rear travel forward diverted through the link-level rise and their left and rightActivated by rotation of the rudder cables.

The 1,250 pounds Voisin biplane, the first flight in 1907 increased by 23 pounds per horse and £ 2.37 per square foot wing to reach 35-mph speed.

Little by little familiarity with the ways that had been called alternatively the "Voisin-Delagrange" Delagrange was able to cover 500 meters from the 1907th autumn

Crashing during his second of the two flights in Issy-les-MolineauxNovember, was as the Voisin-Delagrange II rebuilt using as many original parts as possible to save money, while the subsequent, more agile "III" image tends interior of their two main inter-plane struts.

Slightly larger and heavier, was the next Voisin biplane known as "Voisin-Farman, Henry (Henri France) Farman, whose father, representing the Paris-based British established. In English and French, Henry was active in racing bicycle and car, butafter receiving injuries in 1905 James Gordon Bennett motor race, has shifted the interest in aviation, the first attempt at the factory to the air in a glider Herring Chanute before ordering a Voisin biplane driven by the brothers.

The authorization given to Issy-les-Moulineaux military parades on the left bank of the Seine in the shadow of Societe Astra airship hangar and Clement-Bayard is the practice, has improved rapidly, the conductingRoll acceleration plan, open, dusty field, which often become muddy in rainy conditions. Following his example, other aspiring aeronaut was also favorable to its surface antenna experimentation, soon establishing a permanent presence has grown with wood shed for the area, such as College Park, Maryland, in Europe, the first hands-on "airport". Countless people watched an ever increasing number of flight operations, later adopted structured Air Raceto form.

To foster the advancement of aviation in France, the Aero Club has had a series of increasingly difficult challenging established in 1904 in exchange for monetary rewards increase. A silver trophy, for instance, was offered for the 25-meter-Coupe Ernest Archdeacon, and a silver medal and 100 francs for the first ten riders who could fly 60 meters have been excellent. The next distance and monetary compensation has risen to 100 meter and 1,500 francsand the Grand Prix d'Aviation Deutsch-Archdeacon, who was wearing a one kilometer circular pattern, a payment of 50,000 francs.

transmission of their ability to fly an antenna on the ground to run, expressed his Voisin-Farman biplane I, Farman achieved success exponentially. On September 30, 1907, for example, completed a flight of 30 meters. This increased to 285 meters on October 15 and 11 days later, he reported to 2540 meters in a record time of 52.6 seconds in his Voisin-Farman modified Ia,introduced the wing dihedral and a surface covered only increasing. Unofficially, the completion of a foot-9 November 3380-circuit in one minute, 14 seconds, crossed the Wright brothers in December 1903 '17a time of 15 seconds, the first European attempt to do so. And on January 13 the following year he won the prestigious Grand Prix d'Aviation of 50,000 Swiss francs English-Archdeacon Prize in Issy-les-Moulineaux, while flying a circuit of miles in a minute, 28 seconds. Since thecontrol-plane without side was very wide, with the help of their oars go it alone, but there is indeed a distance closer than 1.6 km. It 'was then the longest in the industry in Europe.

In changing his plane, has recovered its surface with flax wheel, reduced its scope tailplane and replaces the original 50 hp Antoinette with Renault, but quickly restored after a unique event, so that the European first practical projectProcess.

He continued to rack distance record: March 20, flew 4,500 meters in three minutes and 29 seconds, 23 June, has presented more than 14 kilometers in 18 minutes, 30 seconds in Milan on July 6, won the 10,000 francs price Armengoud for the first flight through the air more than 15 minutes left in flight 20.4 km in 20 minutes, 20 seconds in Ghent, Belgium.

A worshiper, said: "What was George Stephenson to the locomotive, Farman has done for theAircraft. "

Subject to further change, the basic design Voisin biplane which has sold in large numbers, finally appeared with the two 50 - and 60-horsepower Antoinette, EPS, Gnome, Italy, and Renault engines Vivinus without its facade and increase in level with ailerons, the rehabilitation of its most significant deficiencies.

The Old Rhinebeck aerodrome as an original by C. Norvin Rineke of Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1909, included several non-standard functions, builtincluding a steel tube welded chrome-moly, which replaced the original wooden engine and a V-8 in its conception.

Removed and the beams of his company fights ropes and cables after only half a dozen, it was around 62 years of Cole Palen discovered later. He renovated his home in Florida in 1973 and the exhibition at the airport until he was with two other famous museums in 1979 rewarded: the National Air and Space Museum in Washington and the Intrepid Sea-Air-SpaceMuseum of New York. Return "home" is now on display in the new museum on the hill in front of the Pioneer, World War I and Lindbergh hangar.

The classic profile of the duck, handle, box-kite biplane Voisin, despite its initial control of the lateral boundaries and slow, large aerial maneuvers, but it was one of the most important pioneers of the practice of aircraft between 1907 and 1910.

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