Entrepreneurship - How to Get Your Start-up loan money to the bank without us

Most entrepreneurs start complaining more seed money, but all you have to do is be creative in your approach and seek creative ways to start your business, the following

Your immediate family

The fist place to check is your family. If your parents are rich or have brothers or sisters, you can start the capital, what is your aunt and uncle, first you must control your family against another source, becauseThe answer may be in front of you


The savings is real money you have held for a particular purpose. You should ask yourself if your savings are enough to venture to start.


Another way of initial capital for your business is with your friends or club. Make a list of all your friends and find your friends who are able to give you the money from the list and act on your decision.


AnotherWay to make money is to get your business through the partnership. You have an idea but no money, but you know someone who has the means or capital then all you have to do is go into a partnership with an individual and a sign that the Memorandum of Understanding between the two of you.

The provision of a service

You can also use a service that you know, people need, and a charge for this. The idea is that money from you for your service to others can be used later to start your business.

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