Netflix - The pros and cons of online movie rentals

Do you have any idea of what the parents had to go through back in the day to rent only a movie are you? They had to trudge five miles through eight feet of snow on the video store in cool, sub-zero weather. And when he finally got there, he had only a choice of twenty films to choose from, none of which were new releases. Having rented a video to run to his house and to see quickly, because if it was not re-watch from 5:00 the next day, they had to pay a late fee forwas twice as much as the original lease. And you know what, it fell to them and appreciate the opportunity to have fun.

Fortunately, times have changed and it is much easier for those who love the art of cinema in the comfort of your living will. In particular, video-rental giant Netflix, now a household name across America, has revolutionized the way in which a person is able to rent movies, offers an online service with unlimitedRent for a monthly fee and no charges late. made with tax and returned by the Postal Service through SU pre-printed envelopes available to Netflix for an economic, not a problem for observers avid film across the country.

Now that Netflix is a great movie watching me just the best thing to happen to me as the cheese in a can. But if I reversed with some friends and family members who seem very fond of cinema and tell them why they should join Netflix, which reluctantlyand many questions. Many people seem to like the provision of well-to seems to be true, while others do not see a problem renting the traditional method of visiting a video store, a movie. Whatever the reason, I personally found myself with the conversation, why or why not enough time Netflix recite and write an article.

So here we are, and how much I love Netflix, I'm in my discussion fair and admit that there are some disadvantages of the online servicethat people stumble on the edge of the application should be aware of. So without further ado, here are my three major advantages and disadvantages of using Netflix.

Pros: Price - The cost to Netflix is undoubtedly the cheapest way to go about renting movies, especially when you see more than three films a week. My first month as a member, I just make the math to me that Netflix is the disclosure of my credit card number, a wise decision. I divided the number of films I've seenthis first month, the lump sum payment of $ 16.99 (three films at once) and it came to 87 cents for each movie, if you notice it is also cheaper than the price of $ 1 of the most popular and competitors Redbox. Well, when I saw the same amount of movies to rent from a video store at an average price of $ 4 a holiday, it would cost me about $ 80. I'm afraid that my friends and steal by far the biggest Pro of Netflix.

Pros: Selection - I was very successfulIn the past, and I'm sure that has happened to you in one way or another. Catch the wind of a low-budget independent festival winner and critically acclaimed international thriller to see him. So you can go to your local video store to rent it just to get the employee of 16 years behind the counter will tell you that they have never heard of. Now, in the past, the only solution to this problem would be to purchase a DVD copy online. But if he were a member of Netflix, you're almostguarantee of being able to rent this movie. With a library of movies, offering over 100,000 different titles, Netflix has by far the largest selection of films available. I have been for almost two years and there have been three occasions when they did not offer the movie I was looking for. And in all three cases, the film was as "out of print" by the film company, that the rights, which means that the law does not Netflix offer it for rent can be issued on the property.

Pros:Convenience - "No late fees, Netflix knows that this statement is by far its biggest selling point and that is obviously why I jumped all over their ads and commercials. But this should not take away how great this benefit is really the customer. I probably could not afford graduate school with the money spent on late fees in my life. And as everyone knows, a video store never forgets a late fee. You will pay in their years of computer, hauntingIt pays to you. But the convenience of Netflix does not stop with the lack of penalties for delay. Commuting to and from the video archive is also removed. And their website where all the selections for the holiday that is so incredibly easy to use so seriously a 5-year-old, moves with ease.

By: New versions - I started with the biggest Pro of Netflix, and this is by far the largest with up. A new version, if you go firstincredibly difficult. In other words, those who go to see movies in theaters, but kept falling, until at last you missed this opportunity and now I can not wait to see on DVD, Netflix will probably wait longer to view. It is a popular complaint from users who are rather difficult to deal with Netflix is done. A movie rental is very popular in the first 30 days will be released on DVD and although Netflix has increased the availabilitypopular titles are released every week, it is not financially prudent for the company agrees to meet demand due to the fact that the interest is allowed to fade away slowly. As a member of Netflix, there's a good chance that the new release that you need to see in death, may be the dreaded "Very Long Wait", how to get the availability status granted. And believe me, it lives up to its name in the state.

By: Stuck Without Movies - Depending on the package you choose with Netflix(Anywhere from 1 to 8 movies at a time), will most likely cases where you do not have a movie at home on a night when staying in this butter-coated popcorn is just a movie and that is all you want. The speed, taken with the film and are returned as quickly and inexpensively as they can only be (one day), but often they go because of poor planning on your part or if a film does not agree, without a plug film and only thoughtTrip to the video store and rent in any case.

By: Video Store Blues - An avid movie fans, or watching movies will tell you that there is an inexplicable, almost majestic quality so as to visit a video store. They enjoy meeting the aisles of novelty, comedy and horror movies and reading tours of the back cover and a choice. Prior to joining Netflix, video stores, which I attended in a very regular and I must say it is a nostalgic whennot organic to the experience of visiting a video store that is missing with Netflix.

I personally have many of these incidents by designating me as my primary source of Netflix for renting movies, but when I am in a situation as explained above, with the second, or if there is a new version I would really like to see and Netflix stamped upon him with "very long wait," I go to the video store and renting a movie or two a month. Therefore, I still have all the advantagesthe use of Netflix, but at the same time, do not give the full video store. Type as the best of both worlds.

So there you have it, the top three advantages and disadvantages of using Netflix. Well, I do not know how many times my factual argument to convince someone to give up video stores and Netflix jump to jump on the train, but I will tell you if you're like me and film a significant part of your last period was by far Netflix the best choice, and whatShould be used to rent movies. The selection and unbeatable convenience and price are you using Netflix will hopefully allow the tie with all the late fees you have been forced to pay over the years to save.


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