3 rules for quick success to 3 days

Okay, it's time for a quick. Fell on your exercise routine have not eaten for months CRUD weeks, and I feel bloated and sick all the time.

You know a long time to solve all your problems quickly and help you get back on track with a healthy lifestyle. There's only one problem.

Simply do not have time for a quick 21 days, nor the money to pay a levy to pay for qualified staff. There is no way to get some of the benefits of a fast long-term withoutwith bundles of cash to fork out and away from home for three weeks or more?

Yes, there is. It's called a fast of three days and I had three rules for the production of your short-term fasting successfully as possible.

# 1: Eat well before

I know exactly what you think. "Hey, I want to fast for a few days and always healthy, I could upload to my favorite junk food the day before fast food, come here I am!"

Now stop thinkingit!

Fill up on greasy food fat (the whole reason you have to fast in the first place) does not prepare the right way for your fast. Instead, you want to do the exact opposite. You want to eat more simple and clean as possible.

It is a raw vegan diet healthy means that low-fat, high in fruits and contains a moderate amount of green fruit and non-sweet.

No food allowed junky!

Here's an example of a healthy pre-fast meal (based on a 2,000 calorieDiet):

Breakfast: 6 medium khaki
Lunch: 1 medium banana smoothie 5 medium papaya and water
Mid-afternoon: 32 ounces of freshly squeezed orange juice
Dinner: salad of bib lettuce, cucumber 8 ounces and 8 ounces, with 8 ounces of OJ. mixed with 1 ounce pistachios dressed

If you prefer, you can make things even easier, eating only fruit (as desired) for the day. Or you could just a fruit, like bananas, for every meal. While living on fruit alone is notrecommended, it is perfectly acceptable as a short-term solution to boost a healthy lifestyle and fast.

# 2: Rest while

Never forget the rest corresponds to fasting. This means that you get the best out of your fast, you have to spend so much time in bed as much as possible.

This also means, steering free of emotional and sensory stress factors as well. If you can completely eliminate all sensory stimuli, including television and the Internet.

Remember, it's justThree days miserable. You can enter "Glee" and Scrabble online for three days, right;)

# 3: Eat Well, then

You have my voice is always the answer fast?

Do not you? Cry:

It's cool, you catch.)

Basically, I said that during fasting is a great way to start a healthy lifestyle, it's just a small part of the equation. The biggest part is what you do after fasting.

In the short term is not as fastdifferent. Although you can certainly see great results in just 3 days (especially if under the guidance of the heart at rest), will not make a bit 'of difference if you go back all your bad eating habits and lifestyle, not just in a hurry .

So before you even start preparing for your guide, make sure you have a plan on what to do afterwards. What changes do you want to make your eating habits? Will you go first? If you startExercise? You need to do more time to sleep? What about sun?

They do not cover all these changes now. But you should be very clear on what your goals are, no matter how small, if you want to see lasting results quickly from your computer.

When Fast

Okay, now you know the 3 rules for a fast ramp up of 3 days. But when you have to fast?

Every time I'm in poor health or just do not know how you feel, can soon be in order.Even a short fast of three days can do wonders for your mental and physical health and help you jump start a healthy lifestyle.

The best time to try a fast of three days over the weekend, because you have more chance of recovery. Long week-end (ie Labor Day weekend) are particularly good for this because you an extra day of rest.

Go and be raw in form,


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