America can not continue to survive due

The economy and job situation is bad in this time and many people in financial distress. Not only the people who lost their investments in value, but their homes lose value even further. In some cases, people now have more on their homes than they are worth! Bankruptcies are increasing and the number of people in serious debt is alarming.

This is a lesson first-hand why it is important not to live above circumstances. In today's society, tooThe emphasis is to buy things on credit. It 's too easy to get a credit card, and people think it's pretty good, before things really afford to buy. Our entire society is built on credit and now a lot of bad things with it.

President Obama was elected to make changes and one of the things Democrats always give away money. Normally give away to "poor" to ensure their votes. This led to a certain segment LEDPeople want government handouts, and think of them right. Many people are desperately trying to figure out how to get around some of that stimulus money will be thrown.

The government can not give money to anyone who wants it, and going to anger many. For example, since the government bailout of some families have the lowest mortgage interest developed and qualified to hold these people in their homes. However, other families do not qualify for this betterPrices and hours are angry. It is not only going to make enough money to keep everyone happy.

In fact, there is no money to go to all. The stimulus package and all the money being spent to try and get our country out of financial difficulties to pay somewhere. We will all pay for it through increased state and federal taxes for many years and it is likely that future generations to foot the bill. This means that our children must pay forthe many mistakes we make now. This is a very sad situation for our country and unfortunately many people have no idea what is actually happening.


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