Eckhart Tolle and Oprah - Hidden & Killing ego, help humanity enter the flow of life

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle in Chapter 2 of the class online to book a new earth, to discuss the pursuit of the ego to establish the superiority and inferiority, as constantly seeking the size and position of those persons.

We evaluate all satisfied because the human ego, and I can not find the ego keeps alive.

Oprah says intuitive: "Will I live keeps more of them."

Before commenting Opah, said Eckhart following observation, which preceded it:"The ego always compares himself to others, to find a certain superiority somewhere."

The tendency in the ego continually compare ourselves with other people in size (often prematurely, before you really know), and presumptuous to stereotypical judgments of the people, to sabotage your relationships, both personally and professionally.

The apostle Paul took this revolutionary and life-changing revelation in writing to the church of Corinth, says: "For usdare not make us the number, or compare ourselves that any praise, but you measure yourself and confront each other, are not wise "(2 Cor 10:12).

The comparison was cancer, his identity, because there is always someone better, or less than that found in an area or aspect of life.

Eckhart said: "This is very interesting can be observed in many situations, because the ego sees in every timeThey come in a group of people or to meet new people, wishes to position itself somewhere. Are better than this person? I do not know more than this person? Or are richer than this person? Or is this person richer than me? So he is trying to position themselves, and that brings both a sense of superiority or inferiority, and both are me. "

The danger is the sin of presumption (the Bible calls the "great sin"), as is often arrogant andpeople try to label the first dimension and make judgments about others.

sins "Who can understand his errors? cleanse me from hidden faults. servant your shoulders too presumptuous, do not let them have about me: I stand, and I am innocent of great transgression" (Psalm 19:12-13).

These sins of arrogance and confrontation occur even within the church, where brothers and sisters, to compare their forms of worship and the way in whichIndividually and collectively, serving God opens the door to pride, arrogance, conflict, and work all evil.

The humanity in their quest for self often get almost to the point of self-exaltation, which is arrogant and falsely compare to the divine. The irony is, however, if peace with humility, a hug from the heart and identify with the Creator, He will freely give his nature, form and power of God

However, many relatedtheir egos are trying to live in their own self-sufficiency, hindered their full abiliity had just connected with loving God. Dangerously some even have the courage to confront the Almighty. Of course, historical-Nations over the years have tried to use other countries on earth, which quickly led to their decline and fall of man.

The United States of America is currently acting as global police and bully the world. Blinded byits moralism and self-recognized national identity (even if the world a deception and illusion), the United States is fast losing international credibility, to be justified by the devaluation of its currency.

"All nations before God as nothing, and are counted to him less than nothing and vanity. Whom then you see God, or what you will look like compared to him?" (Isaiah 40:17-18)

United States (as other nations to follow as war and economic imperialismThe foreign policy) is in progress by God so that it can alert their own arrogance and futility of labeling much of what it shakened world as a pious and good. Surely God will be no political party or a nation abolishes innocent and misuse of his name.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, not for the Lord will not hold innocent who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:07).

The promise of punishment and the law also applies toHollywood directors and writers who have condemned the way God recklessly and without premeditation.

Work through a difficult period of his life in bitterness and complaints began to blaspheme the Lord God has visited time work, a response from the turbine, daring and said: "Who is this That darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up thy loins like a man hours, because I demand an answer from you. Where were you when I laid the foundationsEarth? "(Job 38:1-4)

As someone who has lived in Asia for three years (and loved when driving on the continent's most populous in the world, stop where two thirds of humanity), I noticed a lot of people and religions are trying to compare God, what has made men with their hands. This is also another form of comparison, the vain attempt of man to compare and create God in his image on earth.

"Those who love me and make me equal and compare me, that weSee how? Pour the gold from the bag and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith, and makes it a god: they fall, yes, worship. I take the hand of God [on the back], They take him and put in its place, and he is in his corner, will not be removed: Yes, it should be, but he can not reply to cry, nor save him from his anger . "(Isaiah 46:5-7)

"Shame on you to serve all the idols that the idols boast:His worship all gods "(Psalm 97:7).

"The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but can not speak, but their eyes do not see. They have ears but can not hear, even breath in the mouth. Which have as their is to ensure that the utmost confidence in them "(Psalm 135:15-18).

"For you, Lord, are above all the earth: Thou art above all gods" exalted (Psalm 97:9).

"Oh, thank youthe God of gods, for his mercy endures forever "(Psalm 136:2).

"For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Majesty and grandeur are the strength and beauty in his sanctuary before him" (Psalm 96:6).

Oprah called to a quote from the memoirs Great: "Whenever you feel better or worse for anyone, it's always your ego."

The knowledge of eternal human tendency to make comparisons, as Jesus said, "we compare the WhereuntoKingdom of God? or comparison with what confronts him? ... We try to get across. "(Mark 4:30,35)

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