Once Upon a Squirrel ... Hobby or retirement

I knew my husband would have been if he got enough hobbies last February at the age of 51 has. At least I thought it was going to last summer when he discovered the squirrels in our garden, and robust. Much to his disgust were our loved munching on cucumber, when their backs were turned, with colonies of squirrels who invade our turf.

The internet went looking for a human trap rodents. Many shots and e-mails later, voila! He turned to a Web site that more thanready to intercept the ship so necessary in a week.

He waited impatiently for his new toy, my man with dismay as cucumber cucumber was observed after the voracious squirrels who want to dismantle our host. Finally, the package arrived! The family watched with amusement as his dad packed new acquisition, could hardly restrain his excitement. "Presto! Get me some peanuts!" He screamed at any hearing. Armed with a case, and peanuts in his hand entered theto deposit money to a garden.

He looked out the window and again, we would see a squirrel after another slip fence with caution for the new addition to control the garden. No luck. A couple of times it was triggered the trap and missing the peanuts, then other times he came across with the peanuts still intact. "That's it!" My husband was crying. "We need a squirrel-cam!" The family looked at each other and groaned. Oh no, another toy Daddy! But one morning, when Dad and I were in bed, weheard a "thud sound and very metal!" We both talked about, "Uh Oh!" race and jumped to the window. Sure enough, there was, our first prisoner! My husband jumped up and down in pure joy - I had to stop him from suit down the stairs for her birthday.

I never saw him dressed in a hurry. He was to collect the door like a bullet, the case with the squirrels growl. He searched the garage for something with a long handle for the squirrel, after its transport Releasequite far from our district, presented the case and an old broom handle in the trunk of our car, jumped in the front seat and roared off with his prize.

The 33-squirrels later, is now November and the trap peanut vacuum is still dry in the garden waiting for its next victim. Quizzes family ask Dad, why do we need a trap in the garden. Pope says: "Well, now the squirrels are ruining my lawn by digging holes for peanuts!" But we all know, different dadhas a new hobby!

(Ed.Note: No squirrels were harmed in any way - all were safely transported to a forest near his way back to squirrel-ish!)


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