The Pine bit 'curved

Moving reach the corner where he was playing the Christmas tree, Mr. Andrews decided to return home. He had spent the Christmas tree lot, many times in recent weeks of travel and work. Every time he passed, he hoped he had enough money to buy a tree. But now would be only his young son, Timmy, to tell the truth. He has no money to buy his family a Christmas tree.

Then, just when he got home his jaw bit 'curved face to be capturedAttention. When the man who threw it over the fence most of the snow was shocked. Now their green boughs might like the snow to be seen. The lot was empty and the lights are off, and it was easy to see that a tree had been discarded.

"Oh, dear!" Andrew said excitedly. "A Christmas tree, why we should not be sold before it was ready to close."

Rapidly, reaching carefully raised his jaw slightly 'bent,Snow dusted the residual. "I can not believe!" He said, smiling. Then she laid softly on his shoulder. His steps were much easier as he hurried on his way back home. He could not wait to get the structure just to show his wife.

Christmas morning arrived with Timmy jumps out of bed and ran as fast as he could into the living room. He searched the tree to see that God sent in answer to his prayer.

Entering the room, he gasped withExcitement. It 'been there - with the long chain of colored paper has been helped - and the top was beautiful white paper draped Mommy's Angel!

"Oh, Mom and Dad and Mark!" Timmy screamed with excitement. "Are not you lucky! Seek God for the tree is sent to us. It is a beautiful Christmas tree!"

Timmy quickly took down and put together little hands Mark helps him to clap. Baby Mark laughed, then crawled on the Christmas tree. Timmy saw the treeOnce again and began awkwardly jumping up and down, clapping her hands with joy.

"Look, look!" Shouting it. "The chain of paper is just the right size!"

Then suddenly he stopped Timmy jumping and clapping. He noticed something on the tree. Approached. It was another thing that makes the Christmas tree had to get very quiet.

For a moment, Timmy was just watching it. He looked down at the base then all the way up.

Finally, almostin a whisper, said, "Oh, Mom, look! The Christmas tree is bending over just like that Mark and I can see the beautiful white angel on the top."

Mrs. Andrews had seen her son as he suddenly stopped to look around the tree. Now the eyes moist with tears of joy that responds happily, smiling sweetly, "Yes, Timmy, dear - is a perfect Christmas tree is not it?"

Mr. Andrews was still standing in the doorway to see and hear. LeftHead while quickly brushing away the tears suddenly filled his eyes. They were born from his heart, so full of joy.

"Thank you Lord," he said softly. For "Thank you once again to show your love and faithfulness to us. I will never doubt again."

As the rays of morning sun light streaming through the window of Christmas, the pine was somewhat 'curved surrounded by a room full of happiness. He smiled as he thought the wonder of it all. ItsDream of a beautiful tree for Christmas, and make some little boy or girl was happy at last come true.

All over the years while growing on the hill, has the jaw bit 'curved never felt so much heat - and lots of love.

You, like Mr. Andrews, thinking that all hope is lost. God has a purpose in your life.

"I know the thoughts that I think of you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give a deadline." (Jeremiah29:11)

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