Insightful interviews with experts in the creative sector

A very insightful and entertaining Q + A on ballroom dancing, with a "crap Gleek TV and because it is a great source of inspiration.

What motivates you? Everything from TV crap, creative contributions will be invited to a thought or idea. And if you think it's today or in ten years, the store away. Everyone who works here is what we call a brainstorming session and a book of their work, the things you laugh and think, and we use to make our ideas, crafts look. To see how we canan impact in the media.

What inspires you?
It could be anything - from something I did in Harvard Review, he said something to my mother to read. I do not think anyone has a monopoly on good ideas. I think we should be in a room and get to talk about the need to do what we think we have several. I am thinking outside the box, the only way to deal with ideas. I also hope that moves away from public relations campaigns, which so closely with the ad creative form. Ithink of our work in PR is to take the essence of creativity and see how all those children up to grannies can be articulated.

What would you do if you do not?
Sure, I've made a ballroom dancer, who as a child. But I think, in writing, probably. I love to write. I have a stand up comedy, of course, but did not go too well. I love writing and entertainment so probably something in the entertainment industryField.

How do you keep up with developments in your area?
Looks. They read. And research. But I think although there are specific times to do that you are missing a trick, because the world is changing. If you go for a walk, look how many of us up? Not many of us do. But when you go to London at the weekend when it is quiet and you look, there's so much more to see.

What impressed you recently?
I like the work of T-Mobile is not part of consumers or their prospectsthe marketing campaign - which is the flash mob to Liverpool Street or the big sing-a-thon in Trafalgar Square. I think we have passed the age of the site, not the age of deference. People see us as something inspired us to do so as well.

What are your Pix PR?
Not with a story. Unable to see the link again in a PR product. When I see a poll in which to review a brand, and I can not understand why the mark, the survey did when I was the customerI do not think I would be very happy because they do not say anything about my brand.

What the game now on your iPod?
More. I'm pretty eclectic. This morning I was working with Morecambe and Wise Bring Me Sunshine followed for a bit 'of schadenfreude. I am a some' Gleek. I like being on the bus when you can hear what people on the iPod and it's so amazing. He feels Auditor Lady Gaga to hear, but then I'm there to hear Morecambe and Wisea real eclectic mix.


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