Stock Market Crash - What happens when the stock market crash?

Over the past 18 months there has been a collapse of global financial market is entirely controlled by the bears. Many investors and traders are sitting on the fence and beyond, and the remainder undecided.

Have you ever wondered in those days, in which billions of dollars are wiped from the stock market has just happened ..... what's on the money certainly can not just disappear?

Simply put, the stock market is actually the people, people who are orThe buyer or seller and controlled by emotions. Fear and greed tend to dominate human emotions ... and this is what causes a stock market crash or an incident in general!

If enough sellers offload one share is based on their fear of losing something they have heard, this is the price of those shares to fall. In the event of a disaster or bad news, especially on a global scale, where panic-selling and sell on a large scale to drive down stock prices!

This is what causes aCrash ... Sun where does the money go?

If you really think about it - someone must be ready for a desperate / investor nervous successfully sell their shares to buy yet?

And if a company is well managed, has sound financial perspective, and provides a good reason to invest in front of a stock market crash is what has changed in this society, during and after a market crash?

For most companies, so the only thing that changes is theirShare price.

For the sophisticated investor ...... This represents a great buying opportunity. Buy when others are fearful that Warren Buffett saying.

Thus, while the novice investor dumps shares her and leaves the market even fleetingly become indecisive or sophisticated investors rubbing their hands together in glee. This is the guy, love the stock market crash, because often, the volatile times in which the best opportunities should be, just ask WarrenBuffett.

During a bear market, the only thing that affects a company's stock is falling, the worsening economic conditions and market. And while we as a people we tend to think the good times never end while we were in them, we are also assuming that when things go wrong, giving this way forever.

During these conditions, who is inexperienced, impatient and often more eager to sell their shares. So a stock market crash is really just aMeans of transferring resources from the hands of those who do not do what they do and in the hands of those who know exactly what they want to do.


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