A Kodak Moment

Are a kind of nut photo. I think I have from my late Aunt Dorothy. Growing up in a western city of oil in Texas, I was lucky enough to live next to my aunt Dorothy. See, my father moved to Iraan, Texas, Findley of Illinois about five years before I was born. Shortly after taking the field transmitted Boss said in his brother in Texas, too. since mid-1950, the brothers and their families Beckett So within about 30 metersfrom each other. Both my mother and my Aunt Dorothy called and the two women were devoted to ensuring that all their children were also made. Here's where to start and similarities.

What was my mother, my aunt over 180 degrees opposite. My mother could really cook and bake, my aunt could really open cans and heat them. Do not get me wrong, my Aunt Dorothy was an incredibly talented musician, my mother could not carry a tune in a bucket. They were given leave withthis. They were both special in their own way.

A Kodak moment was made for my aunt Dorothy. No one has been decorated by her and the little instant camera Browning. The Browning was one of many tools of the trade to Aunt Dorothy. They had film cameras, Polaroid cameras, and shortly before his death, had graduated to digital. The camera was as an artist's brush in hand, he could capture the feelings, thoughts, and yes, even the smells of the moment. Most times, you neveronce they saw that would warp and melt at this time, emerging just long enough to get a flame or take a couple of shots on a roll. Poetry in Motion is what it was, the poem, which was sent to the next meeting of the Family When They would deliver all the copies that HAD Their coil peak the previous event. You never know what to expect, could be the last big game, band concert, piano recital, social welfare, or sometimes actually be funny, but embarrassing moment. Youalways knew would come when they come down the hall giggling like a schoolgirl heard.

I have a strong influence of her and her magic with a camera. More than a sports photographer than anything else. However, as I have the courage to landscape and unusual things sometimes. Over the years, I have my share of embarrassing moments caught on film or should I say digital. Today I went to check some pictures I recently held a Women's College Golf Tournament.Revise and edit photos, as I do not usually uttered after a shootout, I have a rather large tattoo on one of the competitors. Photography is the player after the shot is to follow and about three quarters through '. Just above the line of pants shirt revealing about three centimeters, the tattoo drawn. I suggest that the location, not too much, because many people never seen before, the tattoo.

How many times have we been taken us as believers in amost embarrassing moment and we lost hundreds of times these moments? What would we do if we practiced every day like a celebrity from the paparazzi? We should live differently, not to be captured on film for all to see? Well, guess what ', our Heavenly Father watching our every move, texture and mixing at this time. These are the moments that are longer WWJD What Would Jesus Do not Want To Catch Me time. There are images of God here on earth for the entireWorld to see. Live on the cover.

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