Why should we DARPA budget 10 times? If slowly

There are many people who want to see U.S. military budgets, and unfortunately, most people in this world that our enemies desire. I still think are some of the U.S. citizen, as a favor to the world and our nation's security by military means and our hope is that we have done to avoid further wars.

In the life of the real world is not so. Interestingly, there are agencies associated with the military, which runsultra efficient and gets the number one U.S. tax enormous bang for their money from these groups. For example, DARPA is probably one of the agencies more efficient government of the United States. This is issued for the amount and made profits.

Of course, that many projects fail, but as venture capitalists, its high risk, high yield. And for the little money they spend, well, put them against any government agency. Of course there is some 'history there, you see the previous DARPAARPA gave us the Internet has never been Al Gore.

The intelligence agencies have formed a similar organization called; IARP copying DARPA basic structure and ways of doing things. to most government agencies are just damn politically correct to do anything good. It 'amazing that all the other bureaucracies can not get out of their way, and although many of the other necessary equipment, move like a snail!

Maybe we should all take some pagesDARPA Playbook? Please take this into account.


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