The Binion Silver Hoard

Lonnie Theodore Binion (known as Ted Binion) was that rarest of birds: Native Son in Las Vegas. Raised amid privilege of leading as the son of the notorious Benny Binion, owner of Horseshoe Casino Center and founder of the World Poker Tournament, Ted Binion seemed to have it all. He, with his brothers and sisters were all familiar with the inner life of the legendary Las Vegas landmark, the acquisition of Bennie after reaching adulthood. ToSurface that Binion had not only the American dream with the ownership of casinos, a huge ranch in Montana, and money, money, money comes into the coffers on a daily basis, they lived a life most of us do not realize even. Sounds good, right? They had a large family, has received the best education, lived in luxury, had all that money could buy.

As in many cases, what's wrong with this picture? Often we feel because of the sons and daughters of wealthy parents is leadingDeep End, lost their lives in ruins. Ted Binion was one of those unfortunate children who can buy, despite the best price with the purchase, could not live a decent life. He had the best, but all fell victim to the worst, "Sin City to offer 'has its own ends in death - drug addicts, except the only life he really knew (the life of the Casino), and his live-in lover his best boyfriend accused of murder. This is a story of more than: Bid to think that the best food, everything is possibleeat, think, drink, all you can drink what you think about all night, party, topless bars, to keep the drug trade, has no boundaries, you can have no limits to what you spend, perhaps, the best houses , the best cars, clothes, jewelry, anything! No limits. This was the life of Ted Binion's. The dream of every man, so it seems. But, alas, was not the answer. Instead, Ted Binion was also a cure, helping people who call in to his friends and neighbors - a man at the mercy of the knownopposing forces.

In his days managing the Horseshoe, Binion has seen a steady flow of money, which led him to develop an appreciation and an eye for quality silver. He started collecting, and always fascinated by the variety of numismatic coins that are vulnerable. He began collecting not only that, but as a man of taste too, began to stocks. Found and each silver coin could have tucked her hands, finally completing a time in the arcades, hascalled home with 46,000 pounds of silver coins mint.

This is a story, not only the tragic life of Ted, but the silver, which he loved, and his travel time from a horseshoe her newly built house in the Nevada desert to you, the reader of this story and how all the bonds of our society, the precious metal is a value in and of itself. But we, being almost a love story where we should be, I am really fascinated with the history behind things, the story behindCelebrities, historical figures, great works of art, the size at each level. Hell, not even have to be formed, provided the account of the great story.

We are a people who love the background story, especially When it comes to know somewhere we do, how many of us have attended church the money, that Las Vegas is? Us (though not advised), love to worship the golden calf, and I hope that served in buffet style. Hey, is that our economySystem goes. Our system can not be perfect and can cause a lot of minor problems, but for now, it's all we have. What is that old line? The man who dies with the most toys at the end wins the game? If we start to see things in terms of systems and games, everything seems a bit 'different. It's all a matter of perspective and perception.

So this is the story of Ted Binion and the story of his silver treasure, an amazing collection of silver coins (as describedin more detail below) and how to get your hot little hands on some of them should be of interest to you. Silver, in any form is expected to appreciate greatly in value in years to come, and for those of you who numistamistically inclined (there's a mouthful), this may your chance to buy the pieces away, so are almost out of the ordinary Autumn in category "adorable. I do not think there is not any warning about the worship of the calf with silver. Certainly we canUnderstanding of Ted Binion's desire to acquire and accumulate these treasures, though not fully understand, his fidelity to that which led to his end questionable.

As we mentioned earlier, Ted Binion was the party animal. He lived hard and fast, and loved women. It 'was often more frequently a famous Las Vegas through the creation of tit-tickling collection as Cheetah's - a popular place known for its scantily clad Lovely Ladies. In it, he met a girl named surferSandy Murphy. Ms. Murphy had just over $ 10,000.00, lost their savings, in blackjack at Caesar's Palace. It 'was reported at first to cover their losses, took a job as a dancer, Mrs. Murphy said in a topless cheetah, but work Murphy that the club as an independent contractor selling costumes of the dancers who worked there . In any case, it was where she and Binion are linked.

Profile of Sandy Murphy at Court TV Web Mrs Murphy was quoted as saying:"I did not know who Ted Binion was, or what the Binion family was." Binion, 55, apparently fell to the 23-year-old Southern California girl who has just made their first trip to Las Vegas. He said that Binion and Murphy grew very close, and March 7, 1995, he moved to his home in Palomino Lane Binion. It was not long before Murphy quickly fell in step with the lifestyle of many Las Vegas Binion's, which seems to be violence, sex, drugs, including physical and verbal areAbuse. Sandy Murphy claimed that he never after Binion's money or that she was not aware of his reputation in the local scene. It seems a plausible story, if they wish, a beautiful 23 years, is probably excited HAD They found a 55 years, gave her a nice house to live a life of abuse and degradation.

Enter the second part of the story at the end of Ted Binion. Early 1998 and met Binion took the fight under the name of contractor Rick Tabish, theHe was in the toilet of a high-end restaurant in Las Vegas "(... a promising start MET). Tabish was apparently not very expert in business, because he always lost money by weak companies, and when she met Binion ran a friends of sand and trucking companies on the brink of bankruptcy. Tabish Binion but done and invited him to come home. Both Tabish and Binion came from families with fathers of success, and the Binion family had a large ranchMontana, where Tabish also celebrated. These factors are the common bond that drew them together was.

After some nasty business with the Gaming Commission, the implementation of the Binion Horseshoe Casino was denied, and his sister were in line to take over. Ol 'Ted was somewhere in all that is planned in silver. Meanwhile, Rick and Sandy are drawn back together and began a relationship behind Binion's. The efforts of his new friend Tabish Murphy and his girltalk to him in the liquidation of the silver were not well received. Binion felt the price of silver was too low and wanted to wait a better time. So in a stroke of genius, became ill with Tabish to build him an underground vault in Pahrump on his property. The vault was built, and July 4, 1998, filled with 46,000 pounds of silver Tabish time hiding from the basement of Binion's Horseshoe Casino. If Tabish was finished and time openedBinion asked if he changed the locks, keys and wanted back and sank Binion said that his trusted friend.

About two months later, Binion was found dead. On September 17, 1998, paramedics found Ted Binion died in the cave of his Las Vegas home he shared with Murphy for about 3 1 / 2 years. At first researchers thought Binion who have struggled with drug addiction, the tar away from an overdose of heroin, Xanax and Valium past drug that had bought one day
before. The911 call to police to report the death was added by Murphy about four hours later, there were about ten, and was reported to the 911 operator that her "husband did not breathe (Binion and Murphy are not married have screamed) .

Suspicion, the day after the death of Binion, Murphy can be seen in a video showing possessions they want from the estate, accusing the Binion family
Removing items from the house in his absence and pickpocketing a glass of wineinvestigators to believe that the drug mixture was poured violently included Ted Binion's throat.

Even more suspicious, two days after Binion's death, sheriff's deputy caught Tabish and two assistants, the excavations of the last Binion estimated $ 7,000,000 of silver coins and bars for desert underground to 02:00 clock time report also Tabish said that case found at the scene with a secure connection, and a handwritten note from Murphy
proclaim their love for him.

These events, as well as private studies of the Binion family started
initiated further investigation by the police. What was thought be a
Overdose is now a murder probe. Police probe into death
Binion has led to the arrest of Murphy and Tabish about nine months later and was
Prosecutors at the trial the following instructions may be present:

O Murphy and Tabish a story began in the summer1998

O Tabish bragged on this story.

Or Both Murphy and Tabish knew the $ 7,000,000 of silver tried
Binion persuaded to sell it, and knew the desert underground vault.

The prosecutor or medical expert, Dr. Michael Baden theorized that
Binion was forced to drink the mixture of drugs, which confused him, and allowed
to choke.

or commitment Tabish was digging through his attempt to increase

O Murphy was listed asBinion's beneficiary in a Will.

O Binion's estate attorney has filed a petition that Binion told him
the phone, "Get Sandy out of the will, if not kill me tonight.
When I am dead, know what has happened to me. "Binion was for the dead
Will could be changed.

Or the money necessary for Tabish short of cash.

O Tabish had previous clashes with the law. He was convicted twice in
Montana, for a burglary and conspiracy toIn possession of drugs.
Moreover, he was also charged (along with two partners) in the abduction
Leo Casey and torture business in July 1998.

Murphy and Tabish were made, and sentenced May 19, 2000, after eight
Days consultation by the jury. Tabish was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and Murphy received at least 22 years. In July 2003, in a 4-3 decision of the Nevada Supreme Court revoked the sentence of Murphy and Tabish due to improperCourtroom proceedings. This has led has led to a retrial, and in November 2004, seven people, five woman jury returned a verdict after 19 hours of deliberations. Murphy and Tabish were acquitted of more serious charges against them, the verdict of murder. The jury in Las Vegas has cited a lack of medical evidence to support their decision. Through a provision of Binion's Will, Murphy may be able to $ 1,200,000 until the result of an unlawful death suit brought against her alleged by the Binion family.

Whereare they now? Both were each acquitted of murder were committed, but not for conspiracy to burglary, theft, robbery and sentenced. Murphy was not returned to prison because of the time elapsed. Tabish should be published in 2008.
Note: A theory on charges of death, rejected by the jury at the end was the basis for "Burked," a September 27, 2001 episode of CSI. After the jury study found Tabish and Murphy not guilty of murder, NewsAuditors reported that the jurors were not willing to find them guilty because the forensic evidence was introduced by the prosecution does not meet the standards of the television show.

So what has happened to all of Ted Binion's silver? In November 2001, Spectrum International Numismatic bought the coins from the Binion treasury of $ 3,000,000 and the marketing of the coins has been assigned to Goldline International, Inc., has more than 100,000, Morgan and Peace Silver dollars, and an indefiniteNumber of half a silver dollar. The coins have been authenticated and graded by NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Corporation). A special day and the name was created by NGC, this coin stand out as coins with a pedigree. In addition to the special tags were the silver crown with the words Binion Collection and half marks
Dollars have been marked as Nevada Silver Collection. The coins were sold in a variety of degrees in MS-68, and there was a wide rangethe original price points to $ 50.00.

The history and process of the death of Ted Binion's has kept America buzzing,
and the coins from the Binion Hoard coin collectors have a piece of modern history that will live long in the annals of numismatics. The full story is far from over, but as soon as the last chapter written, this pedigree coins have a history like no other.
The coins were authenticated and certified by Numismatic Guaranty BinionCorporation (NGC), one of the nation's leading independent facilities for the inspection, authentication and classification of coin collectors and investors. At the end of their trial, each Silver Dollar NGC sealed in a plastic tamper-proof coin shows the year and the date of issue mint, more quality of the coin. A degree is important because money is the most important determinant of the coin is the market value is.
Mark Salzberg, President of NGC, said: "This is the largest collection of silverDollar, NGC is always authenticated. "

NGC also has a single certification in any security holder for coins including historical sealed. Each Binion Silver Dollar NGC pedigree has a special label for the first time in a color (green) and depicts three cowboys from the Wild West. Each label also reads, Binion Collection and determine further collectors and to offer a family tree Web site with more information about the library. "ThisCoins with amazing originality and historical significance drip, "said Salzberg. He added:" Less than one in every 1,000 coins NGC grades has a pedigree. Pedigree adding to the collectability of a coin, because they determine, from a historical perspective. "

"Offer to buy coins from the collection Binion opportunity for beginners and advanced collectors of coins for their collections," said Mark Albarian, president and CEO of Goldline. "The price range isconvenient - many coins are available for less than $ 50 more expensive than the $ 10 000. "

Author's note: it must still be developed as the final chapter of this history, we have, this story is accurate as space and time reported it. There was no intent to distort or show responsibility or defame any party. Sources for this research includes:

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