We reserve the right to refuse service!

You see that sign, especially in restaurants:

We reserve the right to refuse service!

In the restaurant world, a patron who is banned for life, says that "they have is 86'd. I have no idea where it came from, but does not mean that you dare set foot in the pub!

I met him as a busboy worldly-wise 15 years.

But I do not think I ever saw someone else 86'd, but the other day it happened to me.

I asked for a place for videosTransmission of a video that I had in Europe, with a DVD-VHS format. They did - in some way. You could not play on my TV, so I asked her to try again, or give me a refund.

The owner out of his mind and said I had an outdated machine, but hell, it's a two year old Sony, so that he was wrong. However, we agree to the idea of putting it on DVD instead, and told me that a condition is that I never darken his door again.

With joy I voted! No problem, Ithought.

However, I was 86'd.

Which brings us to the question we should be able, together with all, or be in an acceptable level of error of interpersonal communication that are limited to tolerance?

I have a sales presentation other day, and since I said hello, I heard a guy was just gunning for me and waited for my chance to torpedo the proposal. Call it bad vibes, intuition, gut feelings, bad karma, chemical mess - whatever - we will not hitvia

I blame because I want Everybody Get together, but here it is possible, or simply stuff a perfectionist?

In other words, can, must, or we have all 86 some perspective?

I say no, we should not. It 's a bad habit, and certainly self-destructive practice.

I see it. If car dealers, who are by tradition and temperament, perhaps, Schacherer price, they should shame because their prospects for their weapon,Search for bargains, and they perceive them as liars and cheats?

If car dealers insisted loved by all, while those who refused to treat them disgusting, they would go bankrupt in less than a month!

So why would someone like me, less thick skin?

I have no answer to say but, hey, this is business.

Exacerbate, or hang up!


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