High Pressure Cleaning Business Case Study, Tractor Cleaning

So often small service businesses fail to niches that have little or no competitive advantage. I know how I built my companies we always tried to find all the niches and go after them. We were not always able to be more successful, we would lack time to time, it happens more than I admit, but the lessons are learned. The best way to success is to learn from the challenges of the past and so in my office, I have a big trash can, bigger than anyExecutive ever do. And it is always full. That's fine. Let me tell you about one of the most successful niches we discovered in the area of high pressure cleaning, cleaning tractor.

This is a big market, there is so much work with all the new environmental laws and the basis of population growth and the economy. http://www.tractorwashguys.com. One problem we had was when we entered the market is that Greenspan and the Fed has raised prices as new home starts started toDecline and many new products on hold. This was 10 years in a different economy and a different market. it also affects the construction and the price of diesel has been off-road. Interesting that today we see the same things happen now, but a slightly different result compared to sales of homes are still, even if the economy is slowing down shows in certain areas.

There is no need for tractors that are inactive or dormant and when we started in the washHeavy equipment cleaning business that is where we were, so we started with the franchise as a module to our franchisees of truck wash guys http://www.truckwashguy.com. Since it is similar in nature to the type of cleaning done, plus all the companies who own their tractors and trucks to move them, water trucks and other units that they washed the guys truck wash as normal. So it made sense to go after this niche even on sale right now. E 'was also useful to lookagricultural tractor cleaning because no matter what the economy does people have to eat, right? We decided to offer this form of franchising with a separate franchise agreement for another $ 3,000.00 only. This covered our costs for the franchisee for a week to train in Butte MT washing tractors at the mines, especially gold mine in sunlight, a kind of funny when you think about it, we will train for a week in a gold mine ?

In the cleaning of construction, there is important information to allocatethey must know and safety issues are unforgiving when working around machinery. The only real qualifications tractor wash guys business that the franchisee a man kind of man or woman to be tuff. A young college student as executive may not like this kind of
work. The money is very good. I remember times earning nearly $ 3,000 to
a weekend cleaning tractors working 24 hours a day for two days and get
greasy to the point where you could not tell what nationality Iwas. Well, if you have not guessed I am a white man, but if you saw me with a group of young blacks who I swear was one of the brothers. At night, six steam and a huge cloud bank working sauna type fog. When cool wet, greasy and tired. It 's like football in the mud with a bunch of animals, no matter the pain. So it takes a real tough person. But the money is great. Of course, this does not give the same person who isPark your car for your BMW, Nike High Tops Varney and detail.

We have all kinds of equipment, also painted for the reorganization and detailing cabs for equipment auctions. I started this business because demand is high for companies that can offer the quality of this type of service. In general, the types of independents who do not understand this type of steam cleaning, how to go about the business aspect of IT. Many farmers in the new company, run like HMOsand large construction companies have procedures and insurance requirements. They can no longer take the company implemented chewing tobacco and says: "All you need things or Kleen naut" You have to do with the OSHA requirements and the EPA NPDES screaming deal on his neck. Is there really no possibility for the independent man who can not follow the rules for rent. We know how to do it. Give me a hard worker, and give a great franchise cleaning equipment and tractors, IUsed to say. We have perfected this co-branding for two years and has led many people in our team who have contributed. It must be his franchise.

This is an often overlooked segment of the market needs and the needs of all high pressure cleaning company to look into this niche. A new Caterpillar engine can cost over $ 65,000.00 heat no more, what happens if the radiator flanges are free from dirt and grease. The blades are scrappersreplaced and sealed and can not be welded when they are all fat. Welders make $ 80.00 an hour, so you do not want them cleaning of equipment. Most companies heavy equipment pressure washing to make more than $ 100.00 per hour. There are many reasons to clean
Equipment, including the fact that operators do not have Union and in poor condition to walk around greasy paths leading to a safety problem or in a taxi headed to work or powder fire risk unnecessary or unsafe to be exposedConditions. In addition, the rail industry, major work available. One of our members worked for the railroad industry as a master terminal guidance. We have an insider of the buying process for large
Railways. Some of the contracts is intense. One thing we learned recently, more than $ 500,000 on a two-year contract.

High pressure washing companies must look to the equipment for the cleaning industry and heavy industry plants, rail yards, ports, agricultureCorporate companies, oil field services and heavy construction. I hope you enjoyed today, high pressure cleaning case study. Remember.


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