With Tatango Texting for fun and profit

Recently I published an article which claimed that a text message or SMS-Marketing the future of advertising. Even went so far as to state that there is never a powerful marketing tool ever invented.

Today I share with you a good opportunity in mobile marketing or just start with a group using SMS. Let me introduce Tatango.

Tatango was an inventor of some fraternity brothers maintain that he needed a wayBrothers of meetings and activities, which was always a difficult task taught. They came with a question, send a text message to mobile phones all the boys' enabled at the same time, and it worked like a charm.

Well, a few years later, the system is financed by venture capitalists, and is available for public consumption. The good news is that it's free, so it's a good way to start with the power of SMS.

It can easily be used asGroup communication tool for a football team or a religious group. It 'also my MLM junkies want to stay in touch with their downstream use. It can also serve as a recruitment tool by allowing people to texts used in the system asking to be included in the mailing list.

There are two elements of the SMS or Short Message Service communication. First, there is a short code, usually five digits instead of ten, making it easier for the user. The second aspect is a key word forIdentification of group and the appropriate response for the server to send back. Therefore, suppose you were a real estate agent and you had to sign a text message on your panel for sale. He said something like "text would mls12234 to 34 567." This indicates a potential client to send a message with the code 34567 mlm12234. This tells the computer to return to those customers in the database and information about specific properties in question belong.

The beauty of SMS marketing is thatCustomers must request the transfer of information on an opt-in basis. Recipients can opt out at any time simply SMS the word STOP. You will be automatically removed from the database. Ideally, this is how it works and is commissioned by FCC. However, there are cases of abuse of foreign servers, as well as the FCC has no authority. There will always be some people abusing the system.

There are four ways for people to join your group. You can e-mail invitation to aindividual or a list of instructions. You can send an SMS to a mobile number to send the instructions. Tatango offers a widget that, in social networking sites like MySpace, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn can be embedded, a blog or a website to allow people to your group. This is a great way to expand your marketing list.

As I said before, this is a free service. However, the free service is supported by advertising. This means that every message contains aquick display of a sponsor. This can be harmful to members of a team or a social group looking for an inexpensive means, but effective communication. But it would be difficult to make a professional association or marketing company.

Consequently, levels of service other Tatango in the price for a different number of classifieds-items of $ 200 for 9.95 to 3000 for $ 99.95.

You will receive a maximum of 5 keywords depending on the account level. Keywords can be usedIdentification of different groups or different marketing campaigns. For example: Suppose you owned a pizza and wanted to find vegetarians from meat-lovers, so that a segment in future marketing efforts. One could propose various offers with keywords identified in each group.

While Tatango is a great way to start with free SMS to a group, I recommend using the free service for a company. You turn the score of the adsMessages. If you want to use this service for your business, certainly would with a plan that paid ad is free. The only advertising that you sell in a message.

Check out a tantango.com Tatango. Create a free account to see how it works. You see, if it corresponds to Tatango paid services to your needs. Remember that there are other, more challenging for service providers that you can investigate before a commitment to a sustainable mobile marketing effort.

If you wantMore information about Mobile Marketing, SMS, visit my blog.

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