Finding a reliable Blu Ray Review Online

The type of forum, which can have this kind of reviews are often filled with comments from those who either developed or are in business to promote the Blu-ray devices to make a profit from each of these, they sell. He says that although there is some degree of discernment, which is required before you can read and do online, with all my heart are all that you have. Everything we do is just make a few basic questions that will confirm what youor read individual appeal to those comments, basically trying to pay for their product.

The first question you should consider is where you can acquire the information. It 's always set to be quite popular discussion forum for users of merchant sites, objected to the customers and other web surfers the opportunity to own 2 cents on the product of choice. This type of Blu-ray review could mix a certain amount of deceptionwith him, because the web master, created the Board would like to buy online discussion motivating, click on the advertising page, which usually immediately after the particular. Read reviews on the page being called into question is never a wise move to do! The only thing that could confirm this type of forum, if you are sending a negative comments that are happening on the device. Unusual as this may be, if you see any Blu RayReview on a website, please try to research the positive and negative mentions of their product, then you could simply have put together at one site produced their legitimacy.

The second factor is the fact that people share their comments and the link with their thoughts. In most cases this type of link you directly to their online store, and simply placing your nothing but a Blu-ray positive review, but just try toEncourage researchers to create and then click the link to a sale. Stay away from that kind of comment! They are consistent from people who are promoting the product or comments, or perhaps for the sale of the company has made the production work. Needless to say, there's something about the Blu-ray review comments that lead people to a Web site to be investigated is the product of the failures and successes to say. to adopt this type of observationnegative and positive mentions in its Blu-ray Review, and a link to their comment, which leads to a news Web site, blog or anything else that more comprehensive in its report.

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High Pressure Cleaning Business Case Study, Tractor Cleaning

So often small service businesses fail to niches that have little or no competitive advantage. I know how I built my companies we always tried to find all the niches and go after them. We were not always able to be more successful, we would lack time to time, it happens more than I admit, but the lessons are learned. The best way to success is to learn from the challenges of the past and so in my office, I have a big trash can, bigger than anyExecutive ever do. And it is always full. That's fine. Let me tell you about one of the most successful niches we discovered in the area of high pressure cleaning, cleaning tractor.

This is a big market, there is so much work with all the new environmental laws and the basis of population growth and the economy. One problem we had was when we entered the market is that Greenspan and the Fed has raised prices as new home starts started toDecline and many new products on hold. This was 10 years in a different economy and a different market. it also affects the construction and the price of diesel has been off-road. Interesting that today we see the same things happen now, but a slightly different result compared to sales of homes are still, even if the economy is slowing down shows in certain areas.

There is no need for tractors that are inactive or dormant and when we started in the washHeavy equipment cleaning business that is where we were, so we started with the franchise as a module to our franchisees of truck wash guys Since it is similar in nature to the type of cleaning done, plus all the companies who own their tractors and trucks to move them, water trucks and other units that they washed the guys truck wash as normal. So it made sense to go after this niche even on sale right now. E 'was also useful to lookagricultural tractor cleaning because no matter what the economy does people have to eat, right? We decided to offer this form of franchising with a separate franchise agreement for another $ 3,000.00 only. This covered our costs for the franchisee for a week to train in Butte MT washing tractors at the mines, especially gold mine in sunlight, a kind of funny when you think about it, we will train for a week in a gold mine ?

In the cleaning of construction, there is important information to allocatethey must know and safety issues are unforgiving when working around machinery. The only real qualifications tractor wash guys business that the franchisee a man kind of man or woman to be tuff. A young college student as executive may not like this kind of
work. The money is very good. I remember times earning nearly $ 3,000 to
a weekend cleaning tractors working 24 hours a day for two days and get
greasy to the point where you could not tell what nationality Iwas. Well, if you have not guessed I am a white man, but if you saw me with a group of young blacks who I swear was one of the brothers. At night, six steam and a huge cloud bank working sauna type fog. When cool wet, greasy and tired. It 's like football in the mud with a bunch of animals, no matter the pain. So it takes a real tough person. But the money is great. Of course, this does not give the same person who isPark your car for your BMW, Nike High Tops Varney and detail.

We have all kinds of equipment, also painted for the reorganization and detailing cabs for equipment auctions. I started this business because demand is high for companies that can offer the quality of this type of service. In general, the types of independents who do not understand this type of steam cleaning, how to go about the business aspect of IT. Many farmers in the new company, run like HMOsand large construction companies have procedures and insurance requirements. They can no longer take the company implemented chewing tobacco and says: "All you need things or Kleen naut" You have to do with the OSHA requirements and the EPA NPDES screaming deal on his neck. Is there really no possibility for the independent man who can not follow the rules for rent. We know how to do it. Give me a hard worker, and give a great franchise cleaning equipment and tractors, IUsed to say. We have perfected this co-branding for two years and has led many people in our team who have contributed. It must be his franchise.

This is an often overlooked segment of the market needs and the needs of all high pressure cleaning company to look into this niche. A new Caterpillar engine can cost over $ 65,000.00 heat no more, what happens if the radiator flanges are free from dirt and grease. The blades are scrappersreplaced and sealed and can not be welded when they are all fat. Welders make $ 80.00 an hour, so you do not want them cleaning of equipment. Most companies heavy equipment pressure washing to make more than $ 100.00 per hour. There are many reasons to clean
Equipment, including the fact that operators do not have Union and in poor condition to walk around greasy paths leading to a safety problem or in a taxi headed to work or powder fire risk unnecessary or unsafe to be exposedConditions. In addition, the rail industry, major work available. One of our members worked for the railroad industry as a master terminal guidance. We have an insider of the buying process for large
Railways. Some of the contracts is intense. One thing we learned recently, more than $ 500,000 on a two-year contract.

High pressure washing companies must look to the equipment for the cleaning industry and heavy industry plants, rail yards, ports, agricultureCorporate companies, oil field services and heavy construction. I hope you enjoyed today, high pressure cleaning case study. Remember.


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How to Fund Your Franchise Start Up

It takes a fairly substantial sum of money to buy a franchise, not to mention the cost of operation, ie, performance, position and sometimes the fees involved to identify with the launch of a business in the region desired. 'S understandable that many new franchisees find that kind of money to be hard to come by in this economy. Do not worry, though, if you are seriously considering buying a franchise, find the resources to be impossible. Do not bedefeat and imagine being born into a lot of money, or who have accumulated a huge savings, franchise get-there are very few examples of franchises that would happen, and do not start some rich.

Franchises are actually very popular. If you're looking for the "Rat Race" of the open plan office, it seems a dream to be able to start your own business and have already pretty well established and simpleset up. There are some great statistics on the franchise, too, and these are some of the great benefits that take into account many lenders when financing a franchise lines, a small independent.

oFranchise success rates are generally 90% or higher. This means that a franchise with less risk of an independent business unit.

oA 1999 U.S. Chamber of Commerce study showed that 86 percent of concessions are still the same people and 97 percent of themContinue the business after 5 years to do.

oA seven-year study showed that 91 percent of franchise operations are still at an incredibly low 20 percent of the face each company.

These are some pretty telling statistics are looking into buying a franchise and lenders are not really that different in reality. If you put a business idea of a provider in the form of a business plan, remember that the ability to more accurate predictions ofThe gains and losses, and market trends is very advantageous. With a franchise, you usually have this information is accurate.

E 'known to require a good deal for the purchase of a franchise, however, if you want to help finance your franchise problem is not usually done in a position not to show that the business model is good, or is came a shortage of people willing to start the fund. The greatest potential for anyone who wants to buy a hookFranchising face is, in fact, his credit history. Even then, however, if the banks lower, you may be able to help in, you can find an individual known as angel investors or venture capital firms may be outside. But even then, sometimes there are pitfalls. The ability to put together a good business plan will be key to securing funding is needed, if this is the case.


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The Groomsman - gifts that he would like to have

If only you could read the mind of your groomsman, you know what him without racking your brain. Men can also be moody when it comes to their taste, but you can play in the choice of gift for your groomsman secure.

The Groomsman Mind

If your partner-in-life-elected to his best friend to be his best man for your wedding, it would be easy to choose a gift for him. The concern, though: he wants the gift? He use them? Hea collection of similar products? Will be purchased online bored with this other groomsman gifts you hurry?

Do not worry. You do not need a psychologist, a glimpse into the mind of your groomsman. He knows what he needs right now just watching him and listening to the man in your life Gush of the boy. Funny, but you have some secret investigative work that is in the sign.

How to Read Your Mind's Groomsman

Invite him to dinner with you andHer boyfriend, or ask him to join you for a day at the beach. Then note the following groomsman gifts and hit the mark:

If he offers for dinner and rifles through his wallet for a bill to pay, then give him a personalized magnetic money clip leather. Do not miss the great with the Executive Leather Front Pocket Wallet with credit card pockets and money clip of Tony Perotti.

If they prove too late, balancing bottles of wine for your holiday on the beach, then give a warningWatch or a leather double wine bottle carrier and presentation of a case. He cried with joy and hops for this reflection.

If he likes to strut his stuff, then give him jewelry. She did not overdo it, giving it the stainless steel with Havana rosewood and mother-of-pearl pendant. It is a safe bet he'll start a career as a groomsman. Gift items like fashion jewelry that you feel very special.

He's one of those young people who have helped the comeback reportsthen give him the Dolan & Bullock 14-Karat Gold Tie chain wear for that special dinner.

A backpack notebook grain nappa leather from Royce is a perfect gift for a groomsman who loves nature and can not live without his computer.

Go Custom

The groomsman will always be a friend for life. Show him how to know to appreciate his role during the hectic wedding. For an additional $ 5.95 to have his name engraved on the nameplate. A special message to bind yourThe friendship for years to come.

Sure, you will show your token carefully selected by an online showcase of the best man gift. As always, it's the thought that counts, and both are worth the extra for you and your best man

Shopping Online

Shop without stress. After calling the restaurant and clothing suitable for meetings or negotiations for the site, gather up your PC and upload. You and your partner enjoy the break. Youcan also be a nice gift for your bridesmaids and ring bearer to navigation groomsman gift shop.

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Want to download Wii games? Read This First!

I am one of many that the barn is the Internet looking for Wii games? If you must read on ...

The Nintendo Wii is probably the most popular game console on the market over the years taken. The interactive mode of the game are really pushed her head and shoulders above its competitors Sony and Microsoft. Many people begin to wonder if you can download Wii games online and transfer them to disc for playback on both aa PC or game console ... the answer is yes.

Many sites are now full access to download Wii games. With this new found wealth of paradise of the game, there are more than one thing to keep in mind when deciding which sites to use ... and simply leave.

One of the most important things for a tab "Contact Us" menu of the site you're looking for information on the use of thought. If you do not have contact information for you, should be to achieve all theirThe problems most likely, are not legitimate. Its not that they are trying to leave the site ... his authority.

A decent "FAQ" is another thing to try. If you explain step by step so that even idiots like me latest technologies ... use their service and download games wii chances are that they are legitimate. Someone is trying to run a scam would certainly not from the difficulty of providing a decent section, written to go with frequentQuestions.

Stay away from any site that even a pinch of "torrent" word. I had some bad experiences with sites like this just last week. These sites claim to offer free files, but they are not only illegal but also contain viruses had a lot of time. Do yourself a favor and jump.

We all want the same thing ... and be able to play wii ... Download the reason is to save time or simply the convenience factor. Take your time andTo consider which side you use caution and your experience will be wonderful and I do not regret.

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Fundamentals of franchise owners and benefits accompanying

The expansion and phenomenal growth of franchising in the U.S. is a continuous evolution of species to vote on a new management to individuals and owners very quickly. This is so connected because of the potential benefits arising from the monumental and possession of a franchise. It is a business model and industrial development, a movement with a speed so fast that our ability and time to build more Continuously operating franchise is always a frenetic and increasingly persistent-Task. In the U.S. alone there are currently more than 550,000 companies based franchise with a new franchise opening every couple of minutes passed. And 'cause for concern, but the numbers scream success. And in the eyes of hungry entrepreneurs seeking a business avenue, where self-sufficiency and personal responsibility are the main issues, franchising has become a highly sought-venture companies.

Why Franchise? - Why not?

Overall, the best aspect of going to a franchiseis that it gives individuals the opportunity to play is to go into a store for configuration and for itself, but also the ability to sound great success, all at minimal risk. Speaking of risks, we know that when people start their business (the education of a non-franchise) 9 times out of 10 will fail over a period of only 3-5 years. But when a franchise company (a corporate training is pursued), 9 of 10 times this company is runningLong after five years have passed.

The advantages of franchise ownership are clear and abundant

As a franchise buyer, you start almost immediately to a company established and successful, but only with a proven track record of commercial prosperity. This is a pre-defined concept with appropriate and successfully sells products and services. From these, you can create molds pinch to do, and what you want, within limits of reason and the franchisor, theOf course. Even better, there is a well constructed story in which you can look ahead to reflect on and plan accordingly to obtain improvements and any changes to your liking.

Moreover, as already mentioned, there is less of a risk when you have a franchise. Failure is almost nonexistent, while the owner of a franchise built simply for the recognition and the sense of the stability. Better yet, the function of low investment factor. To qualifyThe new entrepreneurs, the majority of its franchise investment low front end. And if the amount of self-defined are too expensive, some concessions are actually supporting organizing affiliated lending capacity by banks.

Grasp and retain the purchasing power of a brand

Franchise considerable purchasing power, which can be very useful if you try to save money for items needed for conducting business. The requirements may be submitted bylarge groups and are usually sold. In addition, they offer stability through the pursuit of a franchise brand. Established franchise to offer benefits to allow the continuation of their good name and most recent franchise creativity and room for improvement, such as the realization of the same brand.

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6 most common myths about low cost franchise

When looking at the possibility of creating their own low investment franchise in search for, chances are good that some information about low cost franchise that could not quite right. Whether these stories have told you by someone else, or did, that evoke your own is important to bring to light and know what is the truth. Here are six common myths about franchises cheap that you should not believe.

Before Affiliates are cheaperWhen you open your business.

Sometimes this may be true, especially when it comes to franchising cheap, but not always so. Most of what is a franchise, when they do their business, shopping to be paid based company, a business model that is perhaps already developed and royalties and other fees. Take a franchise FranVentures for example. business advisory and brokerage franchise is one of the less expensive first lineSomeone could come into the world of work, but the purchase of a franchises FranVentures is not always easy in the business, but buys the track record and the knowledge that only a company with experience can offer. Even if a franchise low cost is discussed here, although from a business head down, remember that the cheapest is not always the best.

According recognizable brands, the better franchise.

Indeed, having a name thatable to recognize people to be of great help, but that does not mean you need to succeed. There are many areas in which May not be familiar with the names of companies, because they are not very well known. Many people do not know, for example, the names of vending franchise, but this does not mean that Italia's Best Gourmet Coffee business is a bad choice from home business. On the contrary, is selling coffee machines in offices and keep them supplied with coffee brand, a brilliant exercisesold, because it is the second most imported product in the United States to people who drink the most, regardless of how well known, Italy's Best Gourmet Coffee is in progress.

Third Bigger is better.

The American way is not always the best way. First, not everyone can make a large chain of franchised retail or a large IT company, and secondly, not everyone is a human being can perform this type of surgery. So for someone more equipped to manage a smallbusiness is more is not better. Press-A-Print is a very small home based business, which initially only one owner, his family and a printing machine by hand. Despite its small size and price, but the final size is collected, how many customers the affiliate can promote and load.

Fourth Higher cost means highest possible return.

Just as the idea that "bigger is better", this can sometimes correct, but farexactly when blown into a universal statement. U-Turn Vending fun and books are two of the best business opportunities in the market, but this does not mean that their returns are insignificant at all. The success of the books are fun just for the number of books that a dealer sells at book fairs and so determined, so that the revenue is as high as they are franchises. And as a U-turn vending franchise, owners can look forward to an estimated averageReturn $ 70/hr, which is not too shabby at all for a society that is run virtually.

Cheap fifth is the way to go.

Of course, the topic on the table, cheap franchise, it seems that they are not like a reasonable conclusion. But between the cost cheaper, because it is the cheapest it is not reasonable that the most expensive choice, only because it is the most expensive. On the scale of the franchise cheap, the ranks of Maxx Merchantshighest price is $ 100,000, depending on several variables. However, because this work at home work in the field of credit card franchise, in fact in a market that has a high response rate and promising prospects for continued success. Sometimes cheap is bearing fruit, and sometimes paying more, but many times in business when big risk, your potential return is great as well.

Sixth Franchising is a guaranteed path to success.

Although this is notonly specific franchise low cost, is important to dispel a myth, where possible. Sometimes it can enter the text that can not do without the franchise, but this is simply not true. The chances of success are much greater than for a franchisee for independent contractors (some figures claim a 95% success rate for franchise-holder), but there are too many uncontrollable factors in any kind of business too hard and fast promises about future , so do not ask absolutely convinced that whento do.

There are many myths that circulate in thin franchise articles covering all types of enterprise in business, more than any other to summarize, but these are more likely to experience some. The sage advice is to remove any general statement about the success of any company or affirmation polarized probably very simplistic and therefore false. Take all the business advice with a grain of salt, find out what works for you and what not, and your businessTake advantage of your wisdom.

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Project Shakti - A Win Win Situation

"Our partnership with rural entrepreneurs HUL offers a profitable business model during the operation of i-Shakti kiosks. The low-cost delivery and customer-specific products will result in higher benefits because of greater economic benefits for rural consumers. "

~ Mr. Nachiketa More

Executive Director, Wholesale Banking Group

"It 's tremendous potential in rural markets.'s Where the growth is."
~ Sharat Dhalla, director of Hindustan Lever newVentures and Marketing Services

Sankaramma is one of the leaders of the local Kanaka Durga-group (SHG) of K. Mandal in Cuddapah district of Andhra Pradesh village Muddaner Thimmapuram. The village has 350 households with a total population of 1200 Sankaramma's 5 acres of agricultural land was not sufficient for a family of six due to the severe drought in the region. He started a business in April 2003 with Hindustan Unilever Ltd. In 2005 he had a regular monthlyTurnover of Rs.10, 000 per month. Before he sold door to door, but then began to visit their old customers for products. Shakti sees the project as a means for the Bright Futures of their children. Project Shakti has allowed her to also offer midday meals for primary school in their village. Today Sankaramma a central figure in the development in their village.

Sarvatai Usha, a mother of two children, traveled 32 km to work every day. husband's income was not enough for the twoChildren and their elderly parents. But forcing the long distance and working odd hours Usha to terminate the process. Then he got a call from the ward government. attend a meeting, convened by the Shakti Project. Usha was Shakti Amma, and began a new adventure. In a short period of time to do the good relations that helped develop with the villagers is a good deal. He says: "I'm happy, my family and meet the needs of people give me a lot of respect today." And now she is very excitedtheir business to grow in the years to come.

The list goes on. Hindustan Lever Ltd, a subsidiary of Unilever is to sell thousands of women like Usha Sarvatai Sankaramma and count their products to rural consumers could not reach before. Until 2005, the products of 13,000 poor women in society, in 50,000 villages in India to sell 12 countries and has contributed 15% of sales of rural society in these countries. Women usually earn between $ 16 and $ 22 per month"The often doubling their household income to be used to educate their children. Overall, approximately 30% of revenue from Hindustan Lever rural markets in India

Began in late 2000, Project Shakti, Hindustan Lever activated, access to 80,000 of the 638,000 villages in India. Hindustan Lever director of new business with pride to the phrase: "At the end of the day we in the business. But if we can do something positive through the shops, is a great win-win model. Hindustan Lever wasnot the only company to recognize the great potential of marketing in rural India. With the saturation of the urban market, the company began re-engineering their businesses and products to consumers, the rural poor, but rich in aspirations fueled by the media and other forces of destination.

Unilever in India and business growth

Unilever is the world's largest, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies with a global turnover of 55 billion U.S. dollars in 2005. And 'Indian subsidiary HindustanUnilever Limited (HUL) was the largest company in the country with a volume of consumer goods combined about 4 million tonnes and a turnover close to about $ 2,430,000,000 HUL key brands including Lifebuoy, Lux, Surf Excel, Rin , Wheel, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Sunsilk, Clinic, Pepsodent, Close-up, Lakme, Brooke Bond, Kissane, Knorr-Annapurna, Kwality Wall, etc. These products were over 40 factories across the country.

In 1931, Unilever set its first Indian subsidiary Hindustan VanaspatiManufacturing Company. Then, the lever Brothers India Limited and United Traders Limited were each founded in 1933 and 1935. In November 1956 the three companies merged and HUL form. Unilever's share was 51.55% in HUL in 2005 and the remaining shares were distributed among 380,000 individual shareholders and financial institutions. A tour of acquisitions followed. In 1984 Brooke Bond joined the Unilever fold. Lipton has been acquiredPonds in 1972 and 1986. HUL has followed a growth strategy to diversify more in line with Indian opinions and aspirations.

The economic and political development in 1990 had a marked decrease in Hul, and the growth curve of the group. The liberalization of the economy can explore the company each product and opportunity segment, without capacity constraints. On the other hand, allows deregulation alliances, mergers and acquisitions. In 1993, HULTata Oil Mills Company with the merger (TOMC) 1993. In 1995, HUL 50:50 joint venture with another Tata company, Lakme Limited.

The company had also made a series of mergers, acquisitions and alliances in the food and drinks. Some of them were the acquisition of Kothari General Foods (1992), Kissane (1993), piles Icecream business from Cadbury India (1993), Modern Foods (2002), boiled shrimp and pasteurized crab meat business Group bondingCompanies (2003).

With 12.2% of the world population lives in villages of India, the rural FMCG market population had huge potential. The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest sector of the economy, with a market of 13.1 billion U.S. dollars th The sector was expected to grow by over 60% in 2010. In 2005-2006, the urban India is 66% of total consumption of consumer goods, with rural India, the remaining 34%. However, rural India accounted for more than 40% of consumptioncategories of consumer goods such as large personal care, textile care and hot drinks. FMCG companies bidding as HLL, Nirma, and ITC is the attack on the huge potential to exploit.
In 1990, a local Indian company, Nirma Ltd., began supplying cleaning products to the rural population at the lowest cost. The company had a business system with a formulation of new products created, low cost of production, distribution channels, value packages and special prices. After a decade, Nirma was the largestresponsible detergent brand, with a market share of 38% and 121% return on invested capital.

In 2002, ITC set up a network of Internet-based kiosks, e-Choupal, to help farmers in their procurement process. The initiative began with soya farmers in Madhya Pradesh and subsequently extended to cotton, tobacco, etc. Based on shrimp and had logged-Choupal in June 2000, ITC Internet-based initiative with rural Indian villages 6000 about 1,200 e-Choupal from the 2002nd planteach e-Choupal is an investment of Rs 3.1 lakh. The objectives behind e-Choupal WAS procurement place so unique and point of purchase, so that farmers sell their produce directly to ITC on the basis of the latest current prices prevailing in the market. These mid-off and thus helped to reduce ITC and its costs.

In 2007, approximately 34% of FMCG products sales were from rural areas. The number of households that consumer products used in rural India had grown from 13.6 crore in2004 to 14.3 crore in 2007. This growth was on average 1.8% year over year growth in the number of households reached by using at least a FMCG product. However, the growth of penetration rate for all consumer products are not the same. According to a study by market research firm IMRB, the monthly consumption of detergents and soaps largely stagnant, with a penetration of 92%, but the shampoo liquid by 68% in 2004 grew by 83% in 2007. These data showedShift towards products with higher added value between the rural market, tooth powder, toothpaste or unbranded to branded products. According to the Senior Project Director of IMRB International, Manoj K. Menon, "One of the main changes include the increasing preference towards branded products. Is increased, for example in food and beverages segments, penetration of branded Atta over the years by 8 percent and salt brand decreased 3 percent. penetration Brand Atta1 percent and 3 percent salt. "

HLL marketing effort: Transition rural market

HUL competitive advantage generated from three sources. First, there is also strong brands and, secondly, its local production capacity and supply chain and the third of its vast distribution system set up. Soon the vision was that the HUL sales and distribution system that had protected will soon be replicated by their rivals and maintain its lead over competitors was the companytheir reach urban markets increased. So far, the activity of HUL has more than 2,000 suppliers and employees included. The distribution network of 4,000 dealers existed for 6.3 million retail outlets reaching the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers.

Generally, the goods in each of the 40-HUL factories were established in a warehouse with a transport and forwarding (CFA) sent. The company had its depot in every state in the country.The CFA is the third and got a service charge storage and delivery of products. In every town there was a redistribution Dealers (RS), which took the goods from the CFA and sell them to retailers. Since the late 1990 HUL recognized management problems at the existing distribution model. First, the model was not possible for small towns with a population of small and small businesses. HUL are getting expensive to appoint an exclusive dealer for each city. Second: The retail revolutionChanges in the country, the model customers of the store. Large self-service shops have been established. In response to these problems, HUL reformed its sales channel and distribution and the new system was a "diamond" model known in the company. At the upper end of the diamond, there were the self-service branches, of which 10% of the market for consumer goods is total. Downtown, most often a part of the diamonds represent the center-based team of sales profit. At the bottom of the pyramid wasrural marketing and sales, which represent 20% of the business.

Almost three quarters of the total 1.2 billion Indian population lives in rural areas and most of them had a very low per capita income (about 44% of the urban India). Urban, if the market reaches saturation point, which focus on rural India. Compared to only 5,161 cities in India, there are 6,38,365 villages in India Show [I]. In addition, there were more than 70% of Indian population inVillages and has a large market for consumer goods sector due to rising disposable income and visibility.

Distribution of villages in India

Source: Kash Rangan, Dalip Sehgal et al. Al "Global Poverty: Business Solutions and approaches,"

If HLL moved to rural India, there were many problems. In contrast with low per capita income of citizens, we have been comparedsome areas with enough money, but their knowledge and use is very low. Secondly, the demand for consumer goods rural agricultural situation, which was in turn depended on the monsoon. Transport was also a major obstacle. Many rural areas were not connected by rail. The streets were Kacha isolated interior villages during the monsoon and get unusable. Furthermore, transportation, distribution and there was a problem of communication such as telephone, faxand the Internet. Even in rural areas is still alive and people of ethnic traditions and unregulated easy to get used to new behaviors. For example, the rich and educated class of farmers also do not wear jeans and shoes of the brand. The buying in the villages were slow and late. They wanted to give it a try, and buy only after being satisfied. And more importantly, finally, the poor illiterate peasants regarded as formal education and experience, estimated that sales staff couldpractical solutions to their problems.

HLL approached the rural market, with two criteria - the accessibility and vitality [Annex II]. About 40% of accessible rural market, was high business potential. This segment was service, has appointed a professional HLL common, responsible for all sales and all the affairs of his city in particular. assigned in 25% of accessible markets with low entrepreneurial potential, access to detailed stokist HLL was responsible for allVillages stocks at least once in two weeks and send these markets. In this way, the HLL stock dealers and quantity affect the expansion of credit and sold under the trade discounts. HLL started this cover indirect (IDC) in 1960.

Thereby ensuring the needs of the market with inaccessible high-potential companies Streamline HLL launched an initiative in 1997. HLL rural appointed distributors and Star Sellers. The seller, star bought goods from rural actors and distributed them toDealers in small villages with transport means. This was about 35% of the market inaccessible rural areas under the control of HLL. But an untapped market - the inaccessible, but market activity in low potential has been left out. The size of this untapped market has left some 500,000 villages with a population of over 500 million. At this point the Shakti project was conceived.

Exhibit II
HLL approach to Rural Market

Low business with high potentialBusiness potential
accessible markets indirect coverage (25%) of direct coverage (40%)
Inaccessible markets for space Shakti Stream Line (35%)
Source: See Kasturi Rangan Rohithari Rajan, "Unilever in India: Hindustan Lever a project Shakti - Marketing FMCG rural - 27k

Project Shakti

HLL soon realized that, even enjoyed a greater market penetration in rural market, where she and her rivals such as Nirma and ITC in relation to theirdirect reach was limited to only 16%. The FMCG giant was desperate to increase this percentage. HUL saw his dream of the great Indian rural market. The company was already involved in rural development with the introduction of integrated rural development program in 1976 in the Etah district of Uttar Pradesh. This program has been in tandem with HUL's Dairy operations and 500 villages falling Etah. Subsequently, the company has introduced similar programs in nearby villages. ThisActivities focused mainly on training of farmers, animal husbandry, development of alternative sources of income, health and sanitation and infrastructure development. The most important issue for rural development was to create income-generating opportunities for poor farmers. These initiatives, together with the core business of the company, was positive and proved to be sustainable and mutually beneficial to both ant rural society customers. However, much remains to be done. Shakti-project wasdesigned.

performed by the pioneering work of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh have been self (SHG) of women in rural areas of various institutions, NGOs and government agencies in villages throughout India format. This group usually has 15 members contributed a small amount of money to a common pool and then offered a micro-credit to a member of the group to invest in an approved general economic activity. Partnerships with these SHGs, the project began HLL Shakti in Nalgonda districtAndhra Pradesh in 50 villages in 2000. The social side of the Shakti-project WAS That the aim is to create income-generating opportunities for women in disadvantaged rural areas by providing an opportunity to Improve Sustainable micro enterprise, and rural living standards through health and hygiene awareness. Most women viewed the project Shakti SHG as a powerful business proposition and are keen participants in it. It 'was, after other states with the power of time40,000 Shakti entrepreneurs.

HLL offers a wide range of products to the SHGs that were relevant to rural customers. HUL is investing significant resources to work with women in the field and with their training in the workplace and support. HUL provided the necessary training for these groups the basics of business management, women need to manage their businesses. For the SHG women, this means a great need, the sustainable income, contributing tobetter living conditions and welfare. Armed with micro-credit, women from SHGs direct-to-home distributors in rural markets [Exhibit III].

Exhibit III
Structure of market coverage in India HLL

Source: Kash Rangan, Dalip Sehgal et al. Al "Global Poverty: Business Solutions and approaches,"

Shakti: How it works

In general, a member of a SHG as Shakti entrepreneurs, selected generalcalled "stocks got Shakti Amma" from HLL rural retailer. After training by the company, Shakti entrepreneurs then sold the goods directly to consumers and retailers in the village. Each Shakti entrepreneur generally maintained villages in the 10:06 population of 1000-2000 people with 4-5 major brands of HLL - Lifebuoy, Wheel, Pepsodent, Annapurna and Clinic Plus In addition to these, other brands including Lux, Ponds, Nihar and 3 Roses tea. Shakti entrepreneursHLL certain goods on "cash and carry basis." However, if the local self-help groups or microfinance banks, if necessary. According to Dalip Sehgal, executive director, new ventures and Marketing Services, HLL Project Shakti is the addition of up to 15% of sales HLL in rural Andhra Pradesh. He also indicated that there would try, given the size of the country and the backwardness of their wives, Project Shakti, as everywhere in a win-win situation.

I-Shakti: Crossingborder

Encouraged by the success of the business or goodwill and Shakti-project, in August 2003 launched an information service HLL Web-based rural areas, called I-Shakti in Andhra Pradesh, in collaboration with the Government of Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Internet Village Programme. I-Shakti is an IT information service for rural areas, provide important information for rural populations in areas such as agriculture, education and training, health, hygiene and the like [Annex IV]. The objective behind thei-Shakti model is to give, they need information on-demand services in the villages.
The Shakti-Shakti kiosks managed by the entrepreneur. This was expected to strengthen relations with customers. HUL expects this to improve the productivity of the rural population and unlock the economic and social progress.

IV Show
A snapshot of the website 'i-Shakti'

Source: HUL Shakti-Changing Lives in Rural India. " - 41k

I-Shakti has been developed on an interactive discussion patented technology and enabled by the Unilever Corporate Research Team, UK The system has a thorough understanding of the specific needs of users and thus improve the quality of services offered. The APonline, had tied with i-Shakti, to start various services. Furthermore, i-Shakti, ICICI Bank and HUL together services provided by various financial products andas life and general insurance, investment products (stocks, mutual funds, bonds), ICICI Bank Pure Gold (gold), Personal Credit, the rural savings and remittances to rural customers.

Redefining Rural Distribution: Changing Lives

After the success in Nalgonda, planned in 2003, HLL Shakti expand to 100 districts in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and UP. There have been other projects, such as to allow other companies (except competitors HLL) as Nippo, TVS Motor toMopeds, to insurance companies for LIC policy Shakti network to sell their stocks. Sehgal was proud when he announced: "We wanted to stabilize before it can appear as the project to other companies. It requires a person with size of scale and build a platform and then to other businesses on that platform." He also stressed that Shakti was to create a win-win partnership between HLL and its consumers.

There were about 4.36 lakh women self-help groups in AP with almost58.29 lakh poor women. AP only had about half of the SHGs in the country. By 2005, the RS 1500 crore had mobolised SHGs had mobilized as corpus. Rural women were organized into "savings and credit" groups with a saving of Re.1 a day, a fund of over Rs 800 crore created. While savings were among the groups, there was no channel of investment. HLL knocked to overlook this huge networking project Shakti to start. Tp HLL has been able to provide a window to view and invest. Earn

The impact of HLL was not all at once. HLL witnessed 15% of additional sales from the villages of AP, which accounted for 50% of the total turnover of HLL products in AP. Market analysts have been receiving a huge potential in rural thrust of HLL. Nikhil Vora, Sr. Vice President of Research Group ASK Raymond James believes that if a company can take the burden of rural markets, it was HLL. He further continued, "HLL contributes 20 percent of the totalFMCG companies in the country. So, clearly, the burden is HLL to grow the market. Shipping costs can not happen in the next five years, but a lot of understanding of consumer insights and comes from such an exercise as Project Shakti, which in turn can lead to product innovations. "

HLL Project Shakti recognized that to be the company for rural penetration is successful, retailers and communicators must be well trained. It was unclear how the dealer behaves in expanded infrastructure. AlthoughHLL rural initiatives creates huge costs for the company, it was expected that with the resumption of the monsoon and more income in the country could sink the payback period for projects such as Shakti. The decline in consumer loyalty among the rural population of the city market was an imperative. KN Siva Subramanian After shares, Sr. Vice President, Franklin Templeton India Ltd, "The (HLL) management was imminent saturation of urban markets has long recognized and has begunaggressive plans to capture the rural markets. However, a slowdown in agriculture caused rural incomes still flat and the impact on sales. We believe that lower prices and targeted the further expansion of the network, businesses can unlock the potential of rural markets. Initiatives such as Project Shakti will help to establish and consolidate its base in rural markets. "

HLL would have to determine whether the project could be repeated in other-ShaktiCountries. The structure of the family and the Indian village of interaction of a single mechanism of diffusion is an effective vehicle for the Shakti. If this model in other countries could be implemented successfully it is necessary to work. They also need to know if the project Shakti, or e-Choupal initiatives such as may be increased. There was no doubt that companies FMCG brands regional, or even higher to reach not the kind of distribution that HLL had founded andIn the long run it could prove a winning strategy for HLL.

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And scene! PvP done right

I can not tell you how many games I have tried PVP leave within the first few days. The games can be beautiful graphics, solid mechanics and even a decent story behind ... But in the end it makes no difference. Soon shooting small decline applicants with a blaze of success for a minute and then a chain of errors the next. Things to manage, both around chaotic (in the sense of trying enemy) and repetitive (how can you win or die, slightly aboveand again and again).

After a parade of disappointing games I only respect the classics (Dear God, I love Halo and Brawl) to give much hope that every game could make PVP consistently satisfactory.

And then, a little 'less than a week ago, I met gold.

It was late in the evening at 11:00 Eastern watch me through a selection of demos from steam-free browsing and decided that I had never heard before trying a game called MetalDrift.

Wow ...

Not only the beautiful graphics, mechanics and the concept of immersive pleasure - but something that had long been made to be impossible then. They would fight a unified progressive, orderly, and yet painfully exciting PVP resulted.

This article is about how they did it ... And how you can too.

But before you can obtain this, we will step back ... Back in the theater and film as we explore the elements that form theBackbone of the incredible game Metal Drift.

The power of Scenes

While the "scenes" are usually associated with movies and plays - the concept of principles can be applied to any time-based media ... And perhaps more suited to theater games, from which it arose. After all, if lower, in order to obtain what is a scene?


A scene is a constituent of a larger work, one with a clear beginning and an end.

Okay,we have a definition - but now we are in a much more important role. It 's time to jump into the inherent power of your scenes and how to use them to work so much deeper.

Every single scene is at least a certain level - a positive or negative change. In the novels, plays and films have characters who fight for what they want before returning finally realize both a short-term objective, otherwise. Powerful artists tend to balance positive and negative, with a followingothers, like the roller coaster ups and downs for maximum excitation balances. If the public is exposed to an endless march of tragedies that wear quickly our ability to care. In the words of Robert McKee, the first tragedy that we mourn, we are cold after the second and third ride. Indeed, the repeated use of a device than comic tragedy.

So ... See link to video games yet? If you do this, pat on the shoulder. I'll wait. For the rest of us, letThis is true for art and design, we love all that.

Video games are always characterized by scenes. Super Smash Brothers every tide of shots before the characters finally get a breath (or because both have stopped their attacks for a moment or because one below the screen) has a self-contained building block in the great battle - and it is easy to see that was better in this fight rounds.

For me, it was a good scene. For theother was negative. lose and as always negative too frustrating (repeated) and always get boring after a while '(repeating positive) excellent game designers should do their best to ensure that their games with a natural, balanced, progressive scene in the eyes are so designed .

If you are an example of this, look no further than the brilliant execution of this principle that I have ever met. That's right, it's time to get, MetalDrift.

Metal Drift

Metal Drift is one of the most interesting and dynamic, I play it all month. Its creators take the concept of the struggle excellent standard tank-on-tank and then has a small element that made the difference ...

A bullet.

Metal comes in the role of a motorcycle racer-tank, driving a cross between a NASCAR race car and a tank floating in a sport only accept known as ... You guessed it ... Metal drift. Players race to the ball and try to Dodgeby enemy tanks to get them in their goal. And yes, the default method to stop an enemy tank comes Handy Dandy guns on top of their technical use. Blowing things is still not satisfactory, as always, but the innovation of the ball as a priority for action provides a range much greater force in the game. But more than that - is a constant feeling of progression created. It is not every man for himself in a battle tank-on-tank ... Every second, the ball is alwayscloser to its destination. Every shot, turn and run movement contributes to a steady progression of one or the other ... Adding to the excitement.

Amazingly, this busy and fast game - set entirely in the hands of the player for the sum so that up to twelve people can play, whether to produce a clear and coherent ordered extreme scenes.

Think for a moment.

PVP games are notoriously difficult to map. After all, we have Designerno control once the game begins. In single-player campaign, we can make enemies on specific areas instead of - for the stations of healing and save points and clear the linear progress ... But if the player up to either side of the conflict, all bets are off. The only thing we do is the design of the surrounding plain.

But, as Metal Drift shows that there is more than enough.

Phase 1 - Reach Action

when the game begins, each player rushthe same focal point - the ball is at center stage (indicated both on the radar screen and an elegant reference monitor to keep the action). At this point, or start a race for the ball himself or else go to your place chosen for your support and your ball-runner and defending against the opposing team. In addition, you may have started this scene, right in the game, respawn after the tank was destroyed with the ball already in possession of a team. In this case, your strategymaybe change something - but never mind, you can also try to get the ball to knock down an enemy take on another purchase to defend your team.

In both cases - you must go to the location choice, when the scene begins. Then in the second stage takes over.

Step 2 - Fight for the ball

Whether you are fighting for the ball, or trying desperately to break down a defender to keep the process is the same, while trying different weapons and updates each holdsIndividual fresh clash. Remember that these clashes are on the run. The ball carrier tries to survive long enough to have the opposing team to come to Rome - while the enemies try to shoot them at that time. So did achieve a stable, independent actors. If the opposition does not exist, the player is running, the ball from one side of the pitch for other races in about fifteen to twenty seconds. It will run more than everis a goal or the ball carrier is destroyed. And as the ball position can be clearly visible on the screen, hoping the ball carrier can not hide - removes the research sessions clearly drawn. You have to run everything I have.

Step 3 - A change in the character

Well, every scene ends when one of three things happen. Or a goal is scored, the ball possession changes, otherwise one of the tank is destroyed. Once a tank is destroyed, you mustWait ten seconds before they appear again, taking the remainder from the fact the aim of trying. A tank of destruction is a much more subtle change as a goal is reached, but changes the action so intense fundamental, and a game that every designer is incredibly useful. There is something called the French scene ...

French Scene

Okay, ready for a quick lesson in international theater? Good.

French art scenes have a device thatevery designer should sleeve. be created once played in the French format, accepts only one place and time, who worked for the traditional way of scene changes (either by changing the location or time) - the drama about an ingenious solution. They decided that if they can not have the time or place has been around the characters ... They just had the figures move around the time and place. Yet determined, a scene the characters of the type of scene - so, formay be a new character, you change the whole scene.

Consider a situation where we were all alone at some point or another - two young lovers together. Perhaps they find themselves alone in a garden, or perhaps in a darkened room, set on a sofa. This scene is a beautiful, intimate, intimate moment ... What changes completely once the girl's mother enters the room.

End of scene.

Applying this result in metal. It 's a big difference when you runthe ball without an enemy in sight, than right behind you - disruption of yelling fire in your ion engine. When an enemy tank will cause the whole dynamic changes. Flaring in fear has sharp teeth crunch voltage-rotated, a question burning in your head: Can you over time?

Permanent destruction (exits) and subsequent appearances (input) of enemies and allies, changes in the dynamics of strong and coherent scenes. And this iswhere the true excellence of design comes into play metal

Balancing positive and negative

Metal Drift shows to create a good job, a nurse, an interesting structure in that fight too often unbalanced and chaotic morass of PVP. But even more consistent PVP games still have the problem of balancing positive and negative. What can be done to ensure that teams which do not want us to get too far ahead? How can we ensure that a fullplayer game has fought a well balanced mix of positive and negative scenes for the game more exciting for everyone to do?

E 'in responding to this challenge, Metal Drift rises above many other games that I played ... He does this in three simple ways.

First, succeeded Metal Drift, the temptation too much to resist long-range weapons (such as sniper rifles and their relatives). Sun launch a ball carrier, usually means very close to that institution. This means thatOnce a ball carrier is destroyed, the rebound is often next to a member of the team (the one who shot down). The ball is set to change the properties and begin their race to the side of justice - instead of continuing on the same goal. Thus, a change in direction is more likely that other triumph of the team.

Second: The game features colored energy fields that can only happen for a team. blue tanks can move freely through bluefields of energy, while red tank can move freely through ... Well, I'm sure you get the idea.

There are often many fields of blue energy near the Blue Goal to defend your goal is much easier to attack your opponent (again, increases the likelihood of a turnover in possession). But even if the Italian team fails, the score red-stop, it is much easier for them to get back to the center (where the ball has emerged), while a slower red, we must take more roundaboutRoute. This makes it much harder for a team that has scored only one goal, to go back to before the ball hits the opponent. All this from a few walls intelligent.

Finally, Metal Drift creator of the classical principle of setting respawn points for players used to their base near destroyed more than their opponents. This means that each tank is destroyed, in a much more defensible materialized, which means that it is easier to defend your own goal, but more difficult to obtain otherSide of the field to help in time to prove a point system. This in turn favors the defender and made a series of one-targets even more unlikely.

But balancing positive and negative, is only possible so far. Scenes do nothing for themselves - it is important that the scenes lead nowhere, build anywhere ... Everyone wins in intensity until it reaches a climax. Without that, a story or a game is in danger of being repeated. For the sake of consistency - we can even venturemore in the game at the speed of light drift of Metal and explore the subtle mechanism, which is to steadily build to a thrilling climax.

Peak Climax

Anyone who has ever taken a writing course to tell a story of the climax belongs. It 'a mystical, mythical point in a fairy tale - the climax of the history of power, where the action explodes in the most magnificent, crowning the nature of the trip. The whole history of his time spent the entire structure to it - at this point that LukeSkywalker makes his desperate run down the Death Star destroys the gap and the space station once and for all (or until the third movie if they still do).

In games, is a "boss".

When my partner in crime, Alex Kerezman, has an absolutely excellent article about the games climax in, which describes how every moment of the game as it explodes in a brilliant final - the highlight of the game are written - II 't explore the subject in depthhere. But the lights are not on story-driven campaigns of most games is familiar to us is limited. This is the case, and much thinner, fighting in the realm of PVP. And 'this use of the buildings gradually micro-scenes, exploded in a climax to the game (sometimes literally), which binds together all elements of the resulting metal.

As you race towards the goal of your opponent's every breath depends on whether you can make time. The closestYour opponent's goal, had more time to shoot you. See your shields and health bar tick down, pulls more objective ... You can do this time?

If you do this, it is often only slightly - and moving beyond belief.

And if you explode in a shower of fire and shrapnel ... E 'often just on the edge of the door.

In both cases, it is exciting.

If the acts are included larger units of scene - then each act ends with a goal. And allwhile the defenders are, after the ball carrier-fighter with a thought in my head ...

Can I stop in time?

Whether or not it is possible - the story was told, the building energy until it explodes in a climax - if the horn at full volume consists of a door or the explosion shattering of the ball carrier breaks into fragments .

And then the ball falls back and the next act begins.

Closing the Curtain

As a result of metal so wonderfully demonstrates,the power of the scenes and story structure is not limited to the theater. Its creator, Black Jacket Studios, have adopted elements of older art forms to amaze and delight players defined by climatic action scenes, and ... And they did so with only a couple of simple mechanics. You can too.

It 'important to remember that only the scenes in a game is not enough. Every game has to die fighting the French scenes, characters, and when to leave the picture, but not every game uses scenes.After all, bad movies and scenes - many of them. Not enough scenes of the game, or even be aware of. It 's the way these scenes are the questions structured. Positives and negatives must be balanced (though of course not the case that it is impossible to occur in the path of victories and defeats) and build the tension to build and build and, until it explodes in a climax. resulting in metal to be as smooth and thin that you can see for yourself. If younot grabbed a copy of the demo, you might want to try.

So the next time sitting at your favorite game, look at how designers are trying to bring order out of chaos, the player decisions. In the words of Stephen Sondheim, "Putting together. This is what counts."

And ... Scenes.

Dan Fields, WhyGames Blogs


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Eckhart Tolle and Oprah - Hidden & Killing ego, help humanity enter the flow of life

Oprah and Eckhart Tolle in Chapter 2 of the class online to book a new earth, to discuss the pursuit of the ego to establish the superiority and inferiority, as constantly seeking the size and position of those persons.

We evaluate all satisfied because the human ego, and I can not find the ego keeps alive.

Oprah says intuitive: "Will I live keeps more of them."

Before commenting Opah, said Eckhart following observation, which preceded it:"The ego always compares himself to others, to find a certain superiority somewhere."

The tendency in the ego continually compare ourselves with other people in size (often prematurely, before you really know), and presumptuous to stereotypical judgments of the people, to sabotage your relationships, both personally and professionally.

The apostle Paul took this revolutionary and life-changing revelation in writing to the church of Corinth, says: "For usdare not make us the number, or compare ourselves that any praise, but you measure yourself and confront each other, are not wise "(2 Cor 10:12).

The comparison was cancer, his identity, because there is always someone better, or less than that found in an area or aspect of life.

Eckhart said: "This is very interesting can be observed in many situations, because the ego sees in every timeThey come in a group of people or to meet new people, wishes to position itself somewhere. Are better than this person? I do not know more than this person? Or are richer than this person? Or is this person richer than me? So he is trying to position themselves, and that brings both a sense of superiority or inferiority, and both are me. "

The danger is the sin of presumption (the Bible calls the "great sin"), as is often arrogant andpeople try to label the first dimension and make judgments about others.

sins "Who can understand his errors? cleanse me from hidden faults. servant your shoulders too presumptuous, do not let them have about me: I stand, and I am innocent of great transgression" (Psalm 19:12-13).

These sins of arrogance and confrontation occur even within the church, where brothers and sisters, to compare their forms of worship and the way in whichIndividually and collectively, serving God opens the door to pride, arrogance, conflict, and work all evil.

The humanity in their quest for self often get almost to the point of self-exaltation, which is arrogant and falsely compare to the divine. The irony is, however, if peace with humility, a hug from the heart and identify with the Creator, He will freely give his nature, form and power of God

However, many relatedtheir egos are trying to live in their own self-sufficiency, hindered their full abiliity had just connected with loving God. Dangerously some even have the courage to confront the Almighty. Of course, historical-Nations over the years have tried to use other countries on earth, which quickly led to their decline and fall of man.

The United States of America is currently acting as global police and bully the world. Blinded byits moralism and self-recognized national identity (even if the world a deception and illusion), the United States is fast losing international credibility, to be justified by the devaluation of its currency.

"All nations before God as nothing, and are counted to him less than nothing and vanity. Whom then you see God, or what you will look like compared to him?" (Isaiah 40:17-18)

United States (as other nations to follow as war and economic imperialismThe foreign policy) is in progress by God so that it can alert their own arrogance and futility of labeling much of what it shakened world as a pious and good. Surely God will be no political party or a nation abolishes innocent and misuse of his name.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, not for the Lord will not hold innocent who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:07).

The promise of punishment and the law also applies toHollywood directors and writers who have condemned the way God recklessly and without premeditation.

Work through a difficult period of his life in bitterness and complaints began to blaspheme the Lord God has visited time work, a response from the turbine, daring and said: "Who is this That darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up thy loins like a man hours, because I demand an answer from you. Where were you when I laid the foundationsEarth? "(Job 38:1-4)

As someone who has lived in Asia for three years (and loved when driving on the continent's most populous in the world, stop where two thirds of humanity), I noticed a lot of people and religions are trying to compare God, what has made men with their hands. This is also another form of comparison, the vain attempt of man to compare and create God in his image on earth.

"Those who love me and make me equal and compare me, that weSee how? Pour the gold from the bag and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith, and makes it a god: they fall, yes, worship. I take the hand of God [on the back], They take him and put in its place, and he is in his corner, will not be removed: Yes, it should be, but he can not reply to cry, nor save him from his anger . "(Isaiah 46:5-7)

"Shame on you to serve all the idols that the idols boast:His worship all gods "(Psalm 97:7).

"The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but can not speak, but their eyes do not see. They have ears but can not hear, even breath in the mouth. Which have as their is to ensure that the utmost confidence in them "(Psalm 135:15-18).

"For you, Lord, are above all the earth: Thou art above all gods" exalted (Psalm 97:9).

"Oh, thank youthe God of gods, for his mercy endures forever "(Psalm 136:2).

"For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Majesty and grandeur are the strength and beauty in his sanctuary before him" (Psalm 96:6).

Oprah called to a quote from the memoirs Great: "Whenever you feel better or worse for anyone, it's always your ego."

The knowledge of eternal human tendency to make comparisons, as Jesus said, "we compare the WhereuntoKingdom of God? or comparison with what confronts him? ... We try to get across. "(Mark 4:30,35)

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Stock Market Crash - What happens when the stock market crash?

Over the past 18 months there has been a collapse of global financial market is entirely controlled by the bears. Many investors and traders are sitting on the fence and beyond, and the remainder undecided.

Have you ever wondered in those days, in which billions of dollars are wiped from the stock market has just happened ..... what's on the money certainly can not just disappear?

Simply put, the stock market is actually the people, people who are orThe buyer or seller and controlled by emotions. Fear and greed tend to dominate human emotions ... and this is what causes a stock market crash or an incident in general!

If enough sellers offload one share is based on their fear of losing something they have heard, this is the price of those shares to fall. In the event of a disaster or bad news, especially on a global scale, where panic-selling and sell on a large scale to drive down stock prices!

This is what causes aCrash ... Sun where does the money go?

If you really think about it - someone must be ready for a desperate / investor nervous successfully sell their shares to buy yet?

And if a company is well managed, has sound financial perspective, and provides a good reason to invest in front of a stock market crash is what has changed in this society, during and after a market crash?

For most companies, so the only thing that changes is theirShare price.

For the sophisticated investor ...... This represents a great buying opportunity. Buy when others are fearful that Warren Buffett saying.

Thus, while the novice investor dumps shares her and leaves the market even fleetingly become indecisive or sophisticated investors rubbing their hands together in glee. This is the guy, love the stock market crash, because often, the volatile times in which the best opportunities should be, just ask WarrenBuffett.

During a bear market, the only thing that affects a company's stock is falling, the worsening economic conditions and market. And while we as a people we tend to think the good times never end while we were in them, we are also assuming that when things go wrong, giving this way forever.

During these conditions, who is inexperienced, impatient and often more eager to sell their shares. So a stock market crash is really just aMeans of transferring resources from the hands of those who do not do what they do and in the hands of those who know exactly what they want to do.


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We reserve the right to refuse service!

You see that sign, especially in restaurants:

We reserve the right to refuse service!

In the restaurant world, a patron who is banned for life, says that "they have is 86'd. I have no idea where it came from, but does not mean that you dare set foot in the pub!

I met him as a busboy worldly-wise 15 years.

But I do not think I ever saw someone else 86'd, but the other day it happened to me.

I asked for a place for videosTransmission of a video that I had in Europe, with a DVD-VHS format. They did - in some way. You could not play on my TV, so I asked her to try again, or give me a refund.

The owner out of his mind and said I had an outdated machine, but hell, it's a two year old Sony, so that he was wrong. However, we agree to the idea of putting it on DVD instead, and told me that a condition is that I never darken his door again.

With joy I voted! No problem, Ithought.

However, I was 86'd.

Which brings us to the question we should be able, together with all, or be in an acceptable level of error of interpersonal communication that are limited to tolerance?

I have a sales presentation other day, and since I said hello, I heard a guy was just gunning for me and waited for my chance to torpedo the proposal. Call it bad vibes, intuition, gut feelings, bad karma, chemical mess - whatever - we will not hitvia

I blame because I want Everybody Get together, but here it is possible, or simply stuff a perfectionist?

In other words, can, must, or we have all 86 some perspective?

I say no, we should not. It 's a bad habit, and certainly self-destructive practice.

I see it. If car dealers, who are by tradition and temperament, perhaps, Schacherer price, they should shame because their prospects for their weapon,Search for bargains, and they perceive them as liars and cheats?

If car dealers insisted loved by all, while those who refused to treat them disgusting, they would go bankrupt in less than a month!

So why would someone like me, less thick skin?

I have no answer to say but, hey, this is business.

Exacerbate, or hang up!


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Skateboarderpro assumes Online Skateboard Biz

In recent years, say in the last 10, the shop around the "skate culture" has exploded swivel. Some years ago I attended a conference in San Diego WAS ASR and the sheer volume of industry that has built around the remains of the blown 80's Revival skateboard. And 'the coming of the third sector skate like the phoenix has risen, and there is no stopping this giant. durable goods, dry goods, you name it, there were hundreds of exhibitors, many withenormous popularity all felt a huge piece of this lucrative market skate culture.

The whole conference was just dripping with "hip" I've been conscious that I am not cool enough, because it gives me an exceptional opportunity available for many different segments broken. Stash is most certainly did. Skateboarding is not just for children, is a great cultural movement with a huge extent. This is not just about selling skateboard hardware wheel bridge, etc.It is selling a whole culture ... and now it's gone like hot cakes.

I was at the conference with a good friend who owns a small manufacturing company and I were together a skateboard help Little, marketing and trying to raise his profile a bit '. Like many other sectors, the skateboard shop has become a pipeline of distribution, but adheres strictly to a few companies decided that develops all the main product of controlled feeding. If you are a retailer, you mustthese guys are bad because they want the public to purchase the gear they win. If you are a retailer upstart almost impossible to get the product key, because another more-established dealers in your area is to be able to deal with the dealer. Sun, diminishing much smaller retailers are trying to flog product unknown, and the sad thing is that in many cases, this unknown product is only as good or exceed the quality of the mark.

This is where my friend comes to the dilemma is aManufacturers are trying to get distribution. So far has their own things Flogging best it can be addressed by dealing with smaller retailers in the country of origin. But to be decreasing with the production of North America, and what they will be forced to compete with cheaper products from China made the dealer sees the market tide with His dominant win. At this point, then, for him to succeed it needs wider distribution. He should be in stores across NorthAmerica and most of all in need of internet sales.

When I look at Internet retailers, there are some very cold places, some bricks and mortar of reality, but rather that companies are strictly online. Nevertheless, almost all fall victim to the dealer. Not every shop, every product with a great name. For example, if a retailer has big-name X & Y, and he is your supplier if the customer wants the product Z, which happened to be a distributor of Bgreat line is that customers go to another store and there's not much you can do as a retailer, why not go to the product Z for all time selling X & Y of your husband. In some areas this is not a problem because a product can only be good quality-wise as the next brand and customer base is fixed. But in the skate biz brand and image are the king, and come in a dozen. With oscillations of competing products, too oriented toward the level of awarenessThe quality is almost secondary, with most children consume these products. The consumer wants to know the latest skateboards and bigger and they can, what are these products? Enter skateboarding pro. The professionals in sports today are truly amazing athletes perform, defying gravity and fear sometimes incredibly complex and technical maneuvers. Look for the upcoming Olympic Games at a skating near you very soon, no joke.

This sport has gained great credibility morelast decade. Read more credibility "factor" Ka Ching. Scroll through the pages is a major skateboard magazines and many have difficulty finding objects hidden in all advertising. And how many other tournaments, what these young professionals with their money skills. Younguns like Ryan Sheckler, Paul Rodriguez, Terry Kennedy, Rob Dyrdek and vacuum up large U.S. dollar was wearing her clothes and rides his sponsor sponsorEquipment. This pro skateboarders are living, breathing billboards for consumers Skateboard strong base which is now almost a global market.

With so many "name" products and companies are changing professionals Skate as underwear, it seems a couple of interesting possibilities to be here. Enter, a new page that I came across recently, that with a lap top ten hot Pro Skater. There are some links to some YouTube videos, but there is a complete listThe Gang Skateboard These guys are the sponsors with direct links to buy for prices, order online with a supposed "research" more convenient. I saw some online retailers get professional organization of its stock by skaters, but because they are not all the great names of their subcontractors employed under some of the margins, what are very weak. Skateboarderpro has it all. Choose to see your favorite professional and just the top ten, links to all equestrian uses, from bridgeTrucks, wheels, bearings, even shoes. Skateboarderpro investigations of a variety of online merchants and puts them all together in one site. If you want to ride say buy the exact configuration, Danny Way, do not look around and for three different sites. Amazon aStore Skateboarderpro uses to unite the entire transaction in one basket, so it's really a fan of skateboarding dream shopping paradise.

The second opportunity I had missed earlier, with the skateCulture endlessly gaining momentum and sponsors eager to use a warning for the next "Pro", the profession of professional skaters "will soon face a reality for all the pimply kid at the local skate park. has an offer for this with a new book, "GO PRO: The Definitive Guide on how to become a professional skateboarder." A quick check around the interweb and you'll see there are very detailed information about the realMechanical Pro Skater involved, I would be curious to see what this book offers when I dream of one day winning the X Games vert ramp had to. Unfortunately, I'm more than forty and my trips to skate parks these days are linked from lots of panic punctuated by fleeting moments of joy, as I try hard some concrete flow, without eating too many. I think my dream of going pro are long gone, but I had the opportunity to review the book for my son, and my hipSkateboard production friend

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Lessons From the management of long-term capital


Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) hedge funds Brothers was founded in 1994 by John Meriwether, a very successful bond trader at Salomon. At Salomon, Meriwether one of the first Wall Street to top researchers and professors had to rent. Meriwether was a team of scientists, the models in the theories to trading based application. Meriwether at Salomon group of geniuses generated amazing returns and demonstrated an unprecedented abilityprecisely calculate risk and market factors.

Founded in 1994, Meriwether and LTCM Salomon left. The partners included two Nobel Prize economist, former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, a professor at Harvard University and other successful bond trader. This elite group of merchants and scientists attracted initial investment of approximately $ 1300000000 by many large institutional clients.


TheStrategy of LTCM was to be implemented on a simple concept, but difficult. LTCM used computer models to find arbitrage opportunities between markets. LTCM, the central strategy of convergence trades was when the securities were priced incorrectly relative to each other. LTCM long positions would be made under favorable safety and short positions in security are too expensive.

LTCM engaged in this strategy in international bond markets, emerging markets, U.S. Treasury bonds and other markets. LTCMThe money would be returned if it spreads and reduced the fair value of do. Later, when the capital base of LTCM Fund engaged in strategies outside their expertise, such as merger arbitrage and S & P 500 increased volatility.

These strategies, however, focused on small price differences. Myron Scholes, a partner, said, "Nickels LTCM as a giant vacuum cleaner that absorb all had overlooked another function." In a significant profit on small differencesValue of the positions of highly leveraged hedge funds. In early 1998, fund assets of approximately $ 5,000,000,000, and had borrowed over 125 billion dollars.


LTCM achieved excellent performance at first. Before charges, the fund gained 28% in 1994, 59% in 1995, 57% in 1996 and 27% in 1997. LTCM earned those returns with volatility downward surprisingly little. In April 1998, the value of a dollar invested has risen to $ 4.11.

But halfIn 1998, the Fund began to suffer losses. These losses were further compounded when Salomon Brothers left the field referee. Later in the year to preserve Russia defaulted on government bonds, an LTCM. Investors panicked and sold Japanese and European bonds and bought bonds of the United States. Sun spreads between increased Holding LTCM, losing huge amounts of traffic arbitrage. LTCM lost $ 1850000000 capital by the end of August 1998.

Spread between LTCMArbitrage trades and further expand the fund is experiencing a flight to liquidity, assets created in the first three weeks of September from 2.3 billion dollars shrink to 600 million dollars. Although returns on assets due to shrinking use of leverage, the value of the portfolio has not. However, the increased acceptance of the assets of the Fund's leverage. catalyzes Ultimately, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at $ 3625000000 bail-out by large institutional creditors to avoid a wider collapsefinancial markets caused LTCM leverage dramatic and large derivatives positions. At the end of September 1998, has invested the value of a dollar fell to $ 0.33 before charges.

Lessons from LTCM's Failure

excessive consumption of influence 1.Limitation

When engaging in investment strategies based on market prices of securities from converging to an estimated fair price, managers must be able to have a time long-term standunfavorable price changes. The dramatic use of leverage, the ability of capital invested in long-term adverse changes in prices is limited by the patience of creditors. Normally, lenders lose patience, as market crisis if borrowers need of capital. If the securities while an illiquid market crisis forced the fund will not.

LTCM, the use of leverage has also highlighted the lack of regulation in over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market. Many of the loans andReporting requirements established in other markets such as futures, were not on OTC derivatives. This lack of transparency means that the risk of leverage dramatic LTCM are not fully recognized.

The failure of LTCM not mean that any use of leverage is bad, but highlights the potential negative consequences of excessive borrowing.

2.Importance Risk Management

LTCM not different aspects of risk management internally.Agencies primarily on theoretical models and not enough on liquidity risk, risk, vulnerability, and stress tests concentrated.

With such large positions LTCM should have focused more on the liquidity risk. LTCM model is the probability of a crisis and the possibility of a flight to liquidity underestimated.

LTCM models also assumed that both long and short positions are highly correlated. This hypothesis was justified historically. Wins list does not guarantee future results. Stress test for modelreduction potential of correlations could have managed risk better.

In addition to LTCM, the hedge funds, large institutional creditors have the right to risk management. Impressed by the concessionaire All-Star Fund and large quantities of goods, if the credit terms very generous to many believers to exercise even if the creditors in considerable danger. Not many creditors to understand its total exposure to certain markets. During a crisis, the exposure in different areas of a companyspecific risks could cause dramatic damage.


LTCM would not have a truly independent monitoring of the operators. Without this control, the operators were able to create positions that were too risky.

LTCM an interesting case that shows the limits of the predictions based on historical data, and the importance of recognizing the potential failure of models. It also shows the story of LTCM, the risk of limited transparency in OTC derivativesMarket.

For more information on loans and investments, please visit the Sharpe Investing blog.

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Why not a society

If you are a holder of a commercial activity, you might ask why to form a company? Many people run their small businesses, sole proprietorships for many years. However, as tax time comes around, it could be dismayed to see how much profit your company pay the tax for a single company. This will be tested in many small business owners, whether built for the right to start their business.

An important reason why companies decide to accept is that the United StatesBusiness law favors the interests of businesses, giving them the rights, privileges and protections that are often not available to private. This brings us back to an early Supreme Court case that the amendment was added to it a court employee. The case of Santa Clara v Southern Pacific Railroad Co. and the employee was essentially wrote his own words, in the opinion of the court. The text will be added, adding that causes human society as a natural being considered, and gave them equal rights with menthe 14th Amendment of the Constitution. This classification is the entry point for several large companies influenced legislators rightly, growing in power and size have been helped in favor.

When it comes to registration, small business owners know that "These proceedings, help a certain risk, without the hazard of losing all Their goods can fold the business. There are advantages that come with all types of installation, but varyon how your business structure is.

Many businesses start as sole proprietors. This usually means that you do business under your own name, even if you do business with a fictitious name, the name of your company as well. A sole proprietorship is not a company, and the advantage of this is that you do not pay taxes, business, but you pay taxes on the profits of the company. The accounts are involved in a company generally less complexwould normally be expected for a company. Your company profits go directly to the entrepreneur in this model. The commercial structure is easily formed and legally dissolved, and you have control of your business decisions because they have no one to answer.

When the time comes to play, business owners usually the amount of taxes to pay less. As a sole proprietor, you must be the federal tax rate and a self-payTax, which is in effect double taxation. Many entrepreneurs want to learn to recognize a business structure, because they also want limited liability. Individual entrepreneurs can face unlimited liability if their company is sued, and their personal assets at risk.

When considering the inclusion of] Small Business [, can the owners of the LLC, C Corporation, S Corporation, and to choose non-profit status. For mostLearn how to embed the company [], the owners should, in any of these formats to see what is right for them.

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Top 50 Father Quotations

"The greatest gift I ever had came from God, and I call him Dad!"
- Anonymous

"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, corruption and corruption are common, children no longer obey their parents, and the end of the world seems closer."
- Assyrian clay tablet 2800 BC

"The joys of parents are secret, and so are their concerns and fears."
- Francis Bacon, Sr.

"A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when a woman istransforms them again. "
- Enid Bagnold

"We never know the love of our parents for us until we become parents."
- Henry Ward Beecher

"I always have in life as a voyage, mostly wonderful, sometimes frightening look. In my family and friends I have discovered treasure more valuable than gold."
- Jimmy Buffet

"The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them."
- Confucius

"Fatherhood tricksIt is currently more expensive SOAP-on-a-rope. "
- Bill Cosby

"You know, fathers have only one type, all together."
- Erika Cosby

"Be nice to your father when you were young, so dearly loved you, he he? Caught Before accents that fell from thy tongue, and go into your innocent joy."
- Margaret Courtney

"Role Models is the primary responsibility of parents. Parents are handing life for their children script, scripts,more likely for the rest of life for children, will be negotiated. "
- Stephen R. Covey

"What a terrible thing, must be to have a dull father."
- Mary Mapes Dodge

"On behalf of his father is another name for love."
- Fanny Fern

"Parents can tell but never teach, unless they practice what they preach."
- Arnold Glasow

"When Charles first saw our son of Mary, said the right things for a new father. He looked at the poor little redThing and blurted, "You're prettier than the Brooklyn Bridge."
- Helen Hayes

"For a successful father ... there is one absolute rule: when you have a child, do not do the first two years."
- Ernest Hemingway

wrapped "The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all in another."
- Burton Hillis

"I'm not caused by my history - my parents, my childhood and development. They are mirrors in which I captureInsights into my picture. "
- James Hillman

"There are fathers who do not love their children, there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson."
- Victor Hugo

"You must do your personal growth, no matter how tall your grandfather was."
- Irish Proverb

"Every forester can tell you that in a separate course and nest can be difficult, more expensive than a couple of eggs. So it is with the family."
- Thomas Jefferson

"My dear father, my dear friend,best and wisest man I ever met, who taught me many lessons and showed me many things as we share the country has gone through options. "
- Sarah Orne Jewett

"If a father to his son, both laugh, when a son gives to his father, both cry."
- Jewish Proverb

"The longer we live, the more I think the higher the value that we think of friendship and affection for parents and friends."
- Samuel Johnson

"It was expected in all subjects. But the children that their fatherslexicons his foot, do two jobs simultaneously in order to give answers to how they work, if the construction or installation of stone models ... digging a shrub, or planting flower beds ... Children have the right to ask their fathers. .. Fathers are the powers that be and their power and might need shelter, keep watch ee to teach and love ... All men with children have to learn these things ... done too soon, too soon, a small son grows and leaves to test the hand of his father on the wings of his manhood. "
- Roy Z.Kemp

"My father played with my brother and me in the yard. Mom come out and say:" You tear the grass. "We're not raising grass," my father replied: "We're raising boys. "- Harmon Killebrew
"At some point in the life of a man from the environment, inheritance is marked, and movements and changes in the world about HIM. Then comes the time when one is under his hand to the tone of His life in shape of the thing so that wants to be. Only the weak blame parents, their race,their time, lack of luck or the whims of fate. Everyone has to say in his power: "I am today that I will be tomorrow."
- Louis L'Amour

"A man knows he is old because it begins to resemble his father."
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"The love of a father is one of the greatest masterpieces of nature."
"The harmonization of happy family reunions - the old, very young The strangely lovely way they sang Christmas carols. For Christmas is tradition time -to commemorate the traditions, the precious memories over the years, the equality of all of them. "
- Helen Lowrie Marshall

"The thing to remember about fathers are men. A girl has to keep in mind: are dragon - the applicants, decided to rescue unlikely. Scratch any father, he is someone chock - full of qualms and romantic find terror is changing faith threat - like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bike that I took months to get this. "
- PhyllisMcGinley

"Everyone now seems to be in a terrible rush, anxious for greater development and greater wishes and so forth, so that children have very little time for their parents, parents have little time for each other, and the house starts to break of world peace. "
- Mother Teresa

"It 's much easier for a father to be."
- Nerburn Kent (Letters to My Son: Reflections on becoming a man)

"When the family goes, so goes the nation andit is clear the world in which we live. "
- Pope John Paul II

"Those who have learned to live, little more is due to the wisdom of the father of one who has much, leave to care for her father."
- William Penn

"The fundamental defect with fathers is that their child a credit card that want to be."
- Bertrand Russell

"Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly, and practice what was taughtthem. "
- Jonas Salk

"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an environment where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere found in a family to feed."
- Virginia Satir

wanted "I'm very blessed. My parents told me that I could be anything if you grew up in a family, so you learn to believe in yourself."
- Rick Schroeder

"No matter whoMy father was, it was important that I remember. "
- Anne Sexton

"It is a wise father that knows his son."
- William Shakespeare

"My father has some primary education to read and write and were given inaccurate accounts"
- George Bernard Shaw

'E' for a man fishing with his son take admirable, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping. "
- John hitherto

"The family - that dear octopuswhose tentacles we never quite escape, nor in our hearts, always as desired. "
- Dodie Smith

"All the feeling that my father could not put into words was put in hand - any dog, child or horse would recognize the goodness."
- Freya Stark

"It 's clear that most American children suffer too much mother and too little father."
- Gloria Steinem

to "children learn to smile from their parents."
- Shinichi Suzuki

"Cultivate your ability, yourstyle. Appreciate the members of your family who are, even though their style may be different from your Outlook or miles. Bunnies can not fly. Eagles do not swim. Ducks tried to get funny. Squirrels do not have feathers. Stop comparing. There are a lot of space in the forest. "
- Chuck Swindoll

"If I was a boy of 14 years, my father was so ignorant I could not stand to have the old him. But if I'm 21 years old, I was as surprised the old man had learnedin seven years. "
- Mark Twain

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