Avatar The Legend of Korra

Avatar has become a popular animated television series for Nickelodeon. It 'started telling the story of Aang, a young, smart avatars, who refused to embrace or leadership on the challenges of his fate. In three seasons, the show was followed by Aang and his friends when he learned the art of bending all the elements of the sample. The series then fell into the cracks like the most ardent fan of Lord of the elements of the universe have been waiting for. It has now been promised more, and the story iscontinue.

Avatar The Legend of Korra is published by Nickelodeon for a fourth season. It will not be a continuation of the trips as Aang the Avatar, but the story jumps forward about 70 years in the next Avatar Focus: Korra. Brown Johnson, the creator of history characterize the new avatar as "fiery, independent and ready to conquer the world." It looks like a flight of Aang version, without the desire to escape responsibility. This could mean some ardentThe conflict for the hero shows. Thank you for showing the lives of people in developed countries, said the speculation that some of the characters from the first installment will be back for the sequel to have a presence in recent history.

Avatar The Legend of Korra place in the city republic. When the show Korra, has already learned three of the four elements and must only learn how to bend air. City Republic is a technological machine which is operated byThe cooperation of the Fire Nation and the Water Framework Directive nation. The source of energy: steam pucks require the teamwork of water and fire bending. But, discovered beneath the surface of all Korra teamwork that there are other forces at hand. Along with a growing anti-bending and sympathy, the city is done by crime.

The new show promises on issues that have made to capitalize on a stroke while Aang adventures. Fans of the front row waiting for the nextInstallment of this story in 2011 and carrying out the journey. Rumor nephew Aang Korra a tutor and that is to find the Lost Airbender Nation. Nickelodeon has made a press release and additional play on the details vague. No matter who or what points the way, Avatar fans are certainly welcome this new adventure.

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