The new fashion - movie downloads legal

There are many options for downloading and / or movies online. At first, such as downloading music, downloading movies online is usually meant something illegal. Today there are many places to download movies or online. The possibility of illegal immigrants are still available, of course, but legal movie sites gaining momentum. This article is online legal sites to see and / or download movies.

You spend a lot of optionsthere. Each site has its own pricing model, selection of film formats and user experience.

Pricing Model

There are two pricing models and online download sites and will use the film - and monthly charges for the download.

Web sites that offer monthly subscriptions provide unlimited downloads for a flat monthly fee. CinemaNow, Netflix and Vongo for this model.

The price for all other major download pricing is exactly what it seemslike. You download a fee for each film. Amazon Unbox and iTunes in this way.

If you do not just think about a lot of movies in a month, the monthly fee is the way to go. There are also some movies that are available for free from each of the services and the various tests available for free to try it.


The selection ranges from service to service. New releases are hit or miss. Movies seem to be on DVD and available for hirefirst available for download. CinemaNow movie seems to get faster than the other. iTunes, the choice is limited to basic services.

Movie Format

The prevailing format for the services file download Windows Media Video (. WMV) is. iTunes is the obvious exception that offers files in MPEG-4.

User Experience

Every service you need to download the software so that you can download and watch movies. Each interface isdifferent, but in reality is a matter of personal preference. Vongo and CinemaNow has all the interfaces right.

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