Ten principles for bringing out the best in a.

People to liberate their potential and achieve their best efforts to try to fight for many reasons. Altruism, self-fulfillment, awards and curiosity are just some of them. The refined, innovative and cost of human achievements are often the result of the efforts of these people.

Why should companies focus on employees to get the best?
Create a larger truth is not a prerequisite for life. Citizenship, social,Freedom, and jobs are not based on it. People do not lose the citizenship or any other constitutional rights, because he gave his average effort and average performers (especially if the power to unlock the potential of the actors in comparison) are the backbone of many organizations.

Also, hard to maximize their potential. It requires a level of concentration, discipline and commitment that makes even the people solve wonder why: Why should I make ahigher than expected goal for me? Why should I deserve a second or third grade or cross-training if I already have a satisfying job? Why should I ask for the most demanding tasks? Why should I exercise more than necessary to carry on?

If this is hindering workers to overcome inertia, doubt, fear, ignorance, beliefs and behaviors that conflict and agreed to give something if you discover and develop their talents and repeated in the top level meeting taking theirOrganizations to new and unprecedented.

In addition to obtaining the right to try one of the best business, employees should do for themselves. Rene Daumel highlights one of the many pleasures to explore its potential in the statement below:

They can not stay on top forever, then you have to backtrack ... so why make the effort in the first place? Only this: what is above knows what is below, but is not white what is above. Salt, asees. You go, you can not see everything, but we have seen (Mont Analogue, 1952).

Change beliefs and behaviors
Life in general is made by marathon runners and sprinters. The vast majority of people are marathoners. Remain in the race and travel long distances at a time. But they never faster, their full potential. This implies to finish, bending the rule exit of a marathon runner, not the race. Sprint, on the other hand, do their bestshort distances calculated. Then stop to rest, rejuvenate and to plan further first-class performance.

If practiced consistently, the following principles enable companies to make a couple of sprinters from the large pool of endurance runners.

Principle 1: Maintain a vision. With eyes closed, many people would have the courage to go into a room. However, only few would dare to cross a busy street with your eyes closed. Now, imagine when crossing a road blindfolded.Similarly, a man without a vision or just go up as much danger, perhaps as much as she or he can go by relying on others. How organizations can not operate effectively without vision, people could never reach a better without. A vision is a dream or a vision that moves us to action. The greater the vision, the more it stimulates our mind is, our bodies and makes us work to achieve that commitment.

Management can help employeesimagination in the organization over time. Where do you see in years three, five or seven? Like their professional and personal goals mesh? How to align their visions with the vision of the organization? In addition to exploring the possibilities of this method is effective in determining whether employees are in place and organization.

Principle 2: Find and invest in talent. Each employee has a talent, this is what he or she is better. FromCoaching and counseling, and responsibilities of case assignment, management can improve the discovery and development of talents to bear. Employees in positions that allow them to use, effective, their talents to add the most value for your organization.

Principle 3: Living to learn. Implementation of a global potential requires lifelong learning. Continuous Learning is preparing us for the future, for the unknown. When the Wright brothers are still alive and refused to innovate oracquire the most modern date knowledge for the construction of aircraft, the aircraft were built today it would not be substantially different from that which was built decades. Probably not a market for him.

Management should pay and opportunities for continuous learning. That is, people find the property of their education and need to seek and expect to seize the opportunity to learn and grow. When Sir John Eccles, Nobel laureate, once observed: "Manunlimited capacity to learn. Unlike computers, no human brain has ever said: 'disk full' "(1972).

Principle 4: Identify and repair your blind spots. defects is not known, the people can be a constraint in their efforts to maximize their potential. Companies can help employees examine their blind spots and creating an environment, services, structured non-judgmental, and feedback for development.

Principle 5: Focus on the future. Many managers are able to giveFeedback. The analysis of past actions and behavior is made, the mistakes, because there is, and how to identify them correctly. This standard requires management to encourage staff not only invest the time to analyze and correct the past, but spend so much time, if not more, to explore alternatives that might lead to better results in the future. For each error, the sub-par performance or an obstacle, ask the staff to come up with at least three solutions. While nothing can be done to change thePast, there is always an opportunity to define the future. The article "Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback" by Marshall Goldsmith (Leader Leader, Summer 2002) is useful in understanding this perspective.

Another way to promote future direction is the challenge for the staff on an annual basis to a minimum, to identify ways to improve work processes, systems and results indicate.

Principle 6: Take calculated risks, but bold. The action is the only way to detect, refining, and testing ofLimits of his talent. Management that supports the risk through the promotion of staff. Challenge with new tasks and greater responsibility. Establish and maintain, not culture sanctions. Reward and recognition of creativity and innovation.

Principle 7: Maintain honest, trusting relationships. Although each individual is responsible for imagining and adoption of its future to achieve, requires the participation of others. Knowing that people tend to help othersthey know and trust, power relations are a means of ensuring climbing the rungs of the ladder to its full potential. Management can help with the building of trust and respect within the team.

Principle 8: Surround yourself with mentors. Life is full of pioneers. Even for a new vision, it is likely that someone has done something similar. If you do not have a mentor-protected relationship with the people who best represent your vision, listen to what they say or dohe said. Organizations can facilitate the mentoring of a favorable environment. It is an approach to economic development of employees.

Principle 9: Be happy and grateful, but are not complacent. Celebrate every success and milestone. But do not relax or stop. On the contrary, continually strives to exceed past achievements. The management can be supported by the systematic increase accountability of employees. Much as possible to give opportunities to staff to acquire new skills and takeincreasingly complex challenges.

Principle 10: Support others in their efforts to maximize their potential. Each person strives to do something about his talent. Lend a hand. While you should not expect something in return, your kindness and generosity will probably open doors for you. Managers can help in this regard, emphasizing the team concept. Your employees learn to help others when they are actually working as a team.

Although there may be other usefulIdeas for people to empower their best, have improved to reach these ten principles of employee satisfaction, increase skills, creativity and innovation and ultimately improve the bottom line.

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