misunderstandings of work - Why Conversational Styles confusion can and what you can do about it

Different conversational styles can be misunderstandings in the workplace. The interpretation of the verbal message is not only an understanding of words. Pitch, volume, pitch and speaking rate needs to be interpreted correctly and not as part of the hearer speakers.

These differences can talk culture, gender, regional influences and family back in style. Fast-talking New Yorker and the Southern drawl, a Texas native and send messagesin a colloquial style, listeners may confuse the unusual features of these styles. These differences between the types are illustrated in the following story:

My sister and I had a lively conversation about the economic we were from. Her boyfriend, who was visiting from Scotland, was to listen to our conversation from another room music. As my sister and I came up with the ideas and visions for our new business, the stronger we have.

In somePoint is, my sister in the kitchen only to find her friend angry. When asked what the problem was, he confessed that he was desperate because we were fighting so loud. He called my sister to pack her suitcase because he did not feel that it was appropriate to stay in my house, if not the two of us could take a long time.

My sister laughed when he noticed that interprets our entertainment for trouble. He did not know that this explanation could buy his first party as a background only loud, lively and energetic pace seen as conflicting.

Of course, my sister and I had different points of view, but that night we heard Venture made ​​enormous progress in mapping, a mutually acceptable solution for our direction. We were very excited that our conversation had led to as much as we agreed and we were excited to try out our new start.

You see, we grew up in a large Italian family and in competition with fiveBrothers> heard. Explosive meant to talk about their feelings and a culture that revered men my sister and I got to hide or to compete for survival.

The same kind of interpretation is often at work. Attention to the behavior of people who are talking or listening, which is essential for the proper understanding of a conversation.

If I do not know something, right, ask yourself if your interpretation is distorted by astyle unknown caller.

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