The reason for the success of Wii

When the Games began, there was this huge explosion of excitement. Anyone interested and wanted to see "The Next Best Thing." There was no avoiding the presence of this interactive medium. They would go into your local restaurant, only the great line-up for the next game of Donkey Kong and Pac-Man to find. Video games were the New Kids on the Block. They were new, fresh, fun and exciting. In the first half of 1980, the video game industry has crashed. It wasBeginning of the End? As it turns out that it was not so lucky.

New to the industry, Nintendo was responsible for the release of the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), which are essentially single-practical revive the entire industry. Although Nintendo is a century old, on, video games, especially for a new company they were, there was much skepticism. This skepticism was quickly put to rest when they released their first game console, with the internationally recognizedGame mascot Super Mario Brothers. This game was solely responsible for the sector back on the floor. One reason for the game of great success is not only given to people nice personality, but also to the fact that Super Mario Brothers, and himself, was a revolutionary game. There was nothing like that right now. There was a new wave of interactivity and a new generation of players born. going back in the early days wasa particular element, all the games had in common: convenience.

Games were pretty easy to pick-up-and-Play, and as a result, this allows a large number of people who were interested in the medium and try it. developed over time, of course, games. At the same time, when the games started to develop more, so the complexity is due to perform his. Historically, all video games in two dimensions (2D) is presented. In the mid-90s, but we had games that ran from importthe third dimension (3-D). Therefore, they have a whole new dimension of complexity, if you will, with him directly. Even though the games in 3-D may have some impact on the "ease of use" factor had a lot of games would be difficult to do with the natural course of the game controller. In essence, the tools used to control the players of what is happening on screen.

Used as a consequence of the fact that people playing and enjoying games, suddenly turned their backs on them. Notthey were not interested, but more because they could not simply with the complex, which now have been presented before them. If you do some research, you will find that this increased difficulty was reflected in revenues, or the lack of industrial growth. The amount of people playing video games were used decreases sharply. For the industry was in a kind of frenzy. There was a catch, but really have shown their concern - the company was Nintendo. It 'been a2004, when Nintendo said that he felt the need to change the field, and held one of the processes, these changes. The result: Both the Nintendo DS and Wii.

It would almost have been living under a rock not to hear from these systems. Your success is up to now simply unprecedented. But why? The answer is quite simple - the two systems are very simple to use. In a sense, back to the base of the games could be played by anyone. The DS usesa touch screen, like the interface and a pen as a "controller". But this combination really works, and it is clear from the sale reflected by the system. The Wii on the other side is the basic movement, with a controller that looks like one, get this, a TV remote control! Who has not, and uses a TV remote control? Almost everyone does, and has been developed in this way, the reason why the Wii Remote as it is. The Wii interface makes the game simple and did not seem so over the current sales figuresTo test the system at that point. The brilliant thing Nintendo was the latest technology, but in a way that simplifies the process so anyone can use. In other words, high technology, it is easy to use. Brilliant!

industry analysis shows that after the release of Wii and DS to expand the industry has started again. People who once stopped playing the games began to play again. Even more important were the people who have never touched a game before, have all of the suddenare involved. Now it seems that the industry as a whole operates on the expansion of market reach people of all ages and nationalities. a medium that can stand proudly alongside other forms of entertainment such as movies and music - a destination where one day people will be looking at video games as a legitimate form of entertainment. Be assured, that day comes!

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