How to improve the look and feel of your site

Project a professional image is crucial to your
Site for success. It can make or break your online
Business. In order to improve this handy article and links
The look and feel of your site.

First, take an overview of your website. What is
Subject to your site? Define up to a
specific topic - your niche.

For example, you can create a site about sports.
You are limited to a particularSport;
say baseball. They may also have reduced
Then, a certain baseball team.

Whatever the topic of your website, keep
Content within your site on the topic. Obvious, but
important. Someone comes to check on your site
the Yankees - not, please go to
"How to hook a rug!"

Make sure your website on '. This
What only improved the professional image of your
Site projects.

NextConsider your audience that it is intended? Who are
It is targeting? For example, if there is a general information site,
It may be the world. Anyone who is interested in news.

If there is a site dedicated to breeding dogs - the public is
probably of dog breeders or other potential dog
Breeding. Expect someone visits your site
see the content / information on dog breeding.

Keep your website visitors in mind at all times.

Now consider the layout andDesign your site. E '
for your topic and your audience. You
the color scheme and design of your object?
It is the design and layout to fit your audience?

A website catering for young visitors and offers on-line
Role-playing games, they will have the same layout
or combination of colors before a conservative business location.
Appeal for the subject matter and the public, again
keep in mind all the time.

When designing your sitego for simplicity. It is not difficult
them with too much flash and dazzle. Offer your visitors
with what they're looking for - and do it quickly. Not
Your visitors will come directly through the tire, what are
Research. Do you have an "easy to navigate, link structure.

Keep the overall design within two or three colors. You can
also try an old trick artist, make it almost monochrome
focus with a free color to your Split
PointsInterests. Make sure that the characters are consistent and
easy to read in all the different browser. Maintain the same
name, logo or trademark on all sides - do not confuse your

Well, some specific changes or additions
can "Tune-up your website. This should improve
The look and feel of your site.

Them to remain just a memory!

1. Create a file "favicon.ico" if you have none. Watch
Contact yourComputer system tray, you should use a version
a favicon of the programs on your computer. These are small
'16x16 "Icons or symbols for your site or product. All major
Sites that have. Here's how:

Use a paint or photo program like Adobe or Paint Shop
Pro Just take your logo or a part thereof, and reduced
an image x 16 16. Set the resolution and play
with him. You can simply use a single letter from your own site
Name andJazz is a bit '. You should upload this picture
on your site directly into an ICO file called "favicon.ico"
- Very logical Mr. Spock!

Extra help:

Give them eye candy!

2. They have a logo. Or someone will design for you. Nothing
professional says a cool logo! Really good
Brand your site will be in the minds of visitors.
They have this logo on all web pages.

LogoBuildings help here:

Put them on the map!

3. Make a sitemap for your site. It is extremely important to make
Make sure you have a Sitemap for your site. Place all links
(If possible) here on your site. It will unify your site
and of immense value to users. It is a common
Courtesy can not, must not be ignored. Ideally, you should
have a link to the sitemap on all web pages.


4. Redirect page. Create a redirect or an error page if the
Web host does not support. This is a catch-all page
the 404 file not found "is displayed. It 's your site
professional, in addition to not lose all fought
for visitors. Make sure you redirect the page has a link to
Your sitemap.

Try this link for help:

Blog Them!

5. Start a blog and RSS feeds for the site.If you have not
post a blog on your site - do it now! This is an addition
On your website should have. Start a blog about
Your website or something in addition added. Will be there to
visitor interaction and give your site a boost in
Evaluations. (Use the link at the end of this article if you need
Help with creating a blog.)

It will also give you an RSS feed that allows
Share the content of the site or information. Placean orange
RSS or XML button on your site. Because RSS is something new -
you might want a little note, or XML site
RSS feed. Invite your guests the ultimate in comfort.

Send them to the doctor

6. Doctor HTML. Check the spelling of your HTML and
Site. Sites like these are great. They give you a
Tune-up for free! I used this and is very good.
What you really check browser compatibility isand
broken links. It will also squish the HTML code to save the
Load time. It checks the coding and spelling errors
on your site.

Correct any glaring fake "pas code into your website.

You can use the HTML physician can be found here:

You can also go NetMechanic, reduce the graphics on your
Site. As the network is broadband, which is always less
a problem, but it is always better to have a fast chargeSite.

GifBot by NetMechanic

Keep Them Navigation

7. Next check your website in all browsers. It could
surprised at how your site appears in a different browser.
Firefox requires users to check the logs can be found at
which browser you use. Make sure your site
looks and works perfectly in these systems.

If you have lots of friends with computers, have you checked your website
Operating SystemSystems and see how it looks. Take
necessary changes. You can also try Screen
Tester size down.

Give them Spider Food!

8. Spend a day or so, check all your keywords. List
Your site keywords important. Those who are targeting.
Optimized for search engines. Most of the traffic on
Website come from search engines, so make sure your site
optimized for them. Makesubmitted to your site
For all these engines.

Check the 'title' and 'description' meta tags for all
obvious errors. These are indexed and are often the first
Line of contact with potential visitors to your website.
Professionalism here could have a significant impact on
the amount of traffic to your site!

There are some great Search Engine Optimization Tools:

Give them a gentle reminder!

9. MakeMake sure you have a favorite. Simple, but many
Websites will not promote the active participation of visitors Bookmarks
its website. Do you have a logo or link on every page bookmark
Your site. Remind your visitors to bookmark. This is a
great source of free traffic.

You can get a free script from Michael Bloch:

Certainly jazz!

10. Spice up your site! Try to find things that
Your site more interesting. Give your visitors anBasic
to visit your site other than great content. End
a free service, as it uses the doctor!
Run a contest! Giving away free stuff or if additional bonus
visiting the site. How does your
The visitors something special.

Maybe try a headliner from for your RSS feed.
This means that all securities. Add audio and video
"Testimonials". Add other graphics such as those cited
Here: favicons, bookmark,Site Map, etc.

But do not overdo it with graphics, but still too few
Your site visually interesting. Even a visually
Barebones site like Google does with their logo on
special occasions. It adds a touch of style.

It is estimated that more than fifty percent of network users
Now broadband, the use of the graphics are not very
harmful as it once was. But again, no longer do so
a little spice goes a long way.

But do not put on the styleSubstance. Everything
to content. Give your visitors valuable content or good
Information and improve your site faster
All the above points. Do not forget that the basis
Ingredient, while the fine-tuning your site.

And do not forget your visitors. Make your visit
your site more enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

Keep your visitors in mind.

Each is a special guest. Everyone deserves the bestWebsite
They can produce. Everyone is ...

A VIP with a cursor! Give them the royal treatment!

Your site will enjoy and look good
while doing it!

Records Music

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