Nintendo Retro: Looking Back and loving it

I look back on my glory days video game and I could just let out a silent laugh and a sigh. A sigh, because it was the happiest moments of my life when I had something other than Mario and Donkey Kong to think, and over time I helpless, never again to have things first, careless, fun and Worry-Free!

We all have a fair share of video game memories. Mine is a memory I have, along with retro Nintendo. I love the game of mythe good old trusty Nintendo and play carefree long hours in front of the tube, way back when the TV is very cumbersome and gives you a lot of eye strain and leaves you with a throbbing headache. Yes, I am a player retro!

Nintendo has never failed companies worldwide in providing fun and entertainment for the players. I am constantly in awe of what they have to offer their loyal customers. The games may not be as attractive as they are today, we have to a greater height andHorizon, for the joy of retro gamer way back.

Characterized as a game all season on the stratosphere saved console gamers have all returned to the popular Nintendo Entertainment System, or turning on the NES. Who remembers the SNES games and the rest of the games we have in common and bet with our friends? Well, not me! I always liked this kind of games. The fun and nostalgia inexplicably from this video-gamesetch always a great memory or two in the hearts of children, teenagers, and now the 'young at heart "of players, and retro Nintendo SNES.

Currently, there are several sites to play online games, some social issues on Facebook and other social rights, but I'm always on my Kong time classic favorites as all the Super Mario Bros. and Donkey. Every time I play back this'm attached to my 16-year old car in front of my TV eating potato chips and greasyExplosion with my favorite retro Nintendo friend.


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