The Blériot XI

If you wanted to study the aerodynamics, just a plane soon to be designed to look like the Blériot XI. There are high-bypass ratio turbofan lounge or upper deck, or Global Positioning System. Instead, the plane, a pure expression of design solutions will be needed to overcome the four forces of flight: lift, weight, thrust and drag. One of these "studies" can run at Cole Palen's Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in Rhinebeck, New York will be taken.

The highlight of thelast ten configurations built Bleriot Louis Bleriot, who had re-invested automobile French francs accumulated during a Curtiss 000 companies in the manufacturing sector lamp 60 for the development of a technologically successful airplane in a race with names like the Wright brothers, Henri Farman, Santos Dumont and Glenn had the same first XI practical bridge in the world.

The Bleriot VII, establishing their first had appeared with a partially enclosed body homeits only pilot, wing attached to a tubular structure above the cockpit Cabane, a four-page, Antoinette 50 hp engine, a big lift twin rudders, a small rudder, and turning, wheel independent springs. Although at 18 December 1907 fell, had provided the basis for a future, final draft.

by The Bleriot VIII, fast, low-wing configuration was maintained, but had submitted a broken aileron tip and tricycle landing gear, eachmade up of individual wheels.

Although the Bleriot IX was a larger version of the Bleriot VIII and X had launched a slide-helix agreement with triple canard rudder had these intermediate steps offered little to the final design and was therefore quickly rejected. The final draft was modeled as a Bleriot XI.

His long trunk, thin, longitudinal ash, fir poles and beams held together by wire trusses wereLight, yet strong, and that the common starting point for the aerodynamic surfaces and engine. Only half of the material covered, it seemed primitive and crude, but functional.

rib fabric wing shaped with rounded tips, which is described with a wingspan of 28.2 meters and 151 square meters and are joint-connected to the fuselage with a dihedral angle and provide a substantial. Its upper surface and down sharply lowered peak were themselves expressions of aerodynamics. Eng-runfrom their upper surfaces, reduction and air flow on its trailing edge, the pressure to higher, increasing the speed of the airflow, and what to "react" to sail in the principle of lift. Neither the high-lift devices such as slats and flaps, ailerons and were not included, either. Instead, the lateral control of the Wright brothers has been made ​​available by 'wing actuators developed the method, a reverse warp pylon mounted under the fuselage, the attachment to the wire.differential rotation of the entire wing, turned it into an enormous wings, increasing the angle of incidence and cause flight Bank.

A stabilizer rectangular 16-meter square, mounted below the cone-shaped structure at the end, provided that the deviation for the control of the pitch axis, while a 4.5 square meters, all the helms in motion, provided seemingly small, the 'aircraft, the yaw control at the end of the fuselage.

A three-cylinder, air-cooled, inverted Y, 35-hp AnzaniEngine replaces the original design, 30-hp engine and a striker REP, ash, mahogany drove a propeller-shaped scitmar diameter 6.87 m at 1350 rpm. Due to the inadequate capacity of the engines then in existence, the Blériot XI was, like all first projects, forced ranking with power to weight ratio, their designers, counteractively use strong, but the structures of light wood and woven aerodynamic surfaces .

The smooth, finely ground, consumingshaped propeller itself was a combination of work-of-art have been carving and aerodynamic term. Basically a little wings, turning perpendicular to the trajectory developed, is pushing the same way a wing creates lift, the wind hits him with his plan of rotation. Why was set at an angle of attack, and because he had a fall-shaped profile, has developed a lift on here as "push", the propellers of the "twist" to keep it down to the same newAngle of attack along the beam with its high angle of attack near its hub, but with a low near its edge.

L ', ashes before had the same attachment point for two of the three aircraft to make sure that the wheels beautiful races, studs, wheels, tires, packaging periodic strip of adhesion between tire and rim. The chassis is unique, pan-capacity, its roots, the Bleriot VII, more properly to enable permit the airplane to operate in the background wind field, asThe helm area small enough to work against them in a significant way and offered the meeting was too weak structurally to resist lateral forces. As a result we had to take a position above the earth in a corner.

The cockpit, which consists of a wooden frame and fabric features rubber on the sides, the Bleriot designed control where attached a small, round, non-rotating wheel on a vertical pole, which had a turn, the metal is based,Half-dome "yoke" or "bell" in French, in which the two came back and the rudder control, two wing-warping wires attached. The surfaces have been moved from the launch of the stick forward, backward, or on both sides. a compass and a fuel quantity indicator: Cockpit "sophistication" was completed with a butterfly on the right side of the engine and two instruments.

A small tank barrel as it was installed horizontally between the engine and passenger compartment.

The BleriotXI, 35 hp engine driven Anzani, had a total weight of 661-ppund presented and could reach a speed of 47 mph.

First flight 15th March 1909, with the former Motor REP, had missed only a distance of 8,200 meters, but the beginning does not seem unhappy that a draft power and success, for only four months later, on July 25, had a record , 25 miles, the first flight across the English Channel from Calais, France, Dover, England, winning the DailyMail the 1000 Award for the British Pound feat. The historical event, generating worldwide attention, triggered an influx of orders for the type.

The Blériot XI-design, low power and minimal surfaces dictate its effective functioning. The brake without aircraft, for example, can be controlled only intended for its rowing on the ground. Take off because of the high angle of attack of the wing is optimal, an improvement or complete choking yoke, sheds the factCoda for a position parallel to the ground and puts all the weight of the airplane on the main wheels, while the wind-induced angle tracking wholly or partially offset by deflections of the rudder are, depending on the degree, and his pivotal forward completed frame. Thus, as outlined in the plan leads to a shallow slope. The wing is falling and the environment, together with ground effect is a temporary aid, but is still owned by a sudden stop.

The phase-slope profile;dictated not by the air traffic control restrictions, but their speed increases lift requirements in each "peak".

Despite maintaining the full power and maximum must flow through the engine to its "air cooled" for justice is slow, delicate design susceptible to wind gusts, and the banks should be flat and smooth. The power is not sufficiently available, with which rotates 30 degrees and above the surface of the load bank exponentially, resulting in inevitableStands. wing-warping lateral control is minimal and slow.

Full-Power cuts throttle descended nose-down perfect just before the wheels touch the ground arrested. power reductions are due to the inadequacy of the previous engine power, and before landing unarrestable overflaring force the cell to its tail.

The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Bleriot XI, which was built in cell # 56 is the oldest still flying in the U.S., eclipsed only by ShuttleworthCollection Bleriot, building # 14 bears.

Having crashed during a meeting in 1910 in air Sauguss, Massachusetts, who had then Rhinebeck example of Prof. HH BOC Edwards, who on a daily basis, while cycling to work and had saved him, where before they had acquired Bill Champlin of Laconia, New Hampshire. Onwardly donated to Cole Palen had in 1952 was without its engine and aerodynamic surfaces, but the third front and rear, otherwisecomplete. The newly built wing, stabilizer and rudder was provided to Stormville Airport two years later, in October.

Because of the fragility of the aircraft is in "short lines" bordered by Old Rhinebeck rolling grass field on Saturday during "A History of Flight" air show that only a maximum height of 60 feet. However, these two steps away from a simple and elegant expression of aerodynamics to find traces of their origin, thus representing the then "longDistance "through the English Channel, the original Bleriot XI, a century ago as the first practical bridge in the world and predecessors to all modern aircraft, which had been regularly made links with the world.

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