A Good Man is hard to find - especially in difficult times

Whether we admit it or not, there's something in the human heart, the darkness and chaos is drawn. You know, you suddenly get super-human hearing, when tires screeching in the distance? Or the strange joy that comes when the Joker blows a hospital nurse in her uniform more? This mischievous tendency, by Edgar Allen Poe's famous, sits above the "imp of the perverse," just below the surface of everyday life for many people. Perhaps our love for the violentEntertainment - if action movies, video games, Death Metal, or about seven thousand television crime series currently on air - can be seen as a sort of collective catharsis for companies struggling with the problem of what it means to be civilized.

For some people in any society, however, the imp of the perverse is proving to be much more convincing than the angel on his shoulder. What is to be evil in this summer blockbuster tells the story cathartica group of men. With Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, "Public Enemy" tells the story of 1930's most famous American bank robbers during what later became known as "public enemy era". What catches our attention to this film - apart from the amazing title track from Otis Taylor provided, or the fact that Depp has taken a Dorian Gray on his body clock seems to have - is that it gives us an idea of ​​what, when the our psyche. Slashed the wheel violently to theleft on the road? Yes, it's really that simple.

More interesting, perhaps, are the questions raised in such stories, what motivates people on the margins of behavior. Why: "Public Enemy" is set during the Great Depression, that despite what the latest news you can believe, remains by far the worst recession in American history. For a better sense of how things are desperate, remember that in 1933 (right in the middle-era Public Enemy)more than 100,000 Americans applied to emigrate to Josef Stalin's Soviet Union. Yes, applied. Heck, put African colonial subjects in Cameroon, a fundraiser for the poor citizens of the United States - and successfully raised nearly four million dollars in aid. (Photo Cameroon Bono leads the charge to feed hungry Americans.) In this sense, one could argue that bankrobbing simply an extreme example of the ends is driven by people in need.

But what aboutcitizens rich and seemingly well-adjusted, turns out to be a serial killer? Or our childhood fascination killing pests and insects - or even pets? As Flannery O'Connor explores in his 1953 story "A Good Man is hard to find," the human psychology is not particularly fond of simple cause-effect. While in the process of killing three generations of a family history of the evil antagonist (simply called "The Misfit") explainsthat there is "nothing to do for you, but enjoy the few minutes you can be the best you can next -.. I kill someone or burn his house or doing some other meanness to him no pleasure but meanness" This idea of ​​vulgarity for vulgarity's sake, to challenge the idea that people are basically good, or that the mitigating circumstances of life, which catalyze the individuals of a certain type of behavior.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that we see continually fascinated byThings are so bad to good people often. Hopefully, word of our willingness to pay more than five dollars for the same popcorn, is nothing but a deeply rooted desire, unconscious process - and eliminate - these dark trends

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